%***************************************************************************************************************** % RADIATE format v 2.0 % % This file contains ray-tracing results. % % Created by: Armin Hofmeister, Technische Universit�t Wien % % Created with RADIATE program developed by Armin Hofmeister % Version: 2.0_Fortran % Subversion: global_limit % % File created on: % 2018-07-24 | 12:09:15.379 % % Data content: % Ray-tracing results for session: % 11APR23XK##### % Total number of observations: % 32 % % Chosen ray-tracing options: % Assignment of observations to the epochs of the numerical weather model: % one_epoch_per_obs % Method of vertical interpolation (horizontal treatment): % profilewise % Method of numerical weather model usage: % Full grid information used % Ray-tracing approach: % pwl % Station coordinate catalogue-file: % vlbi.ell % % Numerical weather model used: % Epoch 1: 2011042306 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg % % Origin and use of the observational data: % Observational data (scan number, observation time, station, azimuth, elevation, source) % as well as temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values provided in this file % originate from the AzEl-file created by VieVS. % The reported temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values from the numerical % weather model at the station positions have been determined from the numerical weather % model by interpolation within the ray-tracing application. % Ray-tracing used temperature-, pressure- and water vapour-values only from the numerical % weather model. % % % Data columns: % 1 .... scannumber % 2 .... mjd % 3 .... year % 4 .... day of year % 5 .... hour % 6 .... min % 7 .... sec % 8 .... station % 9 .... azimuth in [rad] % 10 .... outgoing elevation angle (calculated, theoretical) in [rad] % 11 .... source % 12 .... temperature at station in [�C] % 13 .... pressure at station in [hPa] % 14 .... water vapour pressure at station in [hPa] % 15 .... zenith total delay in [m] % 16 .... zenith hydrostatic delay in [m] % 17 .... zenith wet delay in [m] % 18 .... slant total delay including geometric bending effect in [m] % 19 .... slant hydrostatic delay including geometric bending effect in [m] % 20 .... slant wet delay in [m] % 21 .... elevation angle at station in [rad] % 22 .... outgoing elevation angle from ray-tracing in [rad] % 23 .... geometric bending effect in [m] % 24 .... total mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [total_delay_along_the_path / total_zenith_delay] % 25 .... hydrostatic mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [hydrostatic_delay_along_the_path / hydrostatic_zenith_delay] % 26 .... wet mapping factor [wet_delay_along_the_path / wet_zenith_delay] % 27 .... temperature at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [�C] % 28 .... pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa] % 29 .... water vapour pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa] %***************************************************************************************************************** % % % 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18| 19| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29 % scan| mjd|year|doy| h| m| sec| station| azimuth [rad]| calc. elev. [rad]| source|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]| ztd [m]| zhd [m]| zwd [m]| std [m]| shd [m]| swd [m]|e at st[rad]|e rtrd [rad]|bend. [m]| total mf| hydr. mf| wet mf|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa] % 1 55674.31310 2011 113 7 30 52.00 KOKEE 0.347055959210901 0.259625208933138 3C371 14.10 891.93 15.35 2.1345 2.0355 0.0991 8.1687 7.7956 0.3731 0.2607558 0.2596252 0.0079 3.82690 3.82981 3.76724 15.37 891.31 14.69 1 55674.31310 2011 113 7 30 52.00 WETTZELL 5.727742721253189 0.936762080720225 3C371 16.54 940.50 9.61 2.2129 2.1400 0.0729 2.7448 2.6546 0.0902 0.9369761 0.9367621 0.0001 1.24036 1.24047 1.23723 12.60 939.14 7.94 2 55674.31541 2011 113 7 34 11.00 KOKEE 5.323995595970977 0.428625949799005 0552+398 14.06 892.00 15.04 2.1345 2.0355 0.0991 5.1072 4.8699 0.2373 0.4292905 0.4286260 0.0017 2.39262 2.39249 2.39537 15.37 891.31 14.69 2 55674.31541 2011 113 7 34 11.00 WETTZELL 0.845254936755644 0.303602029671186 0552+398 17.13 940.50 9.68 2.2129 2.1400 0.0729 7.3137 7.0739 0.2399 0.3045195 0.3036020 0.0054 3.30509 3.30560 3.29013 12.60 939.14 7.94 3 55674.31804 2011 113 7 37 59.00 KOKEE 5.877388565222001 1.075918557755870 0955+476 14.00 892.04 14.98 2.1345 2.0355 0.0991 2.4245 2.3122 0.1123 1.0760833 1.0759186 0.0001 1.13583 1.13594 1.13349 15.37 891.31 14.69 3 55674.31804 2011 113 7 37 59.00 WETTZELL 0.102314720528905 0.118652065094607 0955+476 17.40 940.50 9.79 2.2129 2.1400 0.0729 17.3813 16.8090 0.5723 0.1209081 0.1186521 0.0751 7.85464 7.85484 7.84889 12.60 939.14 7.94 4 55674.31991 2011 113 7 40 40.00 KOKEE 5.967358973177045 0.551443088491788 0716+714 14.00 892.10 14.97 2.1345 2.0355 0.0991 4.0601 3.8728 0.1873 0.5519381 0.5514431 0.0008 1.90208 1.90262 1.89083 15.37 891.31 14.69 4 55674.31991 2011 113 7 40 40.00 WETTZELL 0.296885035544981 0.615157721532379 0716+714 17.41 940.50 9.89 2.2129 2.1400 0.0729 3.8250 3.6996 0.1253 0.6155688 0.6151577 0.0006 1.72851 1.72884 1.71884 12.60 939.14 7.94 5 55674.32177 2011 113 7 43 21.00 KOKEE 0.940019834660731 0.333262065850137 NRAO512 14.00 892.10 14.95 2.1345 2.0355 0.0991 6.4549 6.1589 0.2960 0.3341355 0.3332621 0.0037 3.02401 3.02575 2.98838 15.37 891.31 14.69 5 55674.32177 2011 113 7 43 21.00 WETTZELL 5.205613990156399 0.509896089832583 NRAO512 17.33 940.53 9.80 2.2129 2.1400 0.0729 4.5163 4.3677 0.1486 0.5104147 0.5098960 0.0011 2.04093 2.04101 2.03864 12.60 939.14 7.94 6 55674.32427 2011 113 7 46 57.00 KOKEE 1.269043648662439 0.346935048741270 1617+229 14.00 892.14 14.92 2.1345 2.0355 0.0991 6.2163 5.9302 0.2861 0.3477721 0.3469350 0.0033 2.91222 2.91339 2.88804 15.37 891.31 14.69 6 55674.32427 2011 113 7 46 57.00 WETTZELL 5.050150598359271 0.235070711147837 1617+229 16.96 940.60 9.64 2.2129 2.1400 0.0729 9.3133 9.0043 0.3090 0.2362602 0.2350707 0.0115 4.20870 4.20771 4.23762 12.60 939.14 7.94 7 55674.32700 2011 113 7 50 53.00 KOKEE 1.150795624725380 0.609989935108935 1520+319 14.00 892.20 14.87 2.1345 2.0355 0.0991 3.7152 3.5439 0.1713 0.6104259 0.6099900 0.0005 1.74052 1.74106 1.72961 15.37 891.31 14.69 7 55674.32700 2011 113 7 50 53.00 WETTZELL 5.337780319507176 0.199698146320389 1520+319 16.90 940.60 9.68 2.2129 2.1400 0.0729 10.8513 10.4925 0.3588 0.2010940 0.1996982 0.0184 4.90373 4.90315 4.92088 12.60 939.14 7.94 8 55674.32979 2011 113 7 54 54.00 KOKEE 0.603988367752377 0.758902334648739 1418+546 14.00 892.20 14.76 2.1345 2.0355 0.0991 3.0966 2.9538 0.1428 0.7592240 0.7589023 0.0002 1.45071 1.45115 1.44159 15.37 891.31 14.69 8 55674.32979 2011 113 7 54 54.00 WETTZELL 5.759538131192885 0.391874075732582 1418+546 16.76 940.64 9.63 2.2129 2.1400 0.0729 5.7532 5.5648 0.1885 0.3925735 0.3918741 0.0025 2.59989 2.60040 2.58478 12.60 939.14 7.94 9 55674.33256 2011 113 7 58 53.00 KOKEE 6.214042062295940 0.106413504009395 0016+731 14.00 892.20 14.66 2.1345 2.0355 0.0991 18.3633 17.5178 0.8455 0.1090278 0.1064135 0.0901 8.60290 8.60617 8.53583 15.37 891.31 14.69 9 55674.33256 2011 113 7 58 53.00 WETTZELL 0.238238318829714 1.115169953174523 0016+731 16.67 940.70 9.60 2.2129 2.1400 0.0729 2.4634 2.3825 0.0810 1.1153126 1.1151699 0.0000 1.11323 1.11332 1.11069 12.60 939.14 7.94 10 55674.33488 2011 113 8 2 14.00 KOKEE 5.627375992658284 0.681108597939001 0749+540 14.00 892.23 14.64 2.1345 2.0355 0.0991 3.3835 3.2269 0.1566 0.6814848 0.6811086 0.0004 1.58514 1.58532 1.58125 15.37 891.31 14.69 10 55674.33488 2011 113 8 2 14.00 WETTZELL 0.468403758192231 0.349753925515131 0749+540 17.08 940.70 9.76 2.2129 2.1400 0.0729 6.3999 6.1907 0.2093 0.3505446 0.3497539 0.0035 2.89213 2.89289 2.87000 12.60 939.14 7.94 11 55674.33740 2011 113 8 5 51.00 KOKEE 0.335580083048541 0.884342178966300 1300+580 14.00 892.30 14.68 2.1345 2.0355 0.0991 2.7566 2.6293 0.1273 0.8845923 0.8843422 0.0001 1.29141 1.29172 1.28496 15.37 891.31 14.69 11 55674.33740 2011 113 8 5 51.00 WETTZELL 5.991344026961291 0.345683897589455 1300+580 17.30 940.66 9.85 2.2129 2.1400 0.0729 6.4705 6.2590 0.2116 0.3464845 0.3456839 0.0036 2.92405 2.92481 2.90179 12.60 939.14 7.94 12 55674.34013 2011 113 8 9 47.00 KOKEE 0.160613753612803 0.570412900992545 1357+769 14.04 892.30 14.73 2.1345 2.0355 0.0991 3.9396 3.7583 0.1813 0.5708876 0.5704129 0.0007 1.84562 1.84637 1.83031 15.37 891.31 14.69 12 55674.34013 2011 113 8 9 47.00 WETTZELL 6.079477447727732 0.676336258010794 1357+769 17.34 940.64 9.81 2.2129 2.1400 0.0729 3.5283 3.4126 0.1157 0.6766984 0.6763362 0.0004 1.59446 1.59472 1.58668 12.60 939.14 7.94 13 55674.34288 2011 113 8 13 45.00 KOKEE 0.572131734267749 0.801318379961580 1418+546 14.10 892.26 14.72 2.1345 2.0355 0.0991 2.9673 2.8305 0.1369 0.8016139 0.8013184 0.0002 1.39015 1.39055 1.38201 15.37 891.31 14.69 13 55674.34288 2011 113 8 13 45.00 WETTZELL 5.803101343164732 0.365919044579337 1418+546 17.69 940.70 9.81 2.2129 2.1400 0.0729 6.1341 5.9332 0.2008 0.3666724 0.3659190 0.0031 2.77199 2.77258 2.75460 12.60 939.14 7.94 14 55674.34569 2011 113 8 17 48.00 KOKEE 1.161042066012871 0.709851656418445 1520+319 14.06 892.24 14.64 2.1345 2.0355 0.0991 3.2686 3.1178 0.1509 0.7102066 0.7098517 0.0003 1.53131 1.53170 1.52324 15.37 891.31 14.69 14 55674.34569 2011 113 8 17 48.00 WETTZELL 5.418758326272973 0.139126152563944 1520+319 18.31 940.70 10.21 2.2129 2.1400 0.0729 15.1111 14.6080 0.5031 0.1410851 0.1391262 0.0497 6.82874 6.82632 6.89987 12.60 939.14 7.94 15 55674.34843 2011 113 8 21 44.00 KOKEE 1.309184648693804 0.482360896276114 1617+229 14.00 892.30 14.64 2.1345 2.0355 0.0991 4.5790 4.3679 0.2111 0.4829417 0.4823609 0.0012 2.14519 2.14587 2.13133 15.37 891.31 14.69 15 55674.34843 2011 113 8 21 44.00 WETTZELL 5.158079070483179 0.143098482568195 1617+229 18.35 940.70 10.52 2.2129 2.1400 0.0729 14.7375 14.2433 0.4942 0.1450080 0.1430985 0.0462 6.65993 6.65588 6.77870 12.60 939.14 7.94 16 55674.35118 2011 113 8 25 42.00 KOKEE 0.883688411921287 0.728474500298363 1520+437 14.00 892.30 14.68 2.1345 2.0355 0.0991 3.2002 3.0526 0.1476 0.7288164 0.7284745 0.0003 1.49922 1.49967 1.49005 15.37 891.31 14.69 16 55674.35118 2011 113 8 25 42.00 WETTZELL 5.567302006002071 0.289945001366380 1520+437 17.95 940.70 10.49 2.2129 2.1400 0.0729 7.6383 7.3876 0.2507 0.2909072 0.2899450 0.0062 3.45176 3.45222 3.43827 12.60 939.14 7.94