%***************************************************************************************************************** % RADIATE format v 2.0 % % This file contains ray-tracing results. % % Created by: Armin Hofmeister, Technische Universit�t Wien % % Created with RADIATE program developed by Armin Hofmeister % Version: 2.0_Fortran % Subversion: global_limit % % File created on: % 2018-07-30 | 15:23:56.442 % % Data content: % Ray-tracing results for session: % 05APR11XU##### % Total number of observations: % 36 % % Chosen ray-tracing options: % Assignment of observations to the epochs of the numerical weather model: % one_epoch_per_obs % Method of vertical interpolation (horizontal treatment): % profilewise % Method of numerical weather model usage: % Full grid information used % Ray-tracing approach: % pwl % Station coordinate catalogue-file: % vlbi.ell % % Numerical weather model used: % Epoch 1: 2005041118 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg % % Origin and use of the observational data: % Observational data (scan number, observation time, station, azimuth, elevation, source) % as well as temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values provided in this file % originate from the AzEl-file created by VieVS. % The reported temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values from the numerical % weather model at the station positions have been determined from the numerical weather % model by interpolation within the ray-tracing application. % Ray-tracing used temperature-, pressure- and water vapour-values only from the numerical % weather model. % % % Data columns: % 1 .... scannumber % 2 .... mjd % 3 .... year % 4 .... day of year % 5 .... hour % 6 .... min % 7 .... sec % 8 .... station % 9 .... azimuth in [rad] % 10 .... outgoing elevation angle (calculated, theoretical) in [rad] % 11 .... source % 12 .... temperature at station in [�C] % 13 .... pressure at station in [hPa] % 14 .... water vapour pressure at station in [hPa] % 15 .... zenith total delay in [m] % 16 .... zenith hydrostatic delay in [m] % 17 .... zenith wet delay in [m] % 18 .... slant total delay including geometric bending effect in [m] % 19 .... slant hydrostatic delay including geometric bending effect in [m] % 20 .... slant wet delay in [m] % 21 .... elevation angle at station in [rad] % 22 .... outgoing elevation angle from ray-tracing in [rad] % 23 .... geometric bending effect in [m] % 24 .... total mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [total_delay_along_the_path / total_zenith_delay] % 25 .... hydrostatic mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [hydrostatic_delay_along_the_path / hydrostatic_zenith_delay] % 26 .... wet mapping factor [wet_delay_along_the_path / wet_zenith_delay] % 27 .... temperature at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [�C] % 28 .... pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa] % 29 .... water vapour pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa] %***************************************************************************************************************** % % % 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18| 19| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29 % scan| mjd|year|doy| h| m| sec| station| azimuth [rad]| calc. elev. [rad]| source|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]| ztd [m]| zhd [m]| zwd [m]| std [m]| shd [m]| swd [m]|e at st[rad]|e rtrd [rad]|bend. [m]| total mf| hydr. mf| wet mf|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa] % 1 53471.77135 2005 101 18 30 45.00 KOKEE 6.052570193136571 0.303284740413762 1357+769 15.61 889.55 17.64 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 7.0470 6.7120 0.3351 0.3042296 0.3032848 0.0050 3.30716 3.30641 3.32230 15.70 889.07 13.56 1 53471.77135 2005 101 18 30 45.00 WETTZELL 0.358294429987003 0.871166568289758 1357+769 7.44 953.29 5.66 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 2.9186 2.8314 0.0871 0.8714106 0.8711666 0.0002 1.30576 1.30599 1.29832 9.15 951.36 6.14 2 53471.77394 2005 101 18 34 28.00 KOKEE 0.571254729130340 0.627264832875019 0059+581 15.63 889.56 17.67 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 3.6213 3.4500 0.1714 0.6276769 0.6272648 0.0005 1.69949 1.69951 1.69917 15.70 889.07 13.56 2 53471.77394 2005 101 18 34 28.00 WETTZELL 5.709701263924095 0.518208680727780 0059+581 7.42 953.30 5.66 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 4.4945 4.3611 0.1334 0.5187155 0.5182086 0.0010 2.01081 2.01155 1.98703 9.15 951.36 6.14 3 53471.77575 2005 101 18 37 4.50 KOKEE 5.432300659937504 0.662322650354844 1726+455 15.64 889.57 17.67 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 3.4580 3.2942 0.1638 0.6627058 0.6623227 0.0004 1.62285 1.62277 1.62442 15.70 889.07 13.56 3 53471.77575 2005 101 18 37 4.50 WETTZELL 0.590238431414170 0.249240784978279 1726+455 7.40 953.30 5.66 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 8.8983 8.6351 0.2632 0.2503583 0.2492408 0.0099 3.98109 3.98293 3.92170 9.15 951.36 6.14 4 53471.77811 2005 101 18 40 28.50 KOKEE 1.363823542191838 0.277701143285320 0235+164 15.64 889.58 17.68 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 7.6606 7.2960 0.3646 0.2787358 0.2777011 0.0065 3.59508 3.59409 3.61506 15.70 889.07 13.56 4 53471.77811 2005 101 18 40 28.50 WETTZELL 4.947916709510842 0.181025144916802 0235+164 7.40 953.30 5.66 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 12.0061 11.6460 0.3602 0.1825527 0.1810252 0.0248 5.37152 5.37168 5.36645 9.15 951.36 6.14 5 53471.78062 2005 101 18 44 5.50 KOKEE 6.030642010771063 1.036770458512768 3C418 15.65 889.58 17.68 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 2.4743 2.3572 0.1171 1.0369474 1.0367705 0.0001 1.16117 1.16118 1.16095 15.70 889.07 13.56 5 53471.78062 2005 101 18 44 5.50 WETTZELL 0.047532794329729 0.184008544178485 3C418 7.40 953.31 5.66 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 11.8186 11.4735 0.3451 0.1855124 0.1840086 0.0237 5.28763 5.29212 5.14245 9.15 951.36 6.14 6 53471.78351 2005 101 18 48 15.00 KOKEE 5.228942911550214 0.365993574446207 1611+343 15.65 889.58 17.68 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 5.9065 5.6256 0.2809 0.3667683 0.3659936 0.0028 2.77191 2.77123 2.78551 15.70 889.07 13.56 6 53471.78351 2005 101 18 48 15.00 WETTZELL 0.946104389026885 0.256593739783790 1611+343 7.39 953.31 5.67 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 8.6600 8.4014 0.2586 0.2576791 0.2565937 0.0091 3.87447 3.87512 3.85348 9.15 951.36 6.14 7 53471.78464 2005 101 18 49 53.00 KOKEE 5.954446310845228 0.587013799381252 3C371 15.65 889.58 17.69 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 3.8360 3.6543 0.1817 0.5874626 0.5870138 0.0006 1.80023 1.80017 1.80127 15.70 889.07 13.56 7 53471.78464 2005 101 18 49 53.00 WETTZELL 0.288815232244098 0.578565260262658 3C371 7.39 953.31 5.67 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 4.0751 3.9540 0.1211 0.5790081 0.5785652 0.0007 1.82318 1.82375 1.80465 9.15 951.36 6.14 8 53471.78591 2005 101 18 51 43.00 KOKEE 0.804338953319314 0.619819199494133 0133+476 15.65 889.59 17.69 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 3.6588 3.4857 0.1732 0.6202377 0.6198192 0.0005 1.71708 1.71709 1.71685 15.70 889.07 13.56 8 53471.78591 2005 101 18 51 43.00 WETTZELL 5.534907236065314 0.411242364386379 0133+476 7.39 953.31 5.67 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 5.5545 5.3899 0.1646 0.4119030 0.4112423 0.0022 2.48508 2.48609 2.45264 9.15 951.36 6.14 9 53471.78819 2005 101 18 55 0.00 KOKEE 0.103327489981017 0.225169583547128 0718+793 15.66 889.59 17.69 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 9.3317 8.8864 0.4454 0.2264471 0.2251696 0.0121 4.37937 4.37755 4.41603 15.70 889.07 13.56 9 53471.78819 2005 101 18 55 0.00 WETTZELL 6.130399099345122 1.023995194424063 0718+793 7.38 953.31 5.67 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 2.6152 2.5370 0.0781 1.0241717 1.0239952 0.0001 1.17002 1.17020 1.16421 9.15 951.36 6.14 10 53471.79216 2005 101 19 0 43.00 KOKEE 5.786280840685778 0.587761466993112 1745+624 15.66 889.59 17.70 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 3.8319 3.6504 0.1815 0.5882095 0.5877615 0.0006 1.79829 1.79822 1.79974 15.70 889.07 13.56 10 53471.79216 2005 101 19 0 43.00 WETTZELL 0.426599800712349 0.503396948304687 1745+624 7.38 953.31 5.67 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 4.6140 4.4770 0.1371 0.5039215 0.5033969 0.0011 2.06431 2.06499 2.04234 9.15 951.36 6.14 11 53471.79509 2005 101 19 4 56.00 KOKEE 5.324611479845419 0.419519247129995 NRAO512 15.66 889.60 17.70 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 5.2000 4.9531 0.2470 0.4201864 0.4195193 0.0019 2.44037 2.43995 2.44874 15.70 889.07 13.56 11 53471.79509 2005 101 19 4 56.00 WETTZELL 0.853193261411364 0.308696540776994 NRAO512 7.37 953.31 5.67 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 7.2718 7.0551 0.2167 0.3095948 0.3086965 0.0053 3.25338 3.25416 3.22824 9.15 951.36 6.14 12 53471.79835 2005 101 19 9 37.50 KOKEE 0.534052367979164 0.702234828431715 0059+581 15.67 889.60 17.71 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 3.2927 3.1369 0.1558 0.7025881 0.7022348 0.0003 1.54525 1.54528 1.54475 15.70 889.07 13.56 12 53471.79835 2005 101 19 9 37.50 WETTZELL 5.779787232507981 0.466591255957093 0059+581 7.37 953.32 5.67 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 4.9436 4.7972 0.1464 0.4671643 0.4665912 0.0015 2.21176 2.21268 2.18191 9.15 951.36 6.14 13 53471.79983 2005 101 19 11 45.00 KOKEE 5.251531932948533 0.283697265207569 1611+343 15.67 889.60 17.71 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 7.5091 7.1508 0.3583 0.2847095 0.2836973 0.0061 3.52400 3.52257 3.55289 15.70 889.07 13.56 13 53471.79983 2005 101 19 11 45.00 WETTZELL 1.012936889392996 0.312427191684747 1611+343 7.36 953.32 5.67 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 7.1906 6.9755 0.2151 0.3133143 0.3124272 0.0051 3.21706 3.21745 3.20455 9.15 951.36 6.14 14 53471.80195 2005 101 19 14 48.50 KOKEE 5.889916333469344 0.997041144062475 3C418 15.67 889.60 17.71 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 2.5356 2.4156 0.1200 0.9972345 0.9970411 0.0001 1.18996 1.18997 1.18984 15.70 889.07 13.56 14 53471.80195 2005 101 19 14 48.50 WETTZELL 0.132591420439658 0.191917462077963 3C418 7.36 953.32 5.67 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 11.3663 11.0339 0.3324 0.1933619 0.1919175 0.0210 5.08524 5.08935 4.95264 9.15 951.36 6.14 15 53471.80483 2005 101 19 18 57.00 KOKEE 0.789408043867562 0.698826285598374 0133+476 15.68 889.61 17.72 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 3.3060 3.1496 0.1564 0.6991820 0.6988263 0.0003 1.55150 1.55152 1.55105 15.70 889.07 13.56 15 53471.80483 2005 101 19 18 57.00 WETTZELL 5.601178486896220 0.360131643258638 0133+476 7.36 953.32 5.67 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 6.2874 6.1015 0.1859 0.3608951 0.3601316 0.0033 2.81296 2.81429 2.77010 9.15 951.36 6.14 16 53471.80748 2005 101 19 22 46.00 KOKEE 5.425713171937142 0.522426374125634 1726+455 15.70 889.63 17.74 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 4.2547 4.0530 0.2018 0.5229444 0.5224264 0.0009 1.99673 1.99654 2.00046 15.70 889.07 13.56 16 53471.80748 2005 101 19 22 46.00 WETTZELL 0.710722347230253 0.328437942221530 1726+455 7.34 953.34 5.67 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 6.8581 6.6544 0.2038 0.3292799 0.3284379 0.0044 3.06831 3.06931 3.03624 9.15 951.36 6.14 17 53471.81076 2005 101 19 27 29.50 KOKEE 6.081980136729803 0.253799101276134 1357+769 15.71 889.64 17.75 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 8.3378 7.9404 0.3974 0.2549327 0.2537991 0.0085 3.91290 3.91153 3.94037 15.70 889.07 13.56 17 53471.81076 2005 101 19 27 29.50 WETTZELL 0.354401175024856 0.928107938944375 1357+769 7.32 953.35 5.67 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 2.7900 2.7067 0.0833 0.9283250 0.9281079 0.0001 1.24824 1.24844 1.24185 9.15 951.36 6.14 18 53471.81201 2005 101 19 29 18.00 KOKEE 5.270854810243825 0.223006301629651 1611+343 15.72 889.65 17.76 2.1308 2.0300 0.1009 9.4230 8.9712 0.4518 0.2242961 0.2230063 0.0124 4.42221 4.41933 4.48009 15.70 889.07 13.56 18 53471.81201 2005 101 19 29 18.00 WETTZELL 1.062165282507004 0.355679460417637 1611+343 7.30 953.35 5.68 2.2351 2.1680 0.0671 6.3641 6.1736 0.1905 0.3564532 0.3556795 0.0034 2.84730 2.84755 2.83914 9.15 951.36 6.14