% RADIATE format v 2.0
% This file contains ray-tracing results.
% Created by: Armin Hofmeister, Technische Universit�t Wien
% Created with RADIATE program developed by Armin Hofmeister
%    Version: 2.0_Fortran
%    Subversion: global_limit
% File created on:
%    2020-01-30 | 12:09:50.177
% Data content:
%    Ray-tracing results for session:
%        19JUL12XU#####
%    Total number of observations:
%        50
% Chosen ray-tracing options:
%    Assignment of observations to the epochs of the numerical weather model:
%        one_epoch_per_obs
%    Method of vertical interpolation (horizontal treatment):
%        profilewise
%    Method of numerical weather model usage:
%        Full grid information used
%    Ray-tracing approach:
%        pwl
%    Station coordinate catalogue-file:
%        vlbi.ell
% Numerical weather model used:
%    Epoch 1: 2019071218 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg
% Origin and use of the observational data:
%    Observational data (scan number, observation time, station, azimuth, elevation, source)
%    as well as temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values provided in this file
%    originate from the AzEl-file created by VieVS.
%    The reported temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values from the numerical
%    weather model at the station positions have been determined from the numerical weather
%    model by interpolation within the ray-tracing application.
%    Ray-tracing used temperature-, pressure- and water vapour-values only from the numerical
%    weather model.
% Data columns:
%    1  .... scannumber
%    2  .... mjd
%    3  .... year
%    4  .... day of year
%    5  .... hour
%    6  .... min
%    7  .... sec
%    8  .... station
%    9  .... azimuth in [rad]
%    10 .... outgoing elevation angle (calculated, theoretical) in [rad]
%    11 .... source
%    12 .... temperature at station in [�C]
%    13 .... pressure at station in [hPa]
%    14 .... water vapour pressure at station in [hPa]
%    15 .... zenith total delay in [m]
%    16 .... zenith hydrostatic delay in [m]
%    17 .... zenith wet delay in [m]
%    18 .... slant total delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    19 .... slant hydrostatic delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    20 .... slant wet delay in [m]
%    21 .... elevation angle at station in [rad]
%    22 .... outgoing elevation angle from ray-tracing in [rad]
%    23 .... geometric bending effect in [m]
%    24 .... total mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [total_delay_along_the_path / total_zenith_delay]
%    25 .... hydrostatic mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [hydrostatic_delay_along_the_path / hydrostatic_zenith_delay]
%    26 .... wet mapping factor [wet_delay_along_the_path / wet_zenith_delay]
%    27 .... temperature at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [�C]
%    28 .... pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    29 .... water vapour pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    1|          2|   3|  4| 5| 6|    7|       8|                   9|                  10|      11|    12|     13|    14|       15|       16|       17|       18|       19|       20|          21|          22|       23|        24|        25|        26|    27|     28|    29
% scan|        mjd|year|doy| h| m|  sec| station|       azimuth [rad]|   calc. elev. [rad]|  source|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]|  ztd [m]|  zhd [m]|  zwd [m]|  std [m]|  shd [m]|  swd [m]|e at st[rad]|e rtrd [rad]|bend. [m]|  total mf|  hydr. mf|    wet mf|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]
     1 58676.78137 2019 193 18 45 10.00 SESHAN25    4.979329320054356    0.612523947390819 1751+288  22.30 1000.80 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    4.6817    3.9510    0.7307    0.6130538    0.6125240    0.0009    1.73449    1.73482    1.73272  22.94  998.48  26.22
     1 58676.78137 2019 193 18 45 10.00 WETTZELL    1.828971257964887    0.888581165211188 1751+288  17.79  941.50  15.25    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    2.9436    2.7570    0.1866    0.8888359    0.8885812    0.0002    1.28742    1.28733    1.28870  16.11  940.29  13.84
     2 58676.78300 2019 193 18 47 31.00 SESHAN25    0.210653685047514    0.777382830569096 0016+731  22.30 1000.80 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    3.8424    3.2425    0.5998    0.7777616    0.7773829    0.0004    1.42355    1.42373    1.42253  22.94  998.48  26.22
     2 58676.78300 2019 193 18 47 31.00 WETTZELL    0.225436246726247    0.622935081102900 0016+731  17.70  941.50  15.18    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    3.9098    3.6616    0.2482    0.6233710    0.6229351    0.0006    1.70996    1.70971    1.71365  16.11  940.29  13.84
     3 58676.78590 2019 193 18 51 42.00 SESHAN25    3.301467586435160    1.445803660054070 2209+236  22.19 1000.90 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    2.7204    2.2954    0.4251    1.4458506    1.4458037    0.0000    1.00788    1.00785    1.00805  22.94  998.48  26.22
     3 58676.78590 2019 193 18 51 42.00 WETTZELL    1.077706089937968    0.132853301557047 2209+236  17.60  941.50  15.28    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448   16.2691   15.2149    1.0541    0.1350580    0.1328533    0.0616    7.11540    7.10433    7.27911  16.11  940.29  13.84
     4 58676.78817 2019 193 18 54 58.00 SESHAN25    5.665325308122502    1.088333152510377 3C418     22.10 1000.89 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    3.0453    2.5700    0.4754    1.0885286    1.0883332    0.0001    1.12826    1.12842    1.12735  22.94  998.48  26.22
     4 58676.78817 2019 193 18 54 58.00 WETTZELL    0.940107467244029    0.697244941211663 3C418     17.60  941.50  15.34    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    3.5548    3.3292    0.2256    0.6976190    0.6972449    0.0004    1.55473    1.55451    1.55799  16.11  940.29  13.84
     5 58676.78933 2019 193 18 56 38.00 SESHAN25    6.058232210286827    0.614144604039952 1803+784  22.10 1000.82 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    4.6704    3.9418    0.7286    0.6146726    0.6141446    0.0009    1.73032    1.73076    1.72792  22.94  998.48  26.22
     5 58676.78933 2019 193 18 56 38.00 WETTZELL    0.249787946007430    0.992623958788267 1803+784  17.60  941.50  15.34    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    2.7287    2.5558    0.1730    0.9928287    0.9926240    0.0001    1.19343    1.19337    1.19429  16.11  940.29  13.84
     6 58676.79221 2019 193 19  0 47.00 SESHAN25    0.192225990139504    0.787331764440230 0016+731  22.10 1000.99 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    3.8043    3.2104    0.5939    0.7877031    0.7873318    0.0004    1.40943    1.40963    1.40840  22.94  998.48  26.22
     6 58676.79221 2019 193 19  0 47.00 WETTZELL    0.242563448260504    0.631740361169340 0016+731  17.60  941.40  15.38    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    3.8629    3.6177    0.2452    0.6321683    0.6317404    0.0006    1.68946    1.68922    1.69303  16.11  940.29  13.84
     7 58676.79405 2019 193 19  3 26.00 SESHAN25    4.673044346824632    0.394856064324368 1749+096  22.10 1000.80 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    6.9665    5.8780    1.0885    0.3957451    0.3948561    0.0037    2.58098    2.58092    2.58131  22.94  998.48  26.22
     7 58676.79405 2019 193 19  3 26.00 WETTZELL    2.218938233631913    0.678897334419303 1749+096  17.59  941.40  15.58    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    3.6350    3.4044    0.2306    0.6792856    0.6788973    0.0004    1.58980    1.58964    1.59210  16.11  940.29  13.84
     8 58676.79601 2019 193 19  6 15.00 SESHAN25    3.711831302342147    1.425988104629844 2209+236  22.10 1000.80 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    2.7277    2.3015    0.4262    1.4260425    1.4259881    0.0000    1.01058    1.01056    1.01068  22.94  998.48  26.22
     8 58676.79601 2019 193 19  6 15.00 WETTZELL    1.122983226354681    0.169970002241975 2209+236  17.49  941.40  15.60    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448   13.0185   12.1815    0.8370    0.1717268    0.1699700    0.0316    5.69373    5.68793    5.77951  16.11  940.29  13.84
     9 58676.79794 2019 193 19  9  2.00 SESHAN25    5.619432655534313    1.056799722294103 3C418     22.10 1000.82 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    3.0978    2.6143    0.4835    1.0570104    1.0567997    0.0001    1.14770    1.14788    1.14672  22.94  998.48  26.22
     9 58676.79794 2019 193 19  9  2.00 WETTZELL    0.966478822666882    0.730070012434869 3C418     17.40  941.40  15.61    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    3.4233    3.2061    0.2172    0.7304202    0.7300700    0.0003    1.49720    1.49701    1.50006  16.11  940.29  13.84
    10 58676.79906 2019 193 19 10 39.00 SESHAN25    6.054280523920380    0.602325926955739 1803+784  22.10 1000.99 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    4.7497    4.0087    0.7410    0.6028673    0.6023260    0.0009    1.75970    1.76015    1.75723  22.94  998.48  26.22
    10 58676.79906 2019 193 19 10 39.00 WETTZELL    0.235861734611197    1.002274633885912 1803+784  17.40  941.40  15.65    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    2.7118    2.5400    0.1719    1.0024751    1.0022746    0.0001    1.18604    1.18598    1.18686  16.11  940.29  13.84
    11 58676.80032 2019 193 19 12 28.00 SESHAN25    5.022672305718250    0.514480796405564 1751+288  22.11 1000.90 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    5.4622    4.6098    0.8524    0.5151385    0.5144809    0.0016    2.02367    2.02408    2.02150  22.94  998.48  26.22
    11 58676.80032 2019 193 19 12 28.00 WETTZELL    1.951997971992173    0.962745066906205 1751+288  17.40  941.40  15.65    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    2.7843    2.6078    0.1765    0.9629634    0.9627451    0.0001    1.21774    1.21767    1.21864  16.11  940.29  13.84
    12 58676.80190 2019 193 19 14 44.00 SESHAN25    0.171653447991864    0.796792856867939 0016+731  22.20 1000.89 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    3.7691    3.1807    0.5884    0.7971573    0.7967929    0.0003    1.39640    1.39659    1.39534  22.94  998.48  26.22
    12 58676.80190 2019 193 19 14 44.00 WETTZELL    0.260137304550770    0.641671837856190 0016+731  17.39  941.39  15.76    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    3.8117    3.5698    0.2419    0.6420910    0.6416718    0.0005    1.66708    1.66684    1.67052  16.11  940.29  13.84
    13 58676.80370 2019 193 19 17 20.00 SESHAN25    4.704935272328908    0.342796915649055 1749+096  22.20 1000.80 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    7.9526    6.7098    1.2428    0.3438323    0.3427969    0.0058    2.94634    2.94615    2.94737  22.94  998.48  26.22
    13 58676.80370 2019 193 19 17 20.00 WETTZELL    2.285815004165507    0.709792224544938 1749+096  17.30  941.30  15.75    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    3.5033    3.2812    0.2222    0.7101569    0.7097922    0.0004    1.53220    1.53208    1.53409  16.11  940.29  13.84
    14 58676.80568 2019 193 19 20 11.00 SESHAN25    3.986812445964776    1.391796113013547 2209+236  22.20 1000.80 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    2.7429    2.3144    0.4285    1.3918636    1.3917961    0.0000    1.01621    1.01620    1.01626  22.94  998.48  26.22
    14 58676.80568 2019 193 19 20 11.00 WETTZELL    1.165959512333194    0.206276376454107 2209+236  17.30  941.30  15.84    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448   10.8777   10.1813    0.6964    0.2077354    0.2062764    0.0183    4.75745    4.75396    4.80909  16.11  940.29  13.84
    15 58676.80740 2019 193 19 22 39.00 SESHAN25    5.582618306757261    1.024615495089946 3C418     22.20 1000.81 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    3.1566    2.6639    0.4927    1.0248423    1.0246155    0.0001    1.16947    1.16966    1.16841  22.94  998.48  26.22
    15 58676.80740 2019 193 19 22 39.00 WETTZELL    0.991442681335560    0.762413626220378 3C418     17.29  941.30  15.83    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    3.3062    3.0964    0.2098    0.7627418    0.7624136    0.0003    1.44599    1.44582    1.44851  16.11  940.29  13.84
    16 58676.80866 2019 193 19 24 28.00 SESHAN25    5.042193374725795    0.471806632940292 1751+288  22.20 1000.89 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    5.9086    4.9866    0.9221    0.4725346    0.4718067    0.0021    2.18907    2.18951    2.18672  22.94  998.48  26.22
    16 58676.80866 2019 193 19 24 28.00 WETTZELL    2.012118573071200    0.994226127608805 1751+288  17.21  941.30  15.74    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    2.7261    2.5534    0.1728    0.9944301    0.9942261    0.0001    1.19229    1.19224    1.19306  16.11  940.29  13.84
    17 58676.80990 2019 193 19 26 15.00 SESHAN25    6.050970534969339    0.588964539526649 1803+784  22.20 1000.79 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    4.8435    4.0879    0.7556    0.5895217    0.5889646    0.0010    1.79444    1.79491    1.79190  22.94  998.48  26.22
    17 58676.80990 2019 193 19 26 15.00 WETTZELL    0.218628931421435    1.012340146417566 1803+784  17.29  941.30  15.95    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    2.6947    2.5239    0.1708    1.0125362    1.0123401    0.0001    1.17855    1.17849    1.17933  16.11  940.29  13.84
    18 58676.81074 2019 193 19 27 28.00 SESHAN25    0.151883798238154    0.804479670342629 0016+731  22.20 1000.70 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    3.7412    3.1572    0.5840    0.8048385    0.8044797    0.0003    1.38607    1.38627    1.38500  22.94  998.48  26.22
    18 58676.81074 2019 193 19 27 28.00 WETTZELL    0.275756514373293    0.651321561193354 0016+731  17.20  941.30  15.86    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    3.7636    3.5247    0.2389    0.6517324    0.6513216    0.0005    1.64604    1.64581    1.64936  16.11  940.29  13.84
    19 58676.81251 2019 193 19 30  1.00 SESHAN25    4.733496734337010    0.295282280566696 1749+096  22.20 1000.70 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    9.1535    7.7223    1.4312    0.2964926    0.2952823    0.0091    3.39124    3.39071    3.39412  22.94  998.48  26.22
    19 58676.81251 2019 193 19 30  1.00 WETTZELL    2.349559635700389    0.736430627136809 1749+096  17.20  941.30  15.90    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    3.3997    3.1841    0.2156    0.7367763    0.7364306    0.0003    1.48688    1.48677    1.48845  16.11  940.29  13.84
    20 58676.81351 2019 193 19 31 27.00 SESHAN25    5.393509412513604    0.463660303931470 1726+455  22.19 1000.70 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    6.0027    5.0664    0.9363    0.4644030    0.4636604    0.0023    2.22392    2.22458    2.22035  22.94  998.48  26.22
    20 58676.81351 2019 193 19 31 27.00 WETTZELL    1.605002298494590    1.259811278168107 1726+455  17.21  941.30  15.90    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    2.4014    2.2492    0.1521    1.2599122    1.2598113    0.0000    1.05027    1.05024    1.05063  16.11  940.29  13.84
    21 58676.81525 2019 193 19 33 58.00 SESHAN25    4.169228280117741    1.350083446361446 2209+236  22.10 1000.71 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    2.7661    2.3340    0.4321    1.3501672    1.3500834    0.0000    1.02480    1.02480    1.02479  22.94  998.48  26.22
    21 58676.81525 2019 193 19 33 58.00 WETTZELL    1.208205258091290    0.242854064292576 2209+236  17.29  941.30  15.91    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    9.3313    8.7354    0.5959    0.2440957    0.2428540    0.0114    4.08112    4.07881    4.11517  16.11  940.29  13.84
    22 58676.81784 2019 193 19 37 41.00 SESHAN25    0.695532069214998    0.098603858967987 0642+449  22.10 1000.81 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217   24.8296   20.8253    4.0044    0.1019893    0.0986039    0.1865    9.19904    9.14401    9.49626  22.94  998.48  26.22
    22 58676.81784 2019 193 19 37 41.00 WETTZELL    5.753374479896358    0.202465375978051 0642+449  17.11  941.30  15.80    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448   11.0695   10.3590    0.7105    0.2039510    0.2024654    0.0193    4.84131    4.83692    4.90614  16.11  940.29  13.84
    23 58676.81972 2019 193 19 40 24.00 SESHAN25    5.068666478163796    0.415591781825083 1751+288  22.10 1000.89 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    6.6409    5.6045    1.0364    0.4164320    0.4155918    0.0032    2.46035    2.46084    2.45772  22.94  998.48  26.22
    23 58676.81972 2019 193 19 40 24.00 WETTZELL    2.099029093431120    1.034576718213298 1751+288  17.20  941.30  15.90    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    2.6588    2.4903    0.1685    1.0347632    1.0345767    0.0001    1.16283    1.16279    1.16344  16.11  940.29  13.84
    24 58676.82124 2019 193 19 42 35.00 SESHAN25    0.127307373039736    0.812364786152891 0016+731  22.10 1000.79 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    3.7133    3.1336    0.5796    0.8127180    0.8123648    0.0003    1.37572    1.37592    1.37462  22.94  998.48  26.22
    24 58676.82124 2019 193 19 42 35.00 WETTZELL    0.293733698340791    0.663477339380626 0016+731  17.20  941.30  15.90    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    3.7052    3.4700    0.2351    0.6638781    0.6634773    0.0005    1.62048    1.62027    1.62366  16.11  940.29  13.84
    25 58676.82242 2019 193 19 44 17.00 SESHAN25    5.537294777682296    0.970906413453196 3C418     22.10 1000.69 -99.00    2.6992    2.2775    0.4217    3.2675    2.7575    0.5100    0.9711616    0.9709064    0.0001    1.21055    1.21077    1.20935  22.94  998.48  26.22
    25 58676.82242 2019 193 19 44 17.00 WETTZELL    1.029943609904708    0.814869677402211 3C418     17.20  941.30  15.90    2.2865    2.1416    0.1448    3.1390    2.9399    0.1991    0.8151653    0.8148697    0.0002    1.37286    1.37272    1.37494  16.11  940.29  13.84