% RADIATE format v 2.0
% This file contains ray-tracing results.
% Created by: Armin Hofmeister, Technische Universit�t Wien
% Created with RADIATE program developed by Armin Hofmeister
%    Version: 2.0_Fortran
%    Subversion: global_limit
% File created on:
%    2018-07-30 | 11:40:11.694
% Data content:
%    Ray-tracing results for session:
%        06JUN29XU#####
%    Total number of observations:
%        42
% Chosen ray-tracing options:
%    Assignment of observations to the epochs of the numerical weather model:
%        one_epoch_per_obs
%    Method of vertical interpolation (horizontal treatment):
%        profilewise
%    Method of numerical weather model usage:
%        Full grid information used
%    Ray-tracing approach:
%        pwl
%    Station coordinate catalogue-file:
%        vlbi.ell
% Numerical weather model used:
%    Epoch 1: 2006062918 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg
% Origin and use of the observational data:
%    Observational data (scan number, observation time, station, azimuth, elevation, source)
%    as well as temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values provided in this file
%    originate from the AzEl-file created by VieVS.
%    The reported temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values from the numerical
%    weather model at the station positions have been determined from the numerical weather
%    model by interpolation within the ray-tracing application.
%    Ray-tracing used temperature-, pressure- and water vapour-values only from the numerical
%    weather model.
% Data columns:
%    1  .... scannumber
%    2  .... mjd
%    3  .... year
%    4  .... day of year
%    5  .... hour
%    6  .... min
%    7  .... sec
%    8  .... station
%    9  .... azimuth in [rad]
%    10 .... outgoing elevation angle (calculated, theoretical) in [rad]
%    11 .... source
%    12 .... temperature at station in [�C]
%    13 .... pressure at station in [hPa]
%    14 .... water vapour pressure at station in [hPa]
%    15 .... zenith total delay in [m]
%    16 .... zenith hydrostatic delay in [m]
%    17 .... zenith wet delay in [m]
%    18 .... slant total delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    19 .... slant hydrostatic delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    20 .... slant wet delay in [m]
%    21 .... elevation angle at station in [rad]
%    22 .... outgoing elevation angle from ray-tracing in [rad]
%    23 .... geometric bending effect in [m]
%    24 .... total mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [total_delay_along_the_path / total_zenith_delay]
%    25 .... hydrostatic mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [hydrostatic_delay_along_the_path / hydrostatic_zenith_delay]
%    26 .... wet mapping factor [wet_delay_along_the_path / wet_zenith_delay]
%    27 .... temperature at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [�C]
%    28 .... pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    29 .... water vapour pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    1|          2|   3|  4| 5| 6|    7|       8|                   9|                  10|      11|    12|     13|    14|       15|       16|       17|       18|       19|       20|          21|          22|       23|        24|        25|        26|    27|     28|    29
% scan|        mjd|year|doy| h| m|  sec| station|       azimuth [rad]|   calc. elev. [rad]|  source|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]|  ztd [m]|  zhd [m]|  zwd [m]|  std [m]|  shd [m]|  swd [m]|e at st[rad]|e rtrd [rad]|bend. [m]|  total mf|  hydr. mf|    wet mf|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]
     1 53915.77124 2006 180 18 30 35.00 KOKEE       5.988401437245850    0.175931491026095 3C371     16.94  889.61  15.72    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810   11.6417   11.1861    0.4556    0.1775914    0.1759315    0.0235    5.51212    5.50762    5.62500  15.36  889.40  14.89
     1 53915.77124 2006 180 18 30 35.00 WETTZELL    0.555220569639083    0.945281572633302 3C371     15.39  949.21  17.31    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    2.8808    2.6612    0.2196    0.9455160    0.9452816    0.0001    1.23306    1.23280    1.23619  16.66  947.72  16.00
     2 53915.77353 2006 180 18 33 53.00 KOKEE       0.970584829762876    0.740360973793588 0552+398  17.20  889.68  16.39    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810    3.1260    3.0062    0.1199    0.7406953    0.7403610    0.0003    1.48012    1.48012    1.47991  15.36  889.40  14.89
     2 53915.77353 2006 180 18 33 53.00 WETTZELL    5.530627249158032    0.234758341433843 0552+398  15.30  949.30  17.22    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    9.8412    9.0906    0.7505    0.2360877    0.2347583    0.0132    4.21232    4.21125    4.22538  16.66  947.72  16.00
     3 53915.77529 2006 180 18 36 25.00 KOKEE       5.978239727019415    0.882848869599749 0059+581  17.23  889.63  16.56    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810    2.7314    2.6266    0.1048    0.8831001    0.8828489    0.0001    1.29325    1.29323    1.29386  15.36  889.40  14.89
     3 53915.77529 2006 180 18 36 25.00 WETTZELL    0.132751219655953    0.317349269827571 0059+581  15.30  949.27  17.23    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    7.4107    6.8413    0.5694    0.3183269    0.3173494    0.0054    3.17200    3.16924    3.20557  16.66  947.72  16.00
     4 53915.77727 2006 180 18 39 16.50 KOKEE       0.753600518064971    0.353208901856705 0804+499  17.30  889.67  16.81    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810    6.0506    5.8179    0.2327    0.3540313    0.3532089    0.0031    2.86485    2.86453    2.87295  15.36  889.40  14.89
     4 53915.77727 2006 180 18 39 16.50 WETTZELL    5.356191421953472    0.633260564765464 0804+499  15.30  949.20  17.23    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    3.9381    3.6393    0.2988    0.6337020    0.6332606    0.0006    1.68562    1.68591    1.68218  16.66  947.72  16.00
     5 53915.77904 2006 180 18 41 49.00 KOKEE       0.036414186407966    0.156615137282041 1357+769  17.30  889.60  16.96    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810   12.9483   12.4402    0.5081    0.1584675    0.1566151    0.0324    6.13079    6.12510    6.27363  15.36  889.40  14.89
     5 53915.77904 2006 180 18 41 49.00 WETTZELL    6.269888089475838    1.089843853899542 1357+769  15.30  949.20  17.20    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    2.6345    2.4341    0.2005    1.0900133    1.0898439    0.0001    1.12766    1.12759    1.12856  16.66  947.72  16.00
     6 53915.78139 2006 180 18 45 12.00 KOKEE       0.870418023530731    0.606375932266360 0642+449  17.32  889.62  16.94    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810    3.6960    3.5543    0.1418    0.6068159    0.6063760    0.0005    1.75001    1.74999    1.75037  15.36  889.40  14.89
     6 53915.78139 2006 180 18 45 12.00 WETTZELL    5.482835436634891    0.383037622725642 0642+449  15.32  949.22  17.16    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    6.2038    5.7325    0.4712    0.3838376    0.3830377    0.0030    2.65540    2.65561    2.65287  16.66  947.72  16.00
     7 53915.78321 2006 180 18 47 49.00 KOKEE       0.687413347549002    0.427140931419427 0749+540  17.40  889.66  17.07    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810    5.0674    4.8728    0.1946    0.4278091    0.4271410    0.0017    2.39933    2.39917    2.40319  15.36  889.40  14.89
     7 53915.78321 2006 180 18 47 49.00 WETTZELL    5.474013331737225    0.622267166009001 0749+540  15.36  949.30  17.12    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    3.9980    3.6945    0.3035    0.6227189    0.6222672    0.0006    1.71126    1.71147    1.70871  16.66  947.72  16.00
     8 53915.78502 2006 180 18 50 26.00 KOKEE       0.961011073803708    0.795546956321311 0552+398  17.40  889.60  17.00    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810    2.9532    2.8400    0.1132    0.7958464    0.7955470    0.0002    1.39828    1.39829    1.39800  15.36  889.40  14.89
     8 53915.78502 2006 180 18 50 26.00 WETTZELL    5.577544505186262    0.203202831424668 0552+398  15.32  949.30  16.95    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776   11.2697   10.4076    0.8621    0.2047350    0.2032028    0.0200    4.82379    4.82136    4.85332  16.66  947.72  16.00
     9 53915.78684 2006 180 18 53  3.00 KOKEE       5.929700391021150    0.861030707085661 0059+581  17.40  889.60  16.80    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810    2.7817    2.6750    0.1067    0.8612933    0.8610307    0.0001    1.31709    1.31706    1.31781  15.36  889.40  14.89
     9 53915.78684 2006 180 18 53  3.00 WETTZELL    0.172161924918869    0.324579686172155 0059+581  15.35  949.30  16.99    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    7.2550    6.6976    0.5575    0.3255345    0.3245798    0.0050    3.10537    3.10266    3.13835  16.66  947.72  16.00
    10 53915.78981 2006 180 18 57 19.50 KOKEE       0.762229828137264    0.403510587252218 0804+499  17.43  889.63  16.64    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810    5.3422    5.1370    0.2053    0.4042224    0.4035107    0.0020    2.52946    2.52927    2.53417  15.36  889.40  14.89
    10 53915.78981 2006 180 18 57 19.50 WETTZELL    5.393589770571174    0.592528769367240 0804+499  15.23  949.30  16.85    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    4.1713    3.8547    0.3165    0.5930099    0.5925288    0.0007    1.78543    1.78572    1.78200  16.66  947.72  16.00
    11 53915.79133 2006 180 18 59 31.00 KOKEE       6.017963790926732    0.143490516406007 3C371     17.50  889.65  16.33    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810   14.0162   13.4628    0.5534    0.1454993    0.1434905    0.0411    6.63641    6.62859    6.83254  15.36  889.40  14.89
    11 53915.79133 2006 180 18 59 31.00 WETTZELL    0.548724899543615    0.988762333928332 3C371     15.30  949.30  16.92    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    2.7959    2.5828    0.2131    0.9889760    0.9887623    0.0001    1.19672    1.19650    1.19945  16.66  947.72  16.00
    12 53915.79264 2006 180 19  1 24.00 KOKEE       0.866085773724830    0.656499082193526 0642+449  17.51  889.53  16.29    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810    3.4527    3.3203    0.1324    0.6568953    0.6564991    0.0004    1.63481    1.63481    1.63491  15.36  889.40  14.89
    12 53915.79264 2006 180 19  1 24.00 WETTZELL    5.523792390023006    0.350434281930625 0642+449  15.32  949.30  16.95    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    6.7435    6.2309    0.5126    0.3513147    0.3504344    0.0040    2.88643    2.88648    2.88574  16.66  947.72  16.00
    13 53915.79481 2006 180 19  4 32.00 KOKEE       0.689777280963887    0.470206748594175 0749+540  17.60  889.67  16.18    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810    4.6388    4.4607    0.1781    0.4708058    0.4702068    0.0012    2.19639    2.19629    2.19888  15.36  889.40  14.89
    13 53915.79481 2006 180 19  4 32.00 WETTZELL    5.506118712223047    0.588174844664061 0749+540  15.34  949.30  16.98    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    4.1985    3.8797    0.3188    0.5886605    0.5881749    0.0008    1.79708    1.79728    1.79469  16.66  947.72  16.00
    14 53915.79786 2006 180 19  8 55.00 KOKEE       0.944363736127721    0.856623891571250 0552+398  17.63  889.60  16.13    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810    2.7922    2.6851    0.1071    0.8568888    0.8566239    0.0001    1.32204    1.32205    1.32172  15.36  889.40  14.89
    14 53915.79786 2006 180 19  8 55.00 WETTZELL    5.630952959426710    0.169983372700508 0552+398  15.21  949.30  16.84    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776   13.3010   12.2784    1.0226    0.1718015    0.1699834    0.0330    5.69324    5.68798    5.75720  16.66  947.72  16.00
    15 53915.80037 2006 180 19 12 32.00 KOKEE       1.258157927885790    0.166611359988166 OJ287     17.93  889.60  16.17    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810   12.2406   11.7633    0.4774    0.1683595    0.1666114    0.0274    5.79573    5.79181    5.89398  15.36  889.40  14.89
    15 53915.80037 2006 180 19 12 32.00 WETTZELL    4.883936773786310    0.319285702248289 OJ287     15.24  949.33  16.94    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    7.3574    6.8011    0.5563    0.3202571    0.3192858    0.0053    3.14918    3.15062    3.13171  16.66  947.72  16.00
    16 53915.80348 2006 180 19 17  1.00 KOKEE       0.906621641000973    0.181118177043214 4C39.25   18.02  889.60  16.35    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810   11.3329   10.8921    0.4408    0.1827328    0.1811182    0.0217    5.36593    5.36285    5.44300  15.36  889.40  14.89
    16 53915.80348 2006 180 19 17  1.00 WETTZELL    5.076486144682494    0.620948960403945 4C39.25   15.08  949.40  16.94    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    4.0046    3.7011    0.3035    0.6214019    0.6209490    0.0006    1.71411    1.71456    1.70855  16.66  947.72  16.00
    17 53915.80451 2006 180 19 18 30.00 KOKEE       0.733498003158509    0.147465802032914 0955+476  18.10  889.61  16.59    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810   13.6743   13.1381    0.5362    0.1494248    0.1474658    0.0381    6.47452    6.46871    6.62022  15.36  889.40  14.89
    17 53915.80451 2006 180 19 18 30.00 WETTZELL    5.165698159248411    0.781207964115496 0955+476  15.01  949.40  16.90    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    3.3130    3.0617    0.2513    0.7815351    0.7812080    0.0003    1.41807    1.41834    1.41477  16.66  947.72  16.00
    18 53915.80655 2006 180 19 21 26.00 KOKEE       5.857811811652450    0.817240270860977 0059+581  18.12  889.68  16.76    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810    2.8928    2.7818    0.1110    0.8175270    0.8172403    0.0002    1.36969    1.36965    1.37067  15.36  889.40  14.89
    18 53915.80655 2006 180 19 21 26.00 WETTZELL    0.238641960613260    0.341152719714017 0059+581  15.08  949.42  16.97    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    6.9226    6.3908    0.5318    0.3420586    0.3411528    0.0043    2.96311    2.96056    2.99411  16.66  947.72  16.00
    19 53915.80929 2006 180 19 25 23.00 KOKEE       0.852863929305333    0.730177578973756 0642+449  18.20  889.60  16.61    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810    3.1612    3.0400    0.1212    0.7305188    0.7301776    0.0003    1.49677    1.49677    1.49665  15.36  889.40  14.89
    19 53915.80929 2006 180 19 25 23.00 WETTZELL    5.585782063517595    0.304741381738014 0642+449  15.00  949.50  16.90    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    7.6930    7.1073    0.5856    0.3057612    0.3047415    0.0061    3.29283    3.29249    3.29698  16.66  947.72  16.00
    20 53915.81044 2006 180 19 27  2.00 KOKEE       0.769784375036137    0.487047535501049 0804+499  18.20  889.60  16.32    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810    4.4923    4.3199    0.1724    0.4876227    0.4870476    0.0011    2.12704    2.12696    2.12900  15.36  889.40  14.89
    20 53915.81044 2006 180 19 27  2.00 WETTZELL    5.457059464190136    0.528209904447097 0804+499  15.05  949.52  16.96    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    4.6181    4.2676    0.3505    0.5287645    0.5282099    0.0011    1.97670    1.97696    1.97354  16.66  947.72  16.00
    21 53915.81203 2006 180 19 29 19.50 KOKEE       5.608263538204275    0.187804149133003 3C418     18.20  889.60  16.29    2.1120    2.0310    0.0810   10.9621   10.5333    0.4288    0.1893634    0.1878041    0.0196    5.19035    5.18621    5.29421  15.36  889.40  14.89
    21 53915.81203 2006 180 19 29 19.50 WETTZELL    0.910762176868195    0.660749053214954 3C418     15.20  949.60  17.12    2.3363    2.1587    0.1776    3.8012    3.5105    0.2907    0.6611661    0.6607491    0.0005    1.62702    1.62624    1.63652  16.66  947.72  16.00