% RADIATE format v 2.0
% This file contains ray-tracing results.
% Created by: Armin Hofmeister, Technische Universit�t Wien
% Created with RADIATE program developed by Armin Hofmeister
%    Version: 2.0_Fortran
%    Subversion: global_limit
% File created on:
%    2018-07-30 | 03:31:49.199
% Data content:
%    Ray-tracing results for session:
%        17AUG25XU#####
%    Total number of observations:
%        44
% Chosen ray-tracing options:
%    Assignment of observations to the epochs of the numerical weather model:
%        one_epoch_per_obs
%    Method of vertical interpolation (horizontal treatment):
%        profilewise
%    Method of numerical weather model usage:
%        Full grid information used
%    Ray-tracing approach:
%        pwl
%    Station coordinate catalogue-file:
%        vlbi.ell
% Numerical weather model used:
%    Epoch 1: 2017082518 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg
% Origin and use of the observational data:
%    Observational data (scan number, observation time, station, azimuth, elevation, source)
%    as well as temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values provided in this file
%    originate from the AzEl-file created by VieVS.
%    The reported temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values from the numerical
%    weather model at the station positions have been determined from the numerical weather
%    model by interpolation within the ray-tracing application.
%    Ray-tracing used temperature-, pressure- and water vapour-values only from the numerical
%    weather model.
% Data columns:
%    1  .... scannumber
%    2  .... mjd
%    3  .... year
%    4  .... day of year
%    5  .... hour
%    6  .... min
%    7  .... sec
%    8  .... station
%    9  .... azimuth in [rad]
%    10 .... outgoing elevation angle (calculated, theoretical) in [rad]
%    11 .... source
%    12 .... temperature at station in [�C]
%    13 .... pressure at station in [hPa]
%    14 .... water vapour pressure at station in [hPa]
%    15 .... zenith total delay in [m]
%    16 .... zenith hydrostatic delay in [m]
%    17 .... zenith wet delay in [m]
%    18 .... slant total delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    19 .... slant hydrostatic delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    20 .... slant wet delay in [m]
%    21 .... elevation angle at station in [rad]
%    22 .... outgoing elevation angle from ray-tracing in [rad]
%    23 .... geometric bending effect in [m]
%    24 .... total mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [total_delay_along_the_path / total_zenith_delay]
%    25 .... hydrostatic mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [hydrostatic_delay_along_the_path / hydrostatic_zenith_delay]
%    26 .... wet mapping factor [wet_delay_along_the_path / wet_zenith_delay]
%    27 .... temperature at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [�C]
%    28 .... pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    29 .... water vapour pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    1|          2|   3|  4| 5| 6|    7|       8|                   9|                  10|      11|    12|     13|    14|       15|       16|       17|       18|       19|       20|          21|          22|       23|        24|        25|        26|    27|     28|    29
% scan|        mjd|year|doy| h| m|  sec| station|       azimuth [rad]|   calc. elev. [rad]|  source|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]|  ztd [m]|  zhd [m]|  zwd [m]|  std [m]|  shd [m]|  swd [m]|e at st[rad]|e rtrd [rad]|bend. [m]|  total mf|  hydr. mf|    wet mf|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]
     1 57990.78155 2017 237 18 45 26.00 KOKEE       5.685225631545445    0.417687740177232 0059+581  18.70  889.14  16.21    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    5.1876    4.9749    0.2126    0.4183393    0.4176877    0.0018    2.45032    2.44975    2.46356  17.49  889.18  12.16
     1 57990.78155 2017 237 18 45 26.00 WETTZELL    0.634816090387535    0.572820476546655 0059+581  23.00  948.20  18.54    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666    4.2735    3.9658    0.3077    0.5733137    0.5728205    0.0008    1.83979    1.83929    1.84624  23.91  946.59  16.99
     2 57990.78295 2017 237 18 47 27.00 KOKEE       1.124793159978219    0.276006714512664 1156+295  18.72  889.30  16.36    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    7.6541    7.3401    0.3140    0.2770185    0.2760067    0.0064    3.61539    3.61443    3.63807  17.49  889.18  12.16
     2 57990.78295 2017 237 18 47 27.00 WETTZELL    5.048973605524127    0.389570423929026 1156+295  23.00  948.18  18.54    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666    6.0758    5.6356    0.4402    0.3903418    0.3895704    0.0028    2.61572    2.61372    2.64157  23.91  946.59  16.99
     3 57990.78409 2017 237 18 49  5.00 KOKEE       0.798273684697450    0.713651636955098 0955+476  18.80  889.30  16.45    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    3.2286    3.0969    0.1317    0.7139872    0.7136516    0.0003    1.52503    1.52498    1.52614  17.49  889.18  12.16
     3 57990.78409 2017 237 18 49  5.00 WETTZELL    5.606083159846746    0.344508118554745 0955+476  23.00  948.10  18.55    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666    6.8185    6.3225    0.4960    0.3453886    0.3445081    0.0041    2.93546    2.93227    2.97663  23.91  946.59  16.99
     4 57990.78580 2017 237 18 51 33.00 KOKEE       0.576350193132153    0.248351620609622 1300+580  18.84  889.30  16.36    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    8.4563    8.1081    0.3482    0.2494775    0.2483516    0.0088    3.99429    3.99259    4.03430  17.49  889.18  12.16
     4 57990.78580 2017 237 18 51 33.00 WETTZELL    5.423436443045825    0.825949195834999 1300+580  22.93  948.10  18.55    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666    3.1567    2.9294    0.2272    0.8262431    0.8259492    0.0002    1.35899    1.35863    1.36364  23.91  946.59  16.99
     5 57990.78733 2017 237 18 53 45.00 KOKEE       0.028475143181453    0.186884235917584 1803+784  18.92  889.30  16.35    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863   11.0376   10.5786    0.4590    0.1883728    0.1868842    0.0198    5.21354    5.20912    5.31773  17.49  889.18  12.16
     5 57990.78733 2017 237 18 53 45.00 WETTZELL    6.278979987629884    1.058881664454107 1803+784  22.78  948.10  18.49    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666    2.6635    2.4721    0.1914    1.0590609    1.0588817    0.0001    1.14666    1.14650    1.14873  23.91  946.59  16.99
     6 57990.78845 2017 237 18 55 22.00 KOKEE       0.091420082322260    0.703144256518376 0716+714  19.00  889.30  16.40    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    3.2684    3.1349    0.1335    0.7034870    0.7031443    0.0003    1.54380    1.54370    1.54620  17.49  889.18  12.16
     6 57990.78845 2017 237 18 55 22.00 WETTZELL    6.154503905235663    0.546186573171868 0716+714  22.70  948.10  18.43    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666    4.4583    4.1363    0.3220    0.5467096    0.5461866    0.0010    1.91934    1.91834    1.93224  23.91  946.59  16.99
     7 57990.79045 2017 237 18 58 15.00 KOKEE       6.209724086532367    0.959343674849189 0613+570  19.08  889.30  16.37    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    2.5839    2.4785    0.1054    0.9595476    0.9593437    0.0001    1.22051    1.22047    1.22148  17.49  889.18  12.16
     7 57990.79045 2017 237 18 58 15.00 WETTZELL    6.253317197201103    0.282456705784137 0613+570  22.74  948.10  18.48    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666    8.2233    7.6231    0.6002    0.2835399    0.2824567    0.0075    3.54023    3.53549    3.60149  23.91  946.59  16.99
     8 57990.79328 2017 237 19  2 19.00 KOKEE       0.470365258785565    0.998833557926123 0804+499  19.24  889.30  16.49    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    2.5164    2.4138    0.1026    0.9990208    0.9988336    0.0001    1.18862    1.18860    1.18910  17.49  889.18  12.16
     8 57990.79328 2017 237 19  2 19.00 WETTZELL    5.948849429587435    0.212707919373871 0804+499  22.80  948.10  18.57    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666   10.7471    9.9545    0.7926    0.2141469    0.2127079    0.0173    4.62674    4.61675    4.75605  23.91  946.59  16.99
     9 57990.79605 2017 237 19  6 19.00 KOKEE       0.042991232714589    0.571670594375466 0718+793  19.30  889.30  16.60    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    3.9013    3.7419    0.1595    0.5721216    0.5716706    0.0007    1.84278    1.84258    1.84735  17.49  889.18  12.16
     9 57990.79605 2017 237 19  6 19.00 WETTZELL    6.206403540747526    0.676549514394606 0718+793  22.80  948.10  18.51    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666    3.7035    3.4366    0.2669    0.6769461    0.6765495    0.0005    1.59442    1.59384    1.60188  23.91  946.59  16.99
    10 57990.79884 2017 237 19 10 20.00 KOKEE       0.326475143061578    1.065621041409492 0738+491  19.30  889.30  16.85    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    2.4183    2.3197    0.0986    1.0657819    1.0656210    0.0001    1.14227    1.14225    1.14271  17.49  889.18  12.16
    10 57990.79884 2017 237 19 10 20.00 WETTZELL    6.040625510250427    0.170685843205998 0738+491  22.80  948.10  18.43    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666   13.1894   12.2073    0.9821    0.1724642    0.1706858    0.0322    5.67822    5.66158    5.89354  23.91  946.59  16.99
    11 57990.80112 2017 237 19 13 37.00 KOKEE       5.834443045486061    1.039392383558007 0529+483  19.30  889.30  16.90    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    2.4547    2.3546    0.1002    1.0395634    1.0393924    0.0001    1.15947    1.15944    1.16034  17.49  889.18  12.16
    11 57990.80112 2017 237 19 13 37.00 WETTZELL    0.138463293453659    0.140862534839194 0529+483  22.80  948.10  18.46    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666   15.7037   14.5258    1.1779    0.1429875    0.1408625    0.0544    6.76063    6.73684    7.06845  23.91  946.59  16.99
    12 57990.80365 2017 237 19 17 15.00 KOKEE       1.408567667920105    0.175212009003919 3C274     19.26  889.26  17.07    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863   11.7153   11.2304    0.4849    0.1767954    0.1752120    0.0237    5.53366    5.53008    5.61789  17.49  889.18  12.16
    12 57990.80365 2017 237 19 17 15.00 WETTZELL    4.834744646631363    0.178669275019160 3C274     22.72  948.10  18.52    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666   12.6458   11.7123    0.9335    0.1803723    0.1786693    0.0283    5.44416    5.43200    5.60154  23.91  946.59  16.99
    13 57990.80551 2017 237 19 19 56.00 KOKEE       1.005914786916119    0.524783396901856 1128+385  19.20  889.20  17.18    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    4.2098    4.0379    0.1719    0.5252842    0.5247834    0.0009    1.98845    1.98834    1.99118  17.49  889.18  12.16
    13 57990.80551 2017 237 19 19 56.00 WETTZELL    5.337025284555570    0.348560012149173 1128+385  22.55  948.10  18.47    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666    6.7440    6.2538    0.4902    0.3494296    0.3485600    0.0040    2.90338    2.90044    2.94142  23.91  946.59  16.99
    14 57990.80720 2017 237 19 22 22.00 KOKEE       6.002394076235919    0.160753676624659 2229+695  19.17  889.23  17.33    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863   12.6804   12.1494    0.5311    0.1624706    0.1607537    0.0301    5.98954    5.98260    6.15295  17.49  889.18  12.16
    14 57990.80720 2017 237 19 22 22.00 WETTZELL    0.552131306757361    0.965714085172668 2229+695  22.43  948.10  18.48    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666    2.8227    2.6199    0.2028    0.9659346    0.9657141    0.0001    1.21519    1.21506    1.21685  23.91  946.59  16.99
    15 57990.80949 2017 237 19 25 40.00 KOKEE       5.476535944517593    0.772362507075167 0345+460  19.10  889.30  17.52    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    3.0301    2.9063    0.1237    0.7726608    0.7723625    0.0002    1.43124    1.43114    1.43366  17.49  889.18  12.16
    15 57990.80949 2017 237 19 25 40.00 WETTZELL    0.481155985355844    0.205376860158568 0345+460  22.46  948.10  18.63    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666   11.1013   10.2867    0.8145    0.2068660    0.2053768    0.0191    4.77923    4.77083    4.88797  23.91  946.59  16.99
    16 57990.81162 2017 237 19 28 44.00 KOKEE       5.769834830166786    1.011008141000520 0529+483  19.10  889.27  17.58    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    2.4973    2.3954    0.1019    1.0111904    1.0110081    0.0001    1.17956    1.17952    1.18054  17.49  889.18  12.16
    16 57990.81162 2017 237 19 28 44.00 WETTZELL    0.182289641568436    0.147771937653265 0529+483  22.40  948.10  18.74    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666   15.0398   13.9157    1.1241    0.1498059    0.1477719    0.0478    6.47481    6.45388    6.74565  23.91  946.59  16.99
    17 57990.81382 2017 237 19 31 54.00 KOKEE       5.272815372009264    0.645554796982226 0307+380  19.10  889.24  17.57    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    3.5117    3.3681    0.1435    0.6459403    0.6455548    0.0004    1.65871    1.65854    1.66276  17.49  889.18  12.16
    17 57990.81382 2017 237 19 31 54.00 WETTZELL    0.677338789683976    0.154292576593746 0307+380  22.32  948.10  19.00    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666   14.4615   13.3870    1.0745    0.1562472    0.1542926    0.0425    6.22586    6.20870    6.44795  23.91  946.59  16.99
    18 57990.81576 2017 237 19 34 42.00 KOKEE       5.989657423756439    0.306819021623895 0016+731  19.12  889.30  17.72    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    6.9271    6.6422    0.2849    0.3077263    0.3068190    0.0047    3.27199    3.27075    3.30116  17.49  889.18  12.16
    18 57990.81576 2017 237 19 34 42.00 WETTZELL    0.434924973505128    0.838231500654033 0016+731  22.20  948.10  19.27    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666    3.1214    2.8970    0.2244    0.8385182    0.8382315    0.0002    1.34380    1.34357    1.34675  23.91  946.59  16.99
    19 57990.81764 2017 237 19 37 24.00 KOKEE       0.161825586980265    0.863509345728312 0800+618  19.20  889.30  17.74    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    2.7826    2.6690    0.1135    0.8637579    0.8635093    0.0001    1.31433    1.31428    1.31551  17.49  889.18  12.16
    19 57990.81764 2017 237 19 37 24.00 WETTZELL    6.105531470915535    0.384088961529447 0800+618  22.16  948.10  19.51    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666    6.1563    5.7095    0.4468    0.3848723    0.3840890    0.0030    2.65035    2.64798    2.68091  23.91  946.59  16.99
    20 57990.81975 2017 237 19 40 26.00 KOKEE       0.732264181130383    0.858463280749553 0955+476  19.20  889.30  17.64    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    2.7945    2.6806    0.1140    0.8587144    0.8584633    0.0001    1.31998    1.31996    1.32056  17.49  889.18  12.16
    20 57990.81975 2017 237 19 40 26.00 WETTZELL    5.738743848568896    0.260207839239015 0955+476  22.10  948.10  19.83    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666    8.8884    8.2372    0.6512    0.2613853    0.2602079    0.0096    3.82656    3.82030    3.90751  23.91  946.59  16.99
    21 57990.82089 2017 237 19 42  5.00 KOKEE       1.179392639276781    0.478409625546086 1156+295  19.20  889.28  17.65    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    4.5775    4.3906    0.1869    0.4789682    0.4784096    0.0012    2.16215    2.16201    2.16533  17.49  889.18  12.16
    21 57990.82089 2017 237 19 42  5.00 WETTZELL    5.209282035456992    0.246728699427670 1156+295  22.10  948.10  19.87    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666    9.3470    8.6624    0.6846    0.2479710    0.2467287    0.0112    4.02400    4.01750    4.10816  23.91  946.59  16.99
    22 57990.82256 2017 237 19 44 29.00 KOKEE       5.499801751296037    0.326593018458922 0133+476  19.20  889.20  17.56    2.1171    2.0308    0.0863    6.5318    6.2633    0.2686    0.3274429    0.3265930    0.0039    3.08528    3.08417    3.11134  17.49  889.18  12.16
    22 57990.82256 2017 237 19 44 29.00 WETTZELL    0.843588492842991    0.496140407441625 0133+476  22.10  948.10  19.87    2.3228    2.1562    0.1666    4.8598    4.5100    0.3498    0.4967273    0.4961404    0.0013    2.09221    2.09166    2.09934  23.91  946.59  16.99