%***************************************************************************************************************** % RADIATE format v 2.0 % % This file contains ray-tracing results. % % Created by: Armin Hofmeister, Technische Universit�t Wien % % Created with RADIATE program developed by Armin Hofmeister % Version: 2.0_Fortran % Subversion: global_limit % % File created on: % 2018-07-30 | 12:09:07.244 % % Data content: % Ray-tracing results for session: % 06NOV29XU##### % Total number of observations: % 46 % % Chosen ray-tracing options: % Assignment of observations to the epochs of the numerical weather model: % one_epoch_per_obs % Method of vertical interpolation (horizontal treatment): % profilewise % Method of numerical weather model usage: % Full grid information used % Ray-tracing approach: % pwl % Station coordinate catalogue-file: % vlbi.ell % % Numerical weather model used: % Epoch 1: 2006112918 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg % % Origin and use of the observational data: % Observational data (scan number, observation time, station, azimuth, elevation, source) % as well as temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values provided in this file % originate from the AzEl-file created by VieVS. % The reported temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values from the numerical % weather model at the station positions have been determined from the numerical weather % model by interpolation within the ray-tracing application. % Ray-tracing used temperature-, pressure- and water vapour-values only from the numerical % weather model. % % % Data columns: % 1 .... scannumber % 2 .... mjd % 3 .... year % 4 .... day of year % 5 .... hour % 6 .... min % 7 .... sec % 8 .... station % 9 .... azimuth in [rad] % 10 .... outgoing elevation angle (calculated, theoretical) in [rad] % 11 .... source % 12 .... temperature at station in [�C] % 13 .... pressure at station in [hPa] % 14 .... water vapour pressure at station in [hPa] % 15 .... zenith total delay in [m] % 16 .... zenith hydrostatic delay in [m] % 17 .... zenith wet delay in [m] % 18 .... slant total delay including geometric bending effect in [m] % 19 .... slant hydrostatic delay including geometric bending effect in [m] % 20 .... slant wet delay in [m] % 21 .... elevation angle at station in [rad] % 22 .... outgoing elevation angle from ray-tracing in [rad] % 23 .... geometric bending effect in [m] % 24 .... total mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [total_delay_along_the_path / total_zenith_delay] % 25 .... hydrostatic mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [hydrostatic_delay_along_the_path / hydrostatic_zenith_delay] % 26 .... wet mapping factor [wet_delay_along_the_path / wet_zenith_delay] % 27 .... temperature at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [�C] % 28 .... pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa] % 29 .... water vapour pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa] %***************************************************************************************************************** % % % 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18| 19| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29 % scan| mjd|year|doy| h| m| sec| station| azimuth [rad]| calc. elev. [rad]| source|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]| ztd [m]| zhd [m]| zwd [m]| std [m]| shd [m]| swd [m]|e at st[rad]|e rtrd [rad]|bend. [m]| total mf| hydr. mf| wet mf|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa] % 1 54068.77126 2006 333 18 30 36.50 KOKEE 0.380725479833320 0.390159629410251 3C371 13.61 886.41 15.58 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 5.4585 5.2825 0.1760 0.3908923 0.3901597 0.0022 2.60948 2.60930 2.61483 14.36 886.30 14.24 1 54068.77126 2006 333 18 30 36.50 WETTZELL 5.763372099012803 0.804352257922398 3C371 5.40 960.70 8.51 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 3.1606 3.0319 0.1287 0.8046490 0.8043523 0.0002 1.38678 1.38653 1.39274 5.44 958.81 8.64 2 54068.77356 2006 333 18 33 56.00 KOKEE 5.442405828860464 0.322057409374347 0642+449 13.70 886.52 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 6.5366 6.3260 0.2105 0.3229570 0.3220574 0.0040 3.12485 3.12476 3.12768 14.36 886.30 14.24 2 54068.77356 2006 333 18 33 56.00 WETTZELL 0.881361279421494 0.453108106865301 0642+449 5.40 960.70 8.50 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 5.1806 4.9699 0.2107 0.4537384 0.4531081 0.0017 2.27312 2.27283 2.28005 5.44 958.81 8.64 3 54068.77453 2006 333 18 35 19.00 KOKEE 5.569047673188729 0.881379303560759 0955+476 13.70 886.59 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 2.7083 2.6213 0.0870 0.8816292 0.8813793 0.0001 1.29473 1.29478 1.29322 14.36 886.30 14.24 3 54068.77453 2006 333 18 35 19.00 WETTZELL 0.356728608043854 0.175950305309081 0955+476 5.37 960.70 8.49 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 12.5820 12.0561 0.5260 0.1776208 0.1759503 0.0285 5.52068 5.51346 5.69159 5.44 958.81 8.64 4 54068.77588 2006 333 18 37 16.00 KOKEE 1.103336973214761 0.704477014662184 1611+343 13.70 886.52 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 3.2241 3.1202 0.1039 0.7048334 0.7044770 0.0003 1.54131 1.54123 1.54375 14.36 886.30 14.24 4 54068.77588 2006 333 18 37 16.00 WETTZELL 5.439028970524278 0.178527615427208 1611+343 5.20 960.70 8.39 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 12.4190 11.8957 0.5233 0.1801752 0.1785276 0.0274 5.44917 5.44014 5.66281 5.44 958.81 8.64 5 54068.77731 2006 333 18 39 19.50 KOKEE 0.435080164357173 0.910772188980141 1418+546 13.70 886.60 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 2.6455 2.5604 0.0851 0.9110075 0.9107722 0.0001 1.26472 1.26473 1.26441 14.36 886.30 14.24 5 54068.77731 2006 333 18 39 19.50 WETTZELL 5.936870984413329 0.302343009015134 1418+546 5.13 960.67 8.35 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 7.5670 7.2546 0.3124 0.3033193 0.3023429 0.0059 3.32022 3.31765 3.38097 5.44 958.81 8.64 6 54068.77900 2006 333 18 41 45.50 KOKEE 0.096656758738953 0.602577797509596 1357+769 13.70 886.60 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 3.6801 3.5617 0.1184 0.6030177 0.6025778 0.0005 1.75930 1.75933 1.75841 14.36 886.30 14.24 6 54068.77900 2006 333 18 41 45.50 WETTZELL 6.148844489444471 0.646730001417968 1357+769 5.00 960.60 8.28 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 3.7748 3.6209 0.1539 0.6471377 0.6467300 0.0005 1.65631 1.65592 1.66554 5.44 958.81 8.64 7 54068.78031 2006 333 18 43 39.00 KOKEE 0.721972139660982 0.456132229801825 1739+522 13.70 886.60 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 4.7238 4.5714 0.1524 0.4567476 0.4561323 0.0014 2.25823 2.25804 2.26378 14.36 886.30 14.24 7 54068.78031 2006 333 18 43 39.00 WETTZELL 5.469011175268838 0.579846888859395 1739+522 4.99 960.60 8.27 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 4.1491 3.9796 0.1695 0.5803166 0.5798469 0.0008 1.82051 1.81995 1.83392 5.44 958.81 8.64 8 54068.78336 2006 333 18 48 2.00 KOKEE 5.512902737605980 0.530841279477285 0804+499 13.74 886.56 15.71 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 4.1164 3.9841 0.1323 0.5313563 0.5308413 0.0008 1.96789 1.96797 1.96552 14.36 886.30 14.24 8 54068.78336 2006 333 18 48 2.00 WETTZELL 0.654802067394127 0.383254321710462 0804+499 4.86 960.60 8.19 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 6.0517 5.8047 0.2470 0.3840135 0.3832543 0.0029 2.65535 2.65462 2.67256 5.44 958.81 8.64 9 54068.78556 2006 333 18 51 12.00 KOKEE 5.593148095042899 0.479806661938811 0749+540 13.80 886.56 15.77 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 4.5101 4.3651 0.1450 0.4803872 0.4798067 0.0012 2.15610 2.15617 2.15383 14.36 886.30 14.24 9 54068.78556 2006 333 18 51 12.00 WETTZELL 0.647515901615592 0.469788603392265 0749+540 4.77 960.60 8.14 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 5.0119 4.8077 0.2041 0.4703933 0.4697886 0.0015 2.19908 2.19866 2.20899 5.44 958.81 8.64 10 54068.78683 2006 333 18 53 2.00 KOKEE 5.458155938735184 0.264767783070337 0642+449 13.78 886.70 15.75 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 7.8641 7.6103 0.2538 0.2658690 0.2647678 0.0072 3.75949 3.75912 3.77060 14.36 886.30 14.24 10 54068.78683 2006 333 18 53 2.00 WETTZELL 0.927220012510134 0.496073049413750 0642+449 4.68 960.60 8.10 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 4.7691 4.5753 0.1938 0.4966406 0.4960730 0.0013 2.09255 2.09236 2.09701 5.44 958.81 8.64 11 54068.78796 2006 333 18 54 40.00 KOKEE 5.533792820016580 0.828933672803433 0955+476 13.70 886.68 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 2.8341 2.7431 0.0911 0.8292115 0.8289337 0.0002 1.35488 1.35494 1.35322 14.36 886.30 14.24 11 54068.78796 2006 333 18 54 40.00 WETTZELL 0.411099366656288 0.196694696900171 0955+476 4.61 960.60 8.05 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 11.3441 10.8725 0.4715 0.1981960 0.1966947 0.0208 4.97751 4.97222 5.10280 5.44 958.81 8.64 12 54068.79054 2006 333 18 58 23.00 KOKEE 0.371967615327308 0.941148301108316 1418+546 13.70 886.57 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 2.5860 2.5028 0.0832 0.9413692 0.9411483 0.0001 1.23626 1.23627 1.23584 14.36 886.30 14.24 12 54068.79054 2006 333 18 58 23.00 WETTZELL 5.984308995018346 0.285048755733611 1418+546 4.70 960.60 8.10 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 8.0004 7.6696 0.3308 0.2860863 0.2850488 0.0071 3.51037 3.50745 3.57949 5.44 958.81 8.64 13 54068.79215 2006 333 19 0 42.00 KOKEE 0.380718401054446 0.435537380481085 3C371 13.70 886.70 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 4.9285 4.7697 0.1588 0.4361858 0.4355374 0.0016 2.35612 2.35601 2.35933 14.36 886.30 14.24 13 54068.79215 2006 333 19 0 42.00 WETTZELL 5.788012469307623 0.762464947143268 3C371 4.67 960.60 8.08 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 3.2957 3.1615 0.1343 0.7627875 0.7624649 0.0003 1.44609 1.44580 1.45291 5.44 958.81 8.64 14 54068.79330 2006 333 19 2 21.00 KOKEE 0.723104218234240 0.506269600517402 1739+522 13.70 886.70 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 4.2956 4.1571 0.1385 0.5068147 0.5062696 0.0010 2.05354 2.05341 2.05737 14.36 886.30 14.24 14 54068.79330 2006 333 19 2 21.00 WETTZELL 5.507370769293019 0.541639585470917 1739+522 4.61 960.60 8.06 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 4.4073 4.2272 0.1802 0.5421506 0.5416396 0.0009 1.93383 1.93316 1.94966 5.44 958.81 8.64 15 54068.79571 2006 333 19 5 49.00 KOKEE 5.513552771370578 0.480653663419187 0804+499 13.70 886.70 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 4.5030 4.3583 0.1447 0.4812330 0.4806537 0.0011 2.15269 2.15277 2.15046 14.36 886.30 14.24 15 54068.79571 2006 333 19 5 49.00 WETTZELL 0.696914079467492 0.415094608906886 0804+499 4.73 960.63 8.12 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 5.6178 5.3889 0.2290 0.4157901 0.4150946 0.0022 2.46497 2.46443 2.47791 5.44 958.81 8.64 16 54068.79875 2006 333 19 10 12.00 KOKEE 5.474826069192744 0.214044925256309 0642+449 13.70 886.70 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 9.6066 9.2954 0.3112 0.2154069 0.2140449 0.0134 4.59250 4.59149 4.62273 14.36 886.30 14.24 16 54068.79875 2006 333 19 10 12.00 WETTZELL 0.967770519920520 0.535964918828090 0642+449 4.80 960.70 8.16 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 4.4480 4.2674 0.1806 0.5364825 0.5359649 0.0010 1.95167 1.95155 1.95455 5.44 958.81 8.64 17 54068.80006 2006 333 19 12 5.50 KOKEE 5.595766611921486 0.425967551926149 0749+540 13.70 886.70 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 5.0313 4.8695 0.1618 0.4266324 0.4259676 0.0017 2.40527 2.40532 2.40352 14.36 886.30 14.24 17 54068.80006 2006 333 19 12 5.50 WETTZELL 0.691764217917879 0.506904892510025 0749+540 4.77 960.70 8.13 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 4.6769 4.4866 0.1903 0.5074582 0.5069049 0.0012 2.05210 2.05178 2.05952 5.44 958.81 8.64 18 54068.80138 2006 333 19 13 59.00 KOKEE 5.507109961294749 0.774806675795057 0955+476 13.70 886.68 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 2.9858 2.8899 0.0960 0.7751162 0.7748067 0.0002 1.42740 1.42746 1.42558 14.36 886.30 14.24 18 54068.80138 2006 333 19 13 59.00 WETTZELL 0.464450033825770 0.220132928972511 0955+476 4.70 960.70 8.10 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 10.2083 9.7860 0.4223 0.2214781 0.2201329 0.0151 4.47915 4.47531 4.56998 5.44 958.81 8.64 19 54068.80296 2006 333 19 16 15.50 KOKEE 0.305154171870487 0.965246753480824 1418+546 13.70 886.62 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 2.5423 2.4605 0.0818 0.9654567 0.9652468 0.0001 1.21536 1.21538 1.21485 14.36 886.30 14.24 19 54068.80296 2006 333 19 16 15.50 WETTZELL 6.029424399345915 0.271090533350309 1418+546 4.70 960.72 8.09 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 8.3894 8.0421 0.3473 0.2721827 0.2710905 0.0082 3.68106 3.67780 3.75808 5.44 958.81 8.64 20 54068.80554 2006 333 19 19 59.00 KOKEE 0.720741480674307 0.553513514983853 1739+522 13.70 886.69 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 3.9656 3.8378 0.1278 0.5540030 0.5535135 0.0007 1.89579 1.89570 1.89852 14.36 886.30 14.24 20 54068.80554 2006 333 19 19 59.00 WETTZELL 5.544525479207879 0.506971488153007 1739+522 4.70 960.80 8.10 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 4.6772 4.4858 0.1914 0.5075247 0.5069715 0.0012 2.05225 2.05146 2.07082 5.44 958.81 8.64 21 54068.80686 2006 333 19 21 53.00 KOKEE 5.288585598718902 0.674073733017765 4C39.25 13.70 886.62 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 3.3445 3.2370 0.1075 0.6744528 0.6740737 0.0004 1.59888 1.59894 1.59693 14.36 886.30 14.24 21 54068.80686 2006 333 19 21 53.00 WETTZELL 0.646157666582693 0.149975742283661 4C39.25 4.70 960.80 8.10 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 14.5621 13.9518 0.6104 0.1519152 0.1499758 0.0442 6.38951 6.38040 6.60494 5.44 958.81 8.64 22 54068.80875 2006 333 19 24 36.00 KOKEE 5.517759899980628 0.427776298675109 0804+499 13.70 886.70 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 5.0118 4.8506 0.1612 0.4284380 0.4277764 0.0017 2.39593 2.39599 2.39420 14.36 886.30 14.24 22 54068.80875 2006 333 19 24 36.00 WETTZELL 0.740392506825793 0.450488831101008 0804+499 4.78 960.84 8.14 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 5.2084 4.9964 0.2121 0.4511233 0.4504888 0.0017 2.28534 2.28494 2.29484 5.44 958.81 8.64 23 54068.81072 2006 333 19 27 26.00 KOKEE 5.493913535065040 0.163988166627810 0642+449 13.70 886.70 15.67 2.0918 2.0245 0.0673 12.2974 11.8961 0.4013 0.1657483 0.1639882 0.0283 5.87887 5.87610 5.96231 14.36 886.30 14.24 23 54068.81072 2006 333 19 27 26.00 WETTZELL 1.007918448669582 0.577140212196178 0642+449 4.90 960.90 8.22 2.2791 2.1867 0.0924 4.1653 3.9962 0.1690 0.5776127 0.5771402 0.0008 1.82763 1.82756 1.82935 5.44 958.81 8.64