%***************************************************************************************************************** % RADIATE format v 2.0 % % This file contains ray-tracing results. % % Created by: Armin Hofmeister, Technische Universit�t Wien % % Created with RADIATE program developed by Armin Hofmeister % Version: 2.0_Fortran % Subversion: global_limit % % File created on: % 2018-07-23 | 21:42:21.810 % % Data content: % Ray-tracing results for session: % 09FEB02XU##### % Total number of observations: % 46 % % Chosen ray-tracing options: % Assignment of observations to the epochs of the numerical weather model: % one_epoch_per_obs % Method of vertical interpolation (horizontal treatment): % profilewise % Method of numerical weather model usage: % Full grid information used % Ray-tracing approach: % pwl % Station coordinate catalogue-file: % vlbi.ell % % Numerical weather model used: % Epoch 1: 2009020218 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg % % Origin and use of the observational data: % Observational data (scan number, observation time, station, azimuth, elevation, source) % as well as temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values provided in this file % originate from the AzEl-file created by VieVS. % The reported temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values from the numerical % weather model at the station positions have been determined from the numerical weather % model by interpolation within the ray-tracing application. % Ray-tracing used temperature-, pressure- and water vapour-values only from the numerical % weather model. % % % Data columns: % 1 .... scannumber % 2 .... mjd % 3 .... year % 4 .... day of year % 5 .... hour % 6 .... min % 7 .... sec % 8 .... station % 9 .... azimuth in [rad] % 10 .... outgoing elevation angle (calculated, theoretical) in [rad] % 11 .... source % 12 .... temperature at station in [�C] % 13 .... pressure at station in [hPa] % 14 .... water vapour pressure at station in [hPa] % 15 .... zenith total delay in [m] % 16 .... zenith hydrostatic delay in [m] % 17 .... zenith wet delay in [m] % 18 .... slant total delay including geometric bending effect in [m] % 19 .... slant hydrostatic delay including geometric bending effect in [m] % 20 .... slant wet delay in [m] % 21 .... elevation angle at station in [rad] % 22 .... outgoing elevation angle from ray-tracing in [rad] % 23 .... geometric bending effect in [m] % 24 .... total mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [total_delay_along_the_path / total_zenith_delay] % 25 .... hydrostatic mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [hydrostatic_delay_along_the_path / hydrostatic_zenith_delay] % 26 .... wet mapping factor [wet_delay_along_the_path / wet_zenith_delay] % 27 .... temperature at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [�C] % 28 .... pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa] % 29 .... water vapour pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa] %***************************************************************************************************************** % % % 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18| 19| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29 % scan| mjd|year|doy| h| m| sec| station| azimuth [rad]| calc. elev. [rad]| source|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]| ztd [m]| zhd [m]| zwd [m]| std [m]| shd [m]| swd [m]|e at st[rad]|e rtrd [rad]|bend. [m]| total mf| hydr. mf| wet mf|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa] % 1 54864.77113 2009 33 18 30 26.00 KOKEE 0.161258043905135 0.710955936995685 3C371 12.44 891.22 13.96 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 3.1877 3.1151 0.0726 0.7112892 0.7109559 0.0003 1.52978 1.52975 1.53087 13.08 891.18 10.11 1 54864.77113 2009 33 18 30 26.00 WETTZELL 6.092976948520361 0.536228973489210 3C371 3.50 930.20 5.14 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 4.2632 4.1333 0.1299 0.5367130 0.5362289 0.0009 1.95050 1.95054 1.94924 2.34 929.49 5.50 2 54864.77238 2009 33 18 32 14.00 KOKEE 5.301171230127293 0.386050320744921 1128+385 12.60 891.30 14.29 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 5.4939 5.3689 0.1251 0.3867523 0.3860503 0.0023 2.63655 2.63654 2.63668 13.08 891.18 10.11 2 54864.77238 2009 33 18 32 14.00 WETTZELL 0.894908368517773 0.306565705000411 1128+385 3.50 930.20 5.15 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 7.1614 6.9423 0.2191 0.3074664 0.3065657 0.0052 3.27652 3.27612 3.28924 2.34 929.49 5.50 3 54864.77439 2009 33 18 35 7.00 KOKEE 6.159276865833865 0.238461480337949 0718+793 12.60 891.30 14.30 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 8.6481 8.4494 0.1987 0.2396200 0.2384615 0.0096 4.15027 4.14935 4.18963 13.08 891.18 10.11 3 54864.77439 2009 33 18 35 7.00 WETTZELL 0.247244424001461 0.972611970032011 0718+793 3.57 930.20 5.20 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 2.6434 2.5629 0.0805 0.9728086 0.9726120 0.0001 1.20944 1.20946 1.20875 2.34 929.49 5.50 4 54864.77686 2009 33 18 38 41.00 KOKEE 5.728161019805877 0.820080870052176 1418+546 12.60 891.37 14.34 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 2.8466 2.7818 0.0647 0.8203488 0.8200809 0.0002 1.36607 1.36610 1.36506 13.08 891.18 10.11 4 54864.77686 2009 33 18 38 41.00 WETTZELL 0.315020282560352 0.290370889590571 1418+546 3.76 930.20 5.26 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 7.5361 7.3057 0.2303 0.2913235 0.2903709 0.0061 3.44792 3.44763 3.45730 2.34 929.49 5.50 5 54864.77853 2009 33 18 41 5.00 KOKEE 0.237358352609586 1.023818682739736 1739+522 12.60 891.47 14.45 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 2.4385 2.3830 0.0555 1.0239937 1.0238187 0.0001 1.17023 1.17022 1.17047 13.08 891.18 10.11 5 54864.77853 2009 33 18 41 5.00 WETTZELL 6.077583314137929 0.220000592550423 1739+522 3.92 930.18 5.29 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 9.7883 9.4884 0.3000 0.2212600 0.2200006 0.0137 4.47840 4.47762 4.50306 2.34 929.49 5.50 6 54864.77957 2009 33 18 42 35.00 KOKEE 6.092808147171737 0.545281335329947 1357+769 12.60 891.44 14.49 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 4.0039 3.9127 0.0912 0.5457536 0.5452813 0.0007 1.92149 1.92147 1.92258 13.08 891.18 10.11 6 54864.77957 2009 33 18 42 35.00 WETTZELL 0.177466167102607 0.663303115552215 1357+769 4.01 930.10 5.32 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 3.5427 3.4348 0.1079 0.6636719 0.6633031 0.0004 1.62089 1.62092 1.61984 2.34 929.49 5.50 7 54864.78134 2009 33 18 45 8.00 KOKEE 5.121433644793267 0.408309107810057 1156+295 12.60 891.52 14.53 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 5.2145 5.0958 0.1186 0.4089692 0.4083091 0.0019 2.50244 2.50246 2.50136 13.08 891.18 10.11 7 54864.78134 2009 33 18 45 8.00 WETTZELL 0.951050005566673 0.148546531627267 1156+295 4.20 930.10 5.34 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 14.0881 13.6513 0.4368 0.1503766 0.1485466 0.0412 6.44566 6.44214 6.55757 2.34 929.49 5.50 8 54864.78309 2009 33 18 47 39.00 KOKEE 5.313394104661457 0.334295068731544 1128+385 12.60 891.42 14.56 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 6.2884 6.1451 0.1433 0.3351143 0.3342951 0.0035 3.01781 3.01774 3.02092 13.08 891.18 10.11 8 54864.78309 2009 33 18 47 39.00 WETTZELL 0.936907393349703 0.341559472498169 1128+385 4.40 930.10 5.36 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 6.4673 6.2696 0.1977 0.3423636 0.3415595 0.0037 2.95895 2.95865 2.96840 2.34 929.49 5.50 9 54864.78433 2009 33 18 49 26.00 KOKEE 0.126171574145771 0.721995855857660 3C371 12.60 891.48 14.58 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 3.1477 3.0761 0.0717 0.7223218 0.7219959 0.0003 1.51062 1.51059 1.51152 13.08 891.18 10.11 9 54864.78433 2009 33 18 49 26.00 WETTZELL 6.124379038776650 0.526785583190772 3C371 4.41 930.10 5.35 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 4.3316 4.1996 0.1319 0.5272801 0.5267855 0.0009 1.98180 1.98184 1.98059 2.34 929.49 5.50 10 54864.78590 2009 33 18 51 42.00 KOKEE 5.703252915159668 0.791711669817753 1418+546 12.60 891.44 14.58 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 2.9248 2.8582 0.0665 0.7919952 0.7917117 0.0002 1.40361 1.40363 1.40252 13.08 891.18 10.11 10 54864.78590 2009 33 18 51 42.00 WETTZELL 0.347340719989414 0.302485073539238 1418+546 4.63 930.10 5.36 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 7.2507 7.0291 0.2215 0.3033983 0.3024851 0.0054 3.31735 3.31709 3.32541 2.34 929.49 5.50 11 54864.78756 2009 33 18 54 5.00 KOKEE 0.172998814788697 1.034565721240026 1739+522 12.60 891.47 14.58 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 2.4228 2.3677 0.0552 1.0347365 1.0345657 0.0001 1.16271 1.16271 1.16285 13.08 891.18 10.11 11 54864.78756 2009 33 18 54 5.00 WETTZELL 6.112568940842201 0.213042535166924 1739+522 4.90 930.10 5.35 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 10.0882 9.7789 0.3093 0.2143422 0.2130425 0.0150 4.61560 4.61472 4.64358 2.34 929.49 5.50 12 54864.78962 2009 33 18 57 3.00 KOKEE 6.174451659628964 0.228137301173510 0718+793 12.60 891.32 14.58 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 9.0159 8.8085 0.2074 0.2293480 0.2281373 0.0109 4.32676 4.32569 4.37269 13.08 891.18 10.11 12 54864.78962 2009 33 18 57 3.00 WETTZELL 0.228851691904834 0.987431305670771 0718+793 4.90 930.07 5.33 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 2.6174 2.5377 0.0797 0.9876218 0.9874313 0.0001 1.19751 1.19754 1.19684 2.34 929.49 5.50 13 54864.79229 2009 33 19 0 54.00 KOKEE 5.137114583122529 0.349876603566788 1156+295 12.60 891.32 14.57 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 6.0248 5.8876 0.1372 0.3506572 0.3498766 0.0031 2.89132 2.89129 2.89256 13.08 891.18 10.11 13 54864.79229 2009 33 19 0 54.00 WETTZELL 0.998960960099058 0.185894800740880 1156+295 4.87 929.97 5.34 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 11.4672 11.1138 0.3535 0.1873778 0.1858948 0.0222 5.24653 5.24467 5.30585 2.34 929.49 5.50 14 54864.79400 2009 33 19 3 22.00 KOKEE 5.327715279123324 0.282011049123619 1128+385 12.63 891.42 14.56 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 7.3832 7.2146 0.1685 0.2829889 0.2820110 0.0059 3.54321 3.54298 3.55310 13.08 891.18 10.11 14 54864.79400 2009 33 19 3 22.00 WETTZELL 0.979190542886495 0.378356435781205 1128+385 4.80 929.90 5.32 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 5.8750 5.6954 0.1795 0.3790770 0.3783564 0.0027 2.68794 2.68771 2.69511 2.34 929.49 5.50 15 54864.79558 2009 33 19 5 38.00 KOKEE 5.680202680233577 0.760210736312611 1418+546 12.70 891.27 14.58 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 3.0197 2.9510 0.0687 0.7605127 0.7602107 0.0002 1.44917 1.44920 1.44801 13.08 891.18 10.11 15 54864.79558 2009 33 19 5 38.00 WETTZELL 0.381537549314429 0.316699298930557 1418+546 4.80 929.93 5.34 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 6.9431 6.7310 0.2121 0.3175699 0.3166993 0.0047 3.17662 3.17641 3.18341 2.34 929.49 5.50 16 54864.79722 2009 33 19 8 0.00 KOKEE 0.101031800008413 1.042280304957665 1739+522 12.70 891.40 14.54 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 2.4119 2.3570 0.0549 1.0424481 1.0422803 0.0001 1.15746 1.15746 1.15749 13.08 891.18 10.11 16 54864.79722 2009 33 19 8 0.00 WETTZELL 6.150235940695991 0.207019834055502 1739+522 4.80 930.00 5.35 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 10.3631 10.0452 0.3179 0.2083564 0.2070198 0.0163 4.74138 4.74039 4.77265 2.34 929.49 5.50 17 54864.79833 2009 33 19 9 36.00 KOKEE 0.087172174274208 0.730708204196055 3C371 12.73 891.40 14.47 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 3.1172 3.0462 0.0710 0.7310285 0.7307082 0.0003 1.49595 1.49594 1.49668 13.08 891.18 10.11 17 54864.79833 2009 33 19 9 36.00 WETTZELL 6.158210088855546 0.518621495864395 3C371 4.81 930.00 5.34 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 4.3928 4.2590 0.1338 0.5191254 0.5186214 0.0010 2.00983 2.00987 2.00867 2.34 929.49 5.50 18 54864.79931 2009 33 19 11 0.00 KOKEE 6.072898828480787 0.522327024505116 1357+769 12.80 891.44 14.44 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 4.1610 4.0662 0.0948 0.5228246 0.5223270 0.0009 1.99687 1.99684 1.99819 13.08 891.18 10.11 18 54864.79931 2009 33 19 11 0.00 WETTZELL 0.208151786976689 0.678897726494848 1357+769 4.90 930.00 5.36 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 3.4743 3.3685 0.1058 0.6792549 0.6788977 0.0004 1.58957 1.58960 1.58856 2.34 929.49 5.50 19 54864.80113 2009 33 19 13 38.00 KOKEE 6.186504834446307 0.221243476217492 0718+793 12.80 891.60 14.32 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 9.2795 9.0659 0.2136 0.2224914 0.2212435 0.0119 4.45329 4.45210 4.50437 13.08 891.18 10.11 19 54864.80113 2009 33 19 13 38.00 WETTZELL 0.212753443621333 0.997833329719608 0718+793 4.93 929.97 5.36 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 2.5997 2.5205 0.0792 0.9980195 0.9978333 0.0001 1.18944 1.18946 1.18877 2.34 929.49 5.50 20 54864.80399 2009 33 19 17 45.00 KOKEE 0.895902258066449 0.147756533236036 2356+385 12.83 891.57 14.31 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 13.4774 13.1589 0.3184 0.1495913 0.1477565 0.0369 6.46784 6.46211 6.71420 13.08 891.18 10.11 20 54864.80399 2009 33 19 17 45.00 WETTZELL 5.047919109999149 0.647317596222977 2356+385 5.00 929.87 5.35 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 3.6160 3.5058 0.1102 0.6476987 0.6473176 0.0005 1.65442 1.65442 1.65444 2.34 929.49 5.50 21 54864.80697 2009 33 19 22 2.00 KOKEE 5.160318735026890 0.272241230025033 1156+295 12.90 891.58 14.43 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 7.6336 7.4593 0.1743 0.2732549 0.2722412 0.0065 3.66338 3.66314 3.67399 13.08 891.18 10.11 21 54864.80697 2009 33 19 22 2.00 WETTZELL 1.062228369006768 0.237760982142195 1156+295 5.03 929.80 5.36 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 9.1063 8.8268 0.2795 0.2389272 0.2377610 0.0110 4.16634 4.16541 4.19599 2.34 929.49 5.50 22 54864.80866 2009 33 19 24 28.00 KOKEE 5.349841118064246 0.212715112029227 1128+385 12.92 891.66 14.50 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 9.6297 9.4088 0.2209 0.2140124 0.2127151 0.0134 4.62131 4.62047 4.65740 13.08 891.18 10.11 22 54864.80866 2009 33 19 24 28.00 WETTZELL 1.035249174822483 0.429402089538877 1128+385 5.09 929.81 5.37 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 5.2220 5.0625 0.1595 0.4300288 0.4294020 0.0018 2.38918 2.38902 2.39429 2.34 929.49 5.50 23 54864.81086 2009 33 19 27 38.00 KOKEE 0.518824885826982 0.152178519501681 0059+581 13.00 891.50 14.53 2.0838 2.0363 0.0474 13.1192 12.8111 0.3081 0.1539638 0.1521785 0.0340 6.29597 6.29129 6.49671 13.08 891.18 10.11 23 54864.81086 2009 33 19 27 38.00 WETTZELL 5.390326595477735 0.935415355996973 0059+581 5.00 929.90 5.36 2.1857 2.1191 0.0666 2.7135 2.6309 0.0827 0.9356281 0.9354153 0.0001 1.24151 1.24153 1.24086 2.34 929.49 5.50