%***************************************************************************************************************** % RADIATE format v 2.0 % % This file contains ray-tracing results. % % Created by: Armin Hofmeister, Technische Universit�t Wien % % Created with RADIATE program developed by Armin Hofmeister % Version: 2.0_Fortran % Subversion: global_limit % % File created on: % 2018-07-30 | 10:56:17.697 % % Data content: % Ray-tracing results for session: % 06DEC07XU##### % Total number of observations: % 46 % % Chosen ray-tracing options: % Assignment of observations to the epochs of the numerical weather model: % one_epoch_per_obs % Method of vertical interpolation (horizontal treatment): % profilewise % Method of numerical weather model usage: % Full grid information used % Ray-tracing approach: % pwl % Station coordinate catalogue-file: % vlbi.ell % % Numerical weather model used: % Epoch 1: 2006120718 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg % % Origin and use of the observational data: % Observational data (scan number, observation time, station, azimuth, elevation, source) % as well as temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values provided in this file % originate from the AzEl-file created by VieVS. % The reported temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values from the numerical % weather model at the station positions have been determined from the numerical weather % model by interpolation within the ray-tracing application. % Ray-tracing used temperature-, pressure- and water vapour-values only from the numerical % weather model. % % % Data columns: % 1 .... scannumber % 2 .... mjd % 3 .... year % 4 .... day of year % 5 .... hour % 6 .... min % 7 .... sec % 8 .... station % 9 .... azimuth in [rad] % 10 .... outgoing elevation angle (calculated, theoretical) in [rad] % 11 .... source % 12 .... temperature at station in [�C] % 13 .... pressure at station in [hPa] % 14 .... water vapour pressure at station in [hPa] % 15 .... zenith total delay in [m] % 16 .... zenith hydrostatic delay in [m] % 17 .... zenith wet delay in [m] % 18 .... slant total delay including geometric bending effect in [m] % 19 .... slant hydrostatic delay including geometric bending effect in [m] % 20 .... slant wet delay in [m] % 21 .... elevation angle at station in [rad] % 22 .... outgoing elevation angle from ray-tracing in [rad] % 23 .... geometric bending effect in [m] % 24 .... total mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [total_delay_along_the_path / total_zenith_delay] % 25 .... hydrostatic mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [hydrostatic_delay_along_the_path / hydrostatic_zenith_delay] % 26 .... wet mapping factor [wet_delay_along_the_path / wet_zenith_delay] % 27 .... temperature at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [�C] % 28 .... pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa] % 29 .... water vapour pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa] %***************************************************************************************************************** % % % 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18| 19| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29 % scan| mjd|year|doy| h| m| sec| station| azimuth [rad]| calc. elev. [rad]| source|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]| ztd [m]| zhd [m]| zwd [m]| std [m]| shd [m]| swd [m]|e at st[rad]|e rtrd [rad]|bend. [m]| total mf| hydr. mf| wet mf|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa] % 1 54076.77125 2006 341 18 30 36.00 KOKEE 0.380584634019868 0.437583942862992 3C371 13.90 892.79 15.25 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 4.8958 4.7868 0.1090 0.4382097 0.4375840 0.0015 2.34588 2.34622 2.33096 14.69 892.76 11.97 1 54076.77125 2006 341 18 30 36.00 WETTZELL 5.789231287969738 0.760614290049234 3C371 5.08 937.70 7.35 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 3.1684 3.0914 0.0770 0.7609240 0.7606143 0.0003 1.44870 1.44835 1.46274 5.55 935.75 7.22 2 54076.77355 2006 341 18 33 55.00 KOKEE 5.469896979175813 0.228244197881858 0642+449 13.92 892.72 15.27 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 9.0237 8.8206 0.2032 0.2294839 0.2282442 0.0107 4.32382 4.32333 4.34527 14.69 892.76 11.97 2 54076.77355 2006 341 18 33 55.00 WETTZELL 0.956412385816947 0.524618436339072 0642+449 5.00 937.70 7.31 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 4.3500 4.2457 0.1043 0.5251264 0.5246184 0.0009 1.98898 1.98915 1.98172 5.55 935.75 7.22 3 54076.77451 2006 341 18 35 18.00 KOKEE 5.516184425255037 0.795254196417447 0955+476 14.00 892.82 15.32 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 2.9191 2.8538 0.0653 0.7955425 0.7952542 0.0002 1.39872 1.39877 1.39686 14.69 892.76 11.97 3 54076.77451 2006 341 18 35 18.00 WETTZELL 0.444584660603607 0.211037499258806 0955+476 5.00 937.70 7.31 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 10.1821 9.9322 0.2499 0.2123787 0.2110375 0.0153 4.65560 4.65335 4.74681 5.55 935.75 7.22 4 54076.77609 2006 341 18 37 34.50 KOKEE 0.333061120080178 0.956060821282584 1418+546 14.03 892.87 15.34 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 2.5527 2.4957 0.0570 0.9562685 0.9560608 0.0001 1.22317 1.22325 1.21970 14.69 892.76 11.97 4 54076.77609 2006 341 18 37 34.50 WETTZELL 6.011099738956322 0.276457079014419 1418+546 5.04 937.70 7.31 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 7.8981 7.7013 0.1968 0.2774811 0.2764571 0.0070 3.61129 3.60816 3.73822 5.55 935.75 7.22 5 54076.77780 2006 341 18 40 1.50 KOKEE 0.062133405775976 0.612160620659773 1357+769 14.10 892.86 15.29 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 3.6219 3.5411 0.0808 0.6125788 0.6121606 0.0005 1.73545 1.73564 1.72720 14.69 892.76 11.97 5 54076.77780 2006 341 18 40 1.50 WETTZELL 6.184088455353390 0.636807003290096 1357+769 5.10 937.70 7.33 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 3.6698 3.5806 0.0892 0.6372051 0.6368070 0.0005 1.67796 1.67756 1.69409 5.55 935.75 7.22 6 54076.77903 2006 341 18 41 48.00 KOKEE 0.722067400366718 0.535504807758268 1739+522 14.11 892.99 15.16 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 4.0746 3.9837 0.0908 0.5359992 0.5355048 0.0008 1.95237 1.95259 1.94267 14.69 892.76 11.97 6 54076.77903 2006 341 18 41 48.00 WETTZELL 5.530227508646157 0.520029220698026 1739+522 5.12 937.70 7.34 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 4.3858 4.2782 0.1075 0.5205426 0.5200292 0.0010 2.00533 2.00441 2.04259 5.55 935.75 7.22 7 54076.78119 2006 341 18 44 55.00 KOKEE 5.515487452136751 0.450927670671067 0804+499 14.20 892.90 15.25 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 4.7634 4.6568 0.1066 0.4515325 0.4509277 0.0014 2.28246 2.28252 2.27982 14.69 892.76 11.97 7 54076.78119 2006 341 18 44 55.00 WETTZELL 0.721459235522654 0.434756131015566 0804+499 5.28 937.70 7.34 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 5.1629 5.0386 0.1243 0.4353878 0.4347561 0.0017 2.36066 2.36064 2.36153 5.55 935.75 7.22 8 54076.78461 2006 341 18 49 50.00 KOKEE 5.598244959445226 0.402364860651374 0749+540 14.27 892.90 15.22 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 5.2929 5.1745 0.1184 0.4030519 0.4023649 0.0019 2.53616 2.53626 2.53209 14.69 892.76 11.97 8 54076.78461 2006 341 18 49 50.00 WETTZELL 0.710795347590949 0.523876851633522 0749+540 5.57 937.70 7.23 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 4.3556 4.2508 0.1049 0.5243857 0.5238768 0.0010 1.99155 1.99154 1.99165 5.55 935.75 7.22 9 54076.78594 2006 341 18 51 45.00 KOKEE 5.489009782852506 0.176196736886750 0642+449 14.42 892.88 15.19 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 11.4841 11.2242 0.2600 0.1777911 0.1761967 0.0223 5.50275 5.50143 5.56022 14.69 892.76 11.97 9 54076.78594 2006 341 18 51 45.00 WETTZELL 0.998103213496992 0.566927425229296 0642+449 5.70 937.70 7.20 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 4.0597 3.9624 0.0973 0.5673895 0.5669274 0.0007 1.85623 1.85641 1.84875 5.55 935.75 7.22 10 54076.78690 2006 341 18 53 8.00 KOKEE 5.495612165197568 0.744535879662033 0955+476 14.52 892.80 15.15 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 3.0751 3.0063 0.0688 0.7448549 0.7445359 0.0002 1.47349 1.47353 1.47158 14.69 892.76 11.97 10 54076.78690 2006 341 18 53 8.00 WETTZELL 0.493308228242932 0.234105937605901 0955+476 5.70 937.70 7.18 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 9.2368 9.0111 0.2256 0.2353167 0.2341059 0.0113 4.22337 4.22183 4.28561 5.55 935.75 7.22 11 54076.78800 2006 341 18 54 43.50 KOKEE 5.288195057879723 0.659487513918864 4C39.25 14.60 892.79 15.10 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 3.3991 3.3230 0.0761 0.6598665 0.6594875 0.0004 1.62872 1.62873 1.62838 14.69 892.76 11.97 11 54076.78800 2006 341 18 54 43.50 WETTZELL 0.658849595219207 0.157428442046522 4C39.25 5.72 937.71 7.08 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 13.3538 13.0246 0.3292 0.1592026 0.1574285 0.0347 6.10580 6.10219 6.25207 5.55 935.75 7.22 12 54076.79060 2006 341 18 58 27.50 KOKEE 0.249502934763228 0.980422384334362 1418+546 14.63 892.77 15.25 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 2.5105 2.4544 0.0561 0.9806195 0.9804224 0.0001 1.20293 1.20300 1.19967 14.69 892.76 11.97 12 54076.79060 2006 341 18 58 27.50 WETTZELL 6.064232724777018 0.261927882557022 1418+546 5.94 937.80 6.90 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 8.3112 8.1039 0.2073 0.2630097 0.2619279 0.0082 3.80019 3.79678 3.93811 5.55 935.75 7.22 13 54076.79203 2006 341 19 0 31.00 KOKEE 0.717099191238485 0.585521044517544 1739+522 14.71 892.91 15.37 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 3.7649 3.6810 0.0840 0.5859638 0.5855211 0.0006 1.80401 1.80420 1.79562 14.69 892.76 11.97 13 54076.79203 2006 341 19 0 31.00 WETTZELL 5.570319960417612 0.484188850705848 1739+522 6.00 937.80 6.81 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 4.6787 4.5637 0.1149 0.4847473 0.4841888 0.0012 2.13924 2.13817 2.18275 5.55 935.75 7.22 14 54076.79419 2006 341 19 3 38.00 KOKEE 5.521582259428365 0.398396066673739 0804+499 14.80 892.96 15.49 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 5.3422 5.2226 0.1196 0.3990907 0.3983961 0.0020 2.55977 2.55982 2.55758 14.69 892.76 11.97 14 54076.79419 2006 341 19 3 38.00 WETTZELL 0.764212046711189 0.470989274609074 0804+499 6.00 937.80 6.79 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 4.7967 4.6813 0.1154 0.4715659 0.4709892 0.0013 2.19321 2.19325 2.19180 5.55 935.75 7.22 15 54076.79642 2006 341 19 6 51.00 KOKEE 0.371813098573012 0.491669096702432 3C371 14.81 892.90 15.52 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 4.4004 4.3024 0.0980 0.4922164 0.4916691 0.0010 2.10848 2.10877 2.09600 14.69 892.76 11.97 15 54076.79642 2006 341 19 6 51.00 WETTZELL 5.825575098901247 0.713046478674726 3C371 6.02 937.80 6.74 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 3.3381 3.2569 0.0812 0.7133871 0.7130465 0.0003 1.52628 1.52588 1.54244 5.55 935.75 7.22 16 54076.79914 2006 341 19 10 46.00 KOKEE 5.606744262538756 0.348948735337397 0749+540 14.93 892.90 15.56 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 6.0473 5.9120 0.1353 0.3497504 0.3489488 0.0030 2.89763 2.89771 2.89417 14.69 892.76 11.97 16 54076.79914 2006 341 19 10 46.00 WETTZELL 0.753136069496044 0.563920732265487 0749+540 6.13 937.80 6.58 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 4.0789 3.9808 0.0981 0.5643859 0.5639207 0.0007 1.86500 1.86503 1.86373 5.55 935.75 7.22 17 54076.80055 2006 341 19 12 47.50 KOKEE 5.288955200016360 0.598072450356896 4C39.25 15.02 892.90 15.42 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 3.6967 3.6139 0.0828 0.5985034 0.5980725 0.0005 1.77131 1.77131 1.77123 14.69 892.76 11.97 17 54076.80055 2006 341 19 12 47.50 WETTZELL 0.711621774388841 0.190151886811118 4C39.25 6.18 937.80 6.53 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 11.2219 10.9479 0.2740 0.1916358 0.1901519 0.0205 5.13105 5.12925 5.20402 5.55 935.75 7.22 18 54076.80222 2006 341 19 15 12.00 KOKEE 0.659668882282926 0.153345052014409 3C418 15.10 892.93 15.50 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 13.0312 12.7393 0.2919 0.1551619 0.1533451 0.0325 6.24404 6.24406 6.24338 14.69 892.76 11.97 18 54076.80222 2006 341 19 15 12.00 WETTZELL 5.238095143647595 0.834720347601433 3C418 6.07 937.77 6.51 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 2.9484 2.8767 0.0716 0.8349874 0.8347203 0.0002 1.34809 1.34779 1.36027 5.55 935.75 7.22 19 54076.80381 2006 341 19 17 29.00 KOKEE 5.476538845932973 0.673883446319253 0955+476 15.12 892.98 15.50 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 3.3377 3.2630 0.0747 0.6742514 0.6738835 0.0004 1.59930 1.59934 1.59731 14.69 892.76 11.97 19 54076.80381 2006 341 19 17 29.00 WETTZELL 0.558426793747080 0.269090672039705 0955+476 6.05 937.70 6.47 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 8.0995 7.9026 0.1968 0.2701433 0.2690907 0.0075 3.70335 3.70249 3.73845 5.55 935.75 7.22 20 54076.80543 2006 341 19 19 49.00 KOKEE 0.155594994567021 0.997882356684230 1418+546 15.22 892.88 15.61 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 2.4819 2.4265 0.0555 0.9980722 0.9978824 0.0001 1.18925 1.18932 1.18618 14.69 892.76 11.97 20 54076.80543 2006 341 19 19 49.00 WETTZELL 6.119219431631023 0.250294135853545 1418+546 6.30 937.72 6.36 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 8.6753 8.4588 0.2165 0.2514267 0.2502941 0.0093 3.96664 3.96303 4.11284 5.55 935.75 7.22 21 54076.80802 2006 341 19 23 33.00 KOKEE 0.704974278538502 0.646487088931255 1739+522 15.32 892.80 15.68 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 3.4562 3.3791 0.0771 0.6468763 0.6464871 0.0004 1.65610 1.65626 1.64899 14.69 892.76 11.97 21 54076.80802 2006 341 19 23 33.00 WETTZELL 5.621117745057547 0.442353041356861 1739+522 6.30 937.80 6.36 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 5.0827 4.9575 0.1251 0.4429725 0.4423530 0.0016 2.32397 2.32267 2.37674 5.55 935.75 7.22 22 54076.81000 2006 341 19 26 24.00 KOKEE 5.533315052399497 0.335086479904251 0804+499 15.40 892.84 15.69 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 6.2825 6.1418 0.1407 0.3359234 0.3350865 0.0034 3.01034 3.01035 3.00983 14.69 892.76 11.97 22 54076.81000 2006 341 19 26 24.00 WETTZELL 0.814859693577018 0.517255160376497 0804+499 6.30 937.80 6.36 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 4.4057 4.2998 0.1059 0.5177718 0.5172551 0.0010 2.01443 2.01451 2.01125 5.55 935.75 7.22 23 54076.81176 2006 341 19 28 56.00 KOKEE 5.292599239051326 0.543282962627851 4C39.25 15.40 892.90 15.75 2.0870 2.0402 0.0468 4.0235 3.9333 0.0902 0.5437688 0.5432830 0.0007 1.92790 1.92789 1.92818 14.69 892.76 11.97 23 54076.81176 2006 341 19 28 56.00 WETTZELL 0.757898467396938 0.221123394583655 4C39.25 6.30 937.80 6.36 2.1871 2.1344 0.0526 9.7457 9.5091 0.2366 0.2224046 0.2211234 0.0134 4.45605 4.45513 4.49348 5.55 935.75 7.22