%***************************************************************************************************************** % RADIATE format v 2.0 % % This file contains ray-tracing results. % % Created by: Armin Hofmeister, Technische Universit�t Wien % % Created with RADIATE program developed by Armin Hofmeister % Version: 2.0_Fortran % Subversion: global_limit % % File created on: % 2018-07-25 | 14:10:29.272 % % Data content: % Ray-tracing results for session: % 15JAN28XU##### % Total number of observations: % 44 % % Chosen ray-tracing options: % Assignment of observations to the epochs of the numerical weather model: % one_epoch_per_obs % Method of vertical interpolation (horizontal treatment): % profilewise % Method of numerical weather model usage: % Full grid information used % Ray-tracing approach: % pwl % Station coordinate catalogue-file: % vlbi.ell % % Numerical weather model used: % Epoch 1: 2015012818 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg % % Origin and use of the observational data: % Observational data (scan number, observation time, station, azimuth, elevation, source) % as well as temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values provided in this file % originate from the AzEl-file created by VieVS. % The reported temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values from the numerical % weather model at the station positions have been determined from the numerical weather % model by interpolation within the ray-tracing application. % Ray-tracing used temperature-, pressure- and water vapour-values only from the numerical % weather model. % % % Data columns: % 1 .... scannumber % 2 .... mjd % 3 .... year % 4 .... day of year % 5 .... hour % 6 .... min % 7 .... sec % 8 .... station % 9 .... azimuth in [rad] % 10 .... outgoing elevation angle (calculated, theoretical) in [rad] % 11 .... source % 12 .... temperature at station in [�C] % 13 .... pressure at station in [hPa] % 14 .... water vapour pressure at station in [hPa] % 15 .... zenith total delay in [m] % 16 .... zenith hydrostatic delay in [m] % 17 .... zenith wet delay in [m] % 18 .... slant total delay including geometric bending effect in [m] % 19 .... slant hydrostatic delay including geometric bending effect in [m] % 20 .... slant wet delay in [m] % 21 .... elevation angle at station in [rad] % 22 .... outgoing elevation angle from ray-tracing in [rad] % 23 .... geometric bending effect in [m] % 24 .... total mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [total_delay_along_the_path / total_zenith_delay] % 25 .... hydrostatic mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [hydrostatic_delay_along_the_path / hydrostatic_zenith_delay] % 26 .... wet mapping factor [wet_delay_along_the_path / wet_zenith_delay] % 27 .... temperature at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [�C] % 28 .... pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa] % 29 .... water vapour pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa] %***************************************************************************************************************** % % % 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18| 19| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29 % scan| mjd|year|doy| h| m| sec| station| azimuth [rad]| calc. elev. [rad]| source|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]| ztd [m]| zhd [m]| zwd [m]| std [m]| shd [m]| swd [m]|e at st[rad]|e rtrd [rad]|bend. [m]| total mf| hydr. mf| wet mf|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa] % 1 57050.77108 2015 28 18 30 21.00 KOKEE 5.285445961671989 0.466077019771447 1128+385 14.20 886.80 15.39 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 4.6304 4.4830 0.1473 0.4666683 0.4660771 0.0013 2.21466 2.21429 2.22609 13.18 886.07 12.92 1 57050.77108 2015 28 18 30 21.00 WETTZELL 0.829708164106573 0.254745281794143 1128+385 -0.31 934.79 4.93 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 8.5321 8.3090 0.2232 0.2558303 0.2547453 0.0090 3.89988 3.89879 3.94120 -0.19 933.90 4.49 2 57050.77285 2015 28 18 32 54.00 KOKEE 1.340462764225070 0.274631936492564 2141+175 14.22 886.80 15.37 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 7.5974 7.3532 0.2442 0.2756767 0.2746319 0.0064 3.63378 3.63196 3.68942 13.18 886.07 12.92 2 57050.77285 2015 28 18 32 54.00 WETTZELL 4.953958700436239 0.202920211406552 2141+175 -0.38 934.70 4.90 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 10.5758 10.2961 0.2797 0.2042788 0.2029202 0.0175 4.83399 4.83119 4.93919 -0.19 933.90 4.49 3 57050.77502 2015 28 18 36 2.00 KOKEE 0.490044116255751 1.054476387396531 1746+470 14.34 886.80 15.44 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 2.4032 2.3269 0.0762 1.0546460 1.0544764 0.0001 1.14942 1.14934 1.15196 13.18 886.07 12.92 3 57050.77502 2015 28 18 36 2.00 WETTZELL 5.960016954933510 0.157217358301399 1746+470 -0.34 934.66 4.90 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 13.3781 13.0196 0.3585 0.1589485 0.1572174 0.0356 6.11488 6.10915 6.33046 -0.19 933.90 4.49 4 57050.77701 2015 28 18 38 54.00 KOKEE 0.732033777249595 0.601391200682228 3C418 14.40 886.80 15.46 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 3.6857 3.5683 0.1174 0.6018256 0.6013912 0.0005 1.76286 1.76250 1.77384 13.18 886.07 12.92 4 57050.77701 2015 28 18 38 54.00 WETTZELL 5.570824454021822 0.464065691071811 3C418 -0.40 934.61 4.87 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 4.8643 4.7375 0.1268 0.4646378 0.4640656 0.0014 2.22337 2.22296 2.23855 -0.19 933.90 4.49 5 57050.77821 2015 28 18 40 37.00 KOKEE 0.263236802468118 0.244707031678872 0016+731 14.43 886.80 15.49 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 8.4697 8.1946 0.2751 0.2458812 0.2447070 0.0090 4.05098 4.04753 4.15648 13.18 886.07 12.92 5 57050.77821 2015 28 18 40 37.00 WETTZELL 5.850796699335254 0.979323760449817 0016+731 -0.40 934.70 4.89 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 2.6339 2.5656 0.0683 0.9795170 0.9793238 0.0001 1.20388 1.20383 1.20602 -0.19 933.90 4.49 6 57050.77927 2015 28 18 42 9.00 KOKEE 0.086756346006855 0.572256253868130 1803+784 14.50 886.80 15.57 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 3.8494 3.7267 0.1227 0.5727188 0.5722563 0.0006 1.84113 1.84070 1.85452 13.18 886.07 12.92 6 57050.77927 2015 28 18 42 9.00 WETTZELL 6.159197142337996 0.677071837792296 1803+784 -0.40 934.70 4.91 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 3.4849 3.3944 0.0905 0.6774292 0.6770718 0.0004 1.59290 1.59275 1.59846 -0.19 933.90 4.49 7 57050.78111 2015 28 18 44 48.00 KOKEE 6.116561644203712 0.396514088892970 1053+815 14.54 886.80 15.67 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 5.3764 5.2041 0.1722 0.3972229 0.3965141 0.0021 2.57146 2.57045 2.60247 13.18 886.07 12.92 7 57050.78111 2015 28 18 44 48.00 WETTZELL 0.218994089340412 0.810403282334833 1053+815 -0.40 934.68 4.93 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 3.0157 2.9375 0.0782 0.8106768 0.8104033 0.0002 1.37843 1.37836 1.38130 -0.19 933.90 4.49 8 57050.78307 2015 28 18 47 37.00 KOKEE 5.755305533637817 0.846866084700256 1418+546 14.62 886.80 15.77 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 2.7879 2.6994 0.0885 0.8471300 0.8468661 0.0002 1.33343 1.33330 1.33716 13.18 886.07 12.92 8 57050.78307 2015 28 18 47 37.00 WETTZELL 0.283296271228563 0.279260765066323 1418+546 -0.40 934.63 4.94 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 7.8231 7.6180 0.2051 0.2802492 0.2792608 0.0069 3.57579 3.57456 3.62221 -0.19 933.90 4.49 9 57050.78612 2015 28 18 52 1.00 KOKEE 1.017552795970337 0.312692502359848 2214+350 14.73 886.70 15.86 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 6.7204 6.5045 0.2159 0.3136063 0.3126926 0.0043 3.21431 3.21273 3.26292 13.18 886.07 12.92 9 57050.78612 2015 28 18 52 1.00 WETTZELL 5.140234770243753 0.460051951574300 2214+350 -0.40 934.50 4.97 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 4.9039 4.7762 0.1277 0.4606298 0.4600519 0.0015 2.24150 2.24112 2.25569 -0.19 933.90 4.49 10 57050.78767 2015 28 18 54 15.00 KOKEE 0.156859304466799 0.712414704374120 3C371 14.80 886.70 15.85 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 3.1932 3.0916 0.1016 0.7127601 0.7124147 0.0003 1.52728 1.52702 1.53509 13.18 886.07 12.92 10 57050.78767 2015 28 18 54 15.00 WETTZELL 6.096969041602005 0.535029622185202 3C371 -0.40 934.50 4.97 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 4.2755 4.1642 0.1112 0.5355135 0.5350296 0.0009 1.95424 1.95397 1.96455 -0.19 933.90 4.49 11 57050.78913 2015 28 18 56 21.00 KOKEE 6.098413095376721 0.551371688810316 1357+769 14.80 886.74 15.91 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 3.9781 3.8513 0.1268 0.5518561 0.5513717 0.0007 1.90271 1.90226 1.91647 13.18 886.07 12.92 11 57050.78913 2015 28 18 56 21.00 WETTZELL 0.169204541872390 0.659125402949476 1357+769 -0.40 934.44 4.98 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 3.5646 3.4720 0.0926 0.6594962 0.6591254 0.0004 1.62929 1.62915 1.63452 -0.19 933.90 4.49 12 57050.79087 2015 28 18 58 51.00 KOKEE 5.696849217374252 0.629391353510156 1300+580 14.80 886.83 15.99 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 3.5435 3.4308 0.1127 0.6298008 0.6293914 0.0005 1.69484 1.69458 1.70274 13.18 886.07 12.92 12 57050.79087 2015 28 18 58 51.00 WETTZELL 0.461474250651129 0.425023977870987 1300+580 -0.40 934.28 5.00 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 5.2737 5.1364 0.1373 0.4256559 0.4250239 0.0019 2.41052 2.41014 2.42450 -0.19 933.90 4.49 13 57050.79312 2015 28 19 2 6.00 KOKEE 6.267813624331593 0.516288192104411 NGC6251 14.80 886.90 15.94 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 4.2192 4.0845 0.1347 0.5168127 0.5162882 0.0009 2.01800 2.01744 2.03493 13.18 886.07 12.92 13 57050.79312 2015 28 19 2 6.00 WETTZELL 6.278384988843894 0.726948331657373 NGC6251 -0.36 934.16 5.01 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 3.2864 3.2011 0.0853 0.7272715 0.7269483 0.0003 1.50215 1.50203 1.50655 -0.19 933.90 4.49 14 57050.79549 2015 28 19 5 30.00 KOKEE 5.894685784509614 0.636773155098401 1342+662 14.80 886.90 15.88 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 3.5083 3.3966 0.1116 0.6371764 0.6367732 0.0004 1.67798 1.67769 1.68674 13.18 886.07 12.92 14 57050.79549 2015 28 19 5 30.00 WETTZELL 0.311023414431272 0.511430431645330 1342+662 -0.32 934.08 5.01 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 4.4522 4.3365 0.1158 0.5119412 0.5114304 0.0011 2.03503 2.03478 2.04443 -0.19 933.90 4.49 15 57050.79828 2015 28 19 9 31.00 KOKEE 1.189335143428192 0.575657959047373 2113+293 14.84 886.86 15.91 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 3.8297 3.7078 0.1218 0.5761171 0.5756580 0.0006 1.83169 1.83139 1.84102 13.18 886.07 12.92 15 57050.79828 2015 28 19 9 31.00 WETTZELL 5.290930590838064 0.190337648267878 2113+293 -0.37 933.97 5.01 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 11.2228 10.9249 0.2979 0.1917829 0.1903377 0.0209 5.12972 5.12624 5.26048 -0.19 933.90 4.49 16 57050.80052 2015 28 19 12 45.00 KOKEE 0.380907805672038 0.412362181526519 2229+695 14.93 886.83 15.91 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 5.1840 5.0179 0.1661 0.4130410 0.4123622 0.0019 2.47945 2.47848 2.50925 13.18 886.07 12.92 16 57050.80052 2015 28 19 12 45.00 WETTZELL 5.775463472134708 0.783830029492411 2229+695 -0.30 933.88 5.04 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 3.0948 3.0145 0.0803 0.7841184 0.7838300 0.0002 1.41457 1.41446 1.41862 -0.19 933.90 4.49 17 57050.80238 2015 28 19 15 26.00 KOKEE 1.024413934160033 0.149907908394812 2319+317 15.06 886.90 16.04 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 13.3487 12.9063 0.4424 0.1517923 0.1499079 0.0357 6.38459 6.37479 6.68441 13.18 886.07 12.92 17 57050.80238 2015 28 19 15 26.00 WETTZELL 4.975628886254153 0.535230222913059 2319+317 -0.33 933.77 5.03 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 4.2753 4.1641 0.1112 0.5357139 0.5352302 0.0009 1.95414 1.95390 1.96320 -0.19 933.90 4.49 18 57050.80477 2015 28 19 18 52.00 KOKEE 5.880539196883266 0.615889773850491 1342+662 15.24 886.90 16.24 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 3.6103 3.4954 0.1149 0.6163110 0.6158898 0.0005 1.72677 1.72646 1.73623 13.18 886.07 12.92 18 57050.80477 2015 28 19 18 52.00 WETTZELL 0.334609682065705 0.523567832616386 1342+662 -0.37 933.64 5.01 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 4.3592 4.2459 0.1133 0.5240645 0.5235678 0.0010 1.99251 1.99228 2.00121 -0.19 933.90 4.49 19 57050.80718 2015 28 19 22 20.00 KOKEE 5.351306871037455 0.204349281086317 1101+384 15.40 886.90 16.31 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 10.0320 9.7071 0.3249 0.2057527 0.2043493 0.0151 4.79824 4.79460 4.90976 13.18 886.07 12.92 19 57050.80718 2015 28 19 22 20.00 WETTZELL 1.042745600572130 0.434471611132760 1101+384 -0.30 933.41 5.03 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 5.1677 5.0335 0.1343 0.4350882 0.4344715 0.0018 2.36207 2.36184 2.37094 -0.19 933.90 4.49 20 57050.80993 2015 28 19 26 18.00 KOKEE 1.046249070647163 0.431997487421797 2214+350 15.63 886.90 16.38 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 4.9657 4.8071 0.1586 0.4326420 0.4319975 0.0016 2.37503 2.37433 2.39642 13.18 886.07 12.92 20 57050.80993 2015 28 19 26 18.00 WETTZELL 5.233938217796897 0.372807753477830 2214+350 -0.30 933.17 5.00 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 5.9607 5.8050 0.1557 0.3735377 0.3728078 0.0029 2.72450 2.72385 2.74911 -0.19 933.90 4.49 21 57050.81133 2015 28 19 28 19.00 KOKEE 0.693989588375689 0.732851329514235 3C418 15.72 886.90 16.47 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 3.1205 3.0213 0.0992 0.7331829 0.7328513 0.0003 1.49251 1.49229 1.49926 13.18 886.07 12.92 21 57050.81133 2015 28 19 28 19.00 WETTZELL 5.684405008261960 0.377824929855206 3C418 -0.30 933.10 4.96 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 5.8854 5.7316 0.1538 0.3785443 0.3778249 0.0028 2.69010 2.68943 2.71540 -0.19 933.90 4.49 22 57050.81248 2015 28 19 29 58.00 KOKEE 0.039081166762460 0.584501015672316 1803+784 15.80 886.90 16.43 2.0908 2.0246 0.0662 3.7784 3.6580 0.1204 0.5849515 0.5845010 0.0006 1.80719 1.80678 1.81982 13.18 886.07 12.92 22 57050.81248 2015 28 19 29 58.00 WETTZELL 6.209612462833220 0.663548837212406 1803+784 -0.30 933.10 4.96 2.1878 2.1312 0.0566 3.5445 3.4524 0.0921 0.6639163 0.6635488 0.0004 1.62013 1.61997 1.62588 -0.19 933.90 4.49