% RADIATE format v 2.0
% This file contains ray-tracing results.
% Created by: Armin Hofmeister, Technische Universit�t Wien
% Created with RADIATE program developed by Armin Hofmeister
%    Version: 2.0_Fortran
%    Subversion: global_limit
% File created on:
%    2018-07-30 | 12:18:16.506
% Data content:
%    Ray-tracing results for session:
%        06OCT30XU#####
%    Total number of observations:
%        44
% Chosen ray-tracing options:
%    Assignment of observations to the epochs of the numerical weather model:
%        one_epoch_per_obs
%    Method of vertical interpolation (horizontal treatment):
%        profilewise
%    Method of numerical weather model usage:
%        Full grid information used
%    Ray-tracing approach:
%        pwl
%    Station coordinate catalogue-file:
%        vlbi.ell
% Numerical weather model used:
%    Epoch 1: 2006103018 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg
% Origin and use of the observational data:
%    Observational data (scan number, observation time, station, azimuth, elevation, source)
%    as well as temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values provided in this file
%    originate from the AzEl-file created by VieVS.
%    The reported temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values from the numerical
%    weather model at the station positions have been determined from the numerical weather
%    model by interpolation within the ray-tracing application.
%    Ray-tracing used temperature-, pressure- and water vapour-values only from the numerical
%    weather model.
% Data columns:
%    1  .... scannumber
%    2  .... mjd
%    3  .... year
%    4  .... day of year
%    5  .... hour
%    6  .... min
%    7  .... sec
%    8  .... station
%    9  .... azimuth in [rad]
%    10 .... outgoing elevation angle (calculated, theoretical) in [rad]
%    11 .... source
%    12 .... temperature at station in [�C]
%    13 .... pressure at station in [hPa]
%    14 .... water vapour pressure at station in [hPa]
%    15 .... zenith total delay in [m]
%    16 .... zenith hydrostatic delay in [m]
%    17 .... zenith wet delay in [m]
%    18 .... slant total delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    19 .... slant hydrostatic delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    20 .... slant wet delay in [m]
%    21 .... elevation angle at station in [rad]
%    22 .... outgoing elevation angle from ray-tracing in [rad]
%    23 .... geometric bending effect in [m]
%    24 .... total mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [total_delay_along_the_path / total_zenith_delay]
%    25 .... hydrostatic mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [hydrostatic_delay_along_the_path / hydrostatic_zenith_delay]
%    26 .... wet mapping factor [wet_delay_along_the_path / wet_zenith_delay]
%    27 .... temperature at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [�C]
%    28 .... pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    29 .... water vapour pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    1|          2|   3|  4| 5| 6|    7|       8|                   9|                  10|      11|    12|     13|    14|       15|       16|       17|       18|       19|       20|          21|          22|       23|        24|        25|        26|    27|     28|    29
% scan|        mjd|year|doy| h| m|  sec| station|       azimuth [rad]|   calc. elev. [rad]|  source|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]|  ztd [m]|  zhd [m]|  zwd [m]|  std [m]|  shd [m]|  swd [m]|e at st[rad]|e rtrd [rad]|bend. [m]|  total mf|  hydr. mf|    wet mf|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]
     1 54038.77128 2006 303 18 30 39.00 KOKEE       0.326795103423012    0.221597116596923 3C371     15.06  888.32  17.11    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    9.5429    9.0182    0.5247    0.2229120    0.2215971    0.0128    4.43940    4.44362    4.36808  15.60  888.39  14.45
     1 54038.77128 2006 303 18 30 39.00 WETTZELL    5.732341653926791    0.979497173683873 3C371      8.10  949.10   8.43    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    2.7246    2.6007    0.1239    0.9797014    0.9794972    0.0001    1.20385    1.20386    1.20357   8.51  947.89   9.21
     2 54038.77362 2006 303 18 34  1.00 KOKEE       5.421133767155348    0.685130663372626 0642+449  15.41  888.41  17.50    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    3.3900    3.2012    0.1888    0.6855011    0.6851307    0.0004    1.57707    1.57737    1.57200  15.60  888.39  14.45
     2 54038.77362 2006 303 18 34  1.00 WETTZELL    0.577128036002916    0.228405811032993 0642+449   8.09  949.10   8.47    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    9.7848    9.3333    0.4515    0.2296853    0.2284058    0.0131    4.32338    4.32039    4.38602   8.51  947.89   9.21
     3 54038.77500 2006 303 18 36  0.00 KOKEE       1.030300880978215    0.279310039964669 1611+343  15.52  888.50  17.62    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    7.6795    7.2532    0.4263    0.2803520    0.2793100    0.0065    3.57257    3.57395    3.54917  15.60  888.39  14.45
     3 54038.77500 2006 303 18 36  0.00 WETTZELL    5.101283506420521    0.467069268757468 1611+343   8.00  949.12   8.46    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    5.0037    4.7762    0.2275    0.4676698    0.4670692    0.0015    2.21087    2.21091    2.20991   8.51  947.89   9.21
     4 54038.77640 2006 303 18 38  1.00 KOKEE       0.654871280442911    0.651347274934988 1418+546  15.60  888.50  17.71    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    3.5363    3.3399    0.1964    0.6517443    0.6513473    0.0004    1.64512    1.64571    1.63507  15.60  888.39  14.45
     4 54038.77640 2006 303 18 38  1.00 WETTZELL    5.660214290759855    0.461854156763473 1418+546   8.03  949.20   8.49    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    5.0549    4.8248    0.2301    0.4624625    0.4618541    0.0015    2.23348    2.23341    2.23499   8.51  947.89   9.21
     5 54038.77807 2006 303 18 40 25.50 KOKEE       0.205875914769185    0.527499761392772 1357+769  15.63  888.50  17.74    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    4.2518    4.0163    0.2355    0.5280185    0.5274998    0.0009    1.97795    1.97900    1.96021  15.60  888.39  14.45
     5 54038.77807 2006 303 18 40 25.50 WETTZELL    6.023040197506556    0.714481975459391 1357+769   8.10  949.20   8.52    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    3.4485    3.2916    0.1569    0.7148323    0.7144820    0.0004    1.52372    1.52369    1.52434   8.51  947.89   9.21
     6 54038.77931 2006 303 18 42 12.00 KOKEE       0.640509704148793    0.147706315182536 1739+522  15.72  888.52  17.84    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201   13.8735   13.1085    0.7650    0.1496438    0.1477063    0.0397    6.45404    6.45907    6.36908  15.60  888.39  14.45
     6 54038.77931 2006 303 18 42 12.00 WETTZELL    5.250220693338237    0.852766627047944 1739+522   8.10  949.20   8.52    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    3.0026    2.8661    0.1365    0.8530323    0.8527666    0.0002    1.32667    1.32672    1.32580   8.51  947.89   9.21
     7 54038.78127 2006 303 18 45  2.00 KOKEE       6.121170128928791    0.506105113866062 0718+793  15.88  888.60  18.03    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    4.4134    4.1689    0.2444    0.5066502    0.5061051    0.0010    2.05313    2.05420    2.03505  15.60  888.39  14.45
     7 54038.78127 2006 303 18 45  2.00 WETTZELL    0.163747694389793    0.708289661659125 0718+793   8.10  949.17   8.52    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    3.4731    3.3150    0.1582    0.7086444    0.7082897    0.0004    1.53458    1.53450    1.53640   8.51  947.89   9.21
     8 54038.78461 2006 303 18 49 50.00 KOKEE       5.679193493092657    0.777434289002405 0749+540  16.10  888.60  18.28    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    3.0596    2.8894    0.1703    0.7777421    0.7774343    0.0002    1.42336    1.42370    1.41758  15.60  888.39  14.45
     8 54038.78461 2006 303 18 49 50.00 WETTZELL    0.370613920889974    0.302953556242634 0749+540   8.10  949.07   8.52    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    7.4950    7.1514    0.3436    0.3039147    0.3029536    0.0057    3.31164    3.31039    3.33796   8.51  947.89   9.21
     9 54038.78622 2006 303 18 52  9.50 KOKEE       5.318606617827776    0.461634628841086 0552+398  16.13  888.63  18.32    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    4.8012    4.5338    0.2674    0.4622413    0.4616347    0.0014    2.23357    2.23398    2.22659  15.60  888.39  14.45
     9 54038.78622 2006 303 18 52  9.50 WETTZELL    0.818177370639150    0.282595697320510 0552+398   8.10  949.00   8.52    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    8.0040    7.6360    0.3681    0.2836283    0.2825957    0.0070    3.53653    3.53468    3.57545   8.51  947.89   9.21
    10 54038.78858 2006 303 18 55 33.00 KOKEE       5.604972524777280    0.832567746220210 0804+499  16.23  888.70  18.43    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    2.9025    2.7408    0.1616    0.8328434    0.8325678    0.0002    1.35024    1.35052    1.34565  15.60  888.39  14.45
    10 54038.78858 2006 303 18 55 33.00 WETTZELL    0.373369917277398    0.227617262436604 0804+499   8.13  949.03   8.54    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    9.8169    9.3644    0.4524    0.2289011    0.2276173    0.0133    4.33753    4.33479    4.39502   8.51  947.89   9.21
    11 54038.79162 2006 303 18 59 56.00 KOKEE       1.053476093503689    0.363072186926585 1611+343  16.33  888.70  18.55    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    5.9987    5.6654    0.3332    0.3638638    0.3630723    0.0029    2.79062    2.79159    2.77425  15.60  888.39  14.45
    11 54038.79162 2006 303 18 59 56.00 WETTZELL    5.167450550167381    0.404589948375396 1611+343   8.21  949.10   8.58    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    5.7135    5.4536    0.2599    0.4052958    0.4045899    0.0024    2.52449    2.52448    2.52462   8.51  947.89   9.21
    12 54038.79301 2006 303 19  1 56.00 KOKEE       5.412350609031374    0.598845232412702 0642+449  16.51  888.70  18.77    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    3.8024    3.5907    0.2117    0.5992885    0.5988453    0.0006    1.76890    1.76927    1.76264  15.60  888.39  14.45
    12 54038.79301 2006 303 19  1 56.00 WETTZELL    0.652793736904435    0.274503504289752 0642+449   8.30  949.10   8.62    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    8.2268    7.8485    0.3782    0.2755673    0.2745035    0.0077    3.63496    3.63308    3.67443   8.51  947.89   9.21
    13 54038.79470 2006 303 19  4 22.00 KOKEE       0.628604816728709    0.715347782045703 1418+546  16.63  888.70  18.91    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    3.2705    3.0888    0.1817    0.7156963    0.7153478    0.0003    1.52147    1.52197    1.51300  15.60  888.39  14.45
    13 54038.79470 2006 303 19  4 22.00 WETTZELL    5.717972625420405    0.419634886495789 1418+546   8.27  949.10   8.62    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    5.5222    5.2707    0.2515    0.4203127    0.4196348    0.0021    2.43997    2.43982    2.44294   8.51  947.89   9.21
    14 54038.79619 2006 303 19  6 31.00 KOKEE       0.666553300983333    0.207655921461685 1739+522  16.71  888.71  18.99    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201   10.1437    9.5843    0.5594    0.2090575    0.2076559    0.0154    4.71893    4.72258    4.65724  15.60  888.39  14.45
    14 54038.79619 2006 303 19  6 31.00 WETTZELL    5.290952746797959    0.793732088018307 1739+522   8.20  949.10   8.60    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    3.1708    3.0267    0.1441    0.7940311    0.7937321    0.0002    1.40101    1.40105    1.40010   8.51  947.89   9.21
    15 54038.79869 2006 303 19 10  7.00 KOKEE       5.328952835732749    0.402024427037584 0552+398  16.83  888.80  18.89    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    5.4556    5.1517    0.3039    0.4027330    0.4020245    0.0021    2.53796    2.53845    2.52966  15.60  888.39  14.45
    15 54038.79869 2006 303 19 10  7.00 WETTZELL    0.866971042134787    0.320955681479537 0552+398   8.23  949.07   8.64    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    7.0974    6.7717    0.3257    0.3218607    0.3209557    0.0048    3.13597    3.13463    3.16422   8.51  947.89   9.21
    16 54038.80046 2006 303 19 12 40.00 KOKEE       0.355108219623818    0.278663854752189 3C371     16.93  888.80  18.64    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    7.6917    7.2680    0.4237    0.2797083    0.2786639    0.0065    3.57823    3.58125    3.52715  15.60  888.39  14.45
    16 54038.80046 2006 303 19 12 40.00 WETTZELL    5.728888857687645    0.916213382540958 3C371      8.30  949.00   8.69    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    2.8509    2.7213    0.1296    0.9164468    0.9162134    0.0001    1.25966    1.25967    1.25938   8.51  947.89   9.21
    17 54038.80201 2006 303 19 14 54.00 KOKEE       5.643856048692990    0.718192858295340 0749+540  17.02  888.80  18.61    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    3.2604    3.0790    0.1814    0.7185394    0.7181929    0.0003    1.51675    1.51714    1.51023  15.60  888.39  14.45
    17 54038.80201 2006 303 19 14 54.00 WETTZELL    0.431935323393266    0.330979428900381 0749+540   8.30  949.00   8.69    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    6.8947    6.5789    0.3158    0.3318556    0.3309793    0.0044    3.04640    3.04538    3.06776   8.51  947.89   9.21
    18 54038.80456 2006 303 19 18 34.00 KOKEE       0.497411870045894    0.280774271498493 1745+624  17.13  888.80  18.58    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    7.6377    7.2166    0.4211    0.2818107    0.2807743    0.0064    3.55309    3.55590    3.50556  15.60  888.39  14.45
    18 54038.80456 2006 303 19 18 34.00 WETTZELL    5.542983524393678    0.847021106179222 1745+624   8.30  948.97   8.69    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    3.0176    2.8804    0.1372    0.8472898    0.8470211    0.0002    1.33333    1.33335    1.33279   8.51  947.89   9.21
    19 54038.80760 2006 303 19 22 57.00 KOKEE       1.072028808102005    0.444590094312564 1611+343  17.21  888.81  18.42    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    4.9688    4.6926    0.2762    0.4452233    0.4445901    0.0016    2.31153    2.31223    2.29971  15.60  888.39  14.45
    19 54038.80760 2006 303 19 22 57.00 WETTZELL    5.231491896943945    0.346384149615433 1611+343   8.31  948.90   8.69    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    6.6079    6.3071    0.3008    0.3472191    0.3463841    0.0038    2.91965    2.91953    2.92218   8.51  947.89   9.21
    20 54038.80899 2006 303 19 24 57.00 KOKEE       5.412340754297563    0.527462114624985 0642+449  17.30  888.90  18.45    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    4.2540    4.0172    0.2368    0.5279809    0.5274621    0.0009    1.97900    1.97946    1.97135  15.60  888.39  14.45
    20 54038.80899 2006 303 19 24 57.00 WETTZELL    0.713446542837113    0.316085300303824 0642+449   8.40  948.90   8.74    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    7.2005    6.8702    0.3304    0.3170050    0.3160853    0.0050    3.18152    3.18020    3.20920   8.51  947.89   9.21
    21 54038.81068 2006 303 19 27 22.50 KOKEE       0.596515001828257    0.769020827216891 1418+546  17.33  888.90  18.40    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    3.0856    2.9141    0.1715    0.7693338    0.7690208    0.0002    1.43544    1.43588    1.42803  15.60  888.39  14.45
    21 54038.81068 2006 303 19 27 22.50 WETTZELL    5.770064589281713    0.385822089195925 1418+546   8.37  948.93   8.74    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    5.9715    5.6994    0.2721    0.3865656    0.3858220    0.0027    2.63846    2.63823    2.64325   8.51  947.89   9.21
    22 54038.81323 2006 303 19 31  3.00 KOKEE       5.553554549043652    0.739223455826332 0804+499  17.40  888.90  18.44    2.1496    2.0295    0.1201    3.1850    3.0077    0.1773    0.7395557    0.7392235    0.0003    1.48170    1.48203    1.47622  15.60  888.39  14.45
    22 54038.81323 2006 303 19 31  3.00 WETTZELL    0.467422073497170    0.269092608281541 0804+499   8.30  949.00   8.72    2.2632    2.1603    0.1029    8.3831    7.9979    0.3852    0.2701781    0.2690926    0.0081    3.70402    3.70221    3.74215   8.51  947.89   9.21