% RADIATE format v 2.0
% This file contains ray-tracing results.
% Created by: Armin Hofmeister, Technische Universit�t Wien
% Created with RADIATE program developed by Armin Hofmeister
%    Version: 2.0_Fortran
%    Subversion: global_limit
% File created on:
%    2018-07-30 | 14:30:06.486
% Data content:
%    Ray-tracing results for session:
%        04NOV23XU#####
%    Total number of observations:
%        28
% Chosen ray-tracing options:
%    Assignment of observations to the epochs of the numerical weather model:
%        one_epoch_per_obs
%    Method of vertical interpolation (horizontal treatment):
%        profilewise
%    Method of numerical weather model usage:
%        Full grid information used
%    Ray-tracing approach:
%        pwl
%    Station coordinate catalogue-file:
%        vlbi.ell
% Numerical weather model used:
%    Epoch 1: 2004112318 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg
% Origin and use of the observational data:
%    Observational data (scan number, observation time, station, azimuth, elevation, source)
%    as well as temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values provided in this file
%    originate from the AzEl-file created by VieVS.
%    The reported temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values from the numerical
%    weather model at the station positions have been determined from the numerical weather
%    model by interpolation within the ray-tracing application.
%    Ray-tracing used temperature-, pressure- and water vapour-values only from the numerical
%    weather model.
% Data columns:
%    1  .... scannumber
%    2  .... mjd
%    3  .... year
%    4  .... day of year
%    5  .... hour
%    6  .... min
%    7  .... sec
%    8  .... station
%    9  .... azimuth in [rad]
%    10 .... outgoing elevation angle (calculated, theoretical) in [rad]
%    11 .... source
%    12 .... temperature at station in [�C]
%    13 .... pressure at station in [hPa]
%    14 .... water vapour pressure at station in [hPa]
%    15 .... zenith total delay in [m]
%    16 .... zenith hydrostatic delay in [m]
%    17 .... zenith wet delay in [m]
%    18 .... slant total delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    19 .... slant hydrostatic delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    20 .... slant wet delay in [m]
%    21 .... elevation angle at station in [rad]
%    22 .... outgoing elevation angle from ray-tracing in [rad]
%    23 .... geometric bending effect in [m]
%    24 .... total mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [total_delay_along_the_path / total_zenith_delay]
%    25 .... hydrostatic mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [hydrostatic_delay_along_the_path / hydrostatic_zenith_delay]
%    26 .... wet mapping factor [wet_delay_along_the_path / wet_zenith_delay]
%    27 .... temperature at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [�C]
%    28 .... pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    29 .... water vapour pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    1|          2|   3|  4| 5| 6|    7|       8|                   9|                  10|      11|    12|     13|    14|       15|       16|       17|       18|       19|       20|          21|          22|       23|        24|        25|        26|    27|     28|    29
% scan|        mjd|year|doy| h| m|  sec| station|       azimuth [rad]|   calc. elev. [rad]|  source|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]|  ztd [m]|  zhd [m]|  zwd [m]|  std [m]|  shd [m]|  swd [m]|e at st[rad]|e rtrd [rad]|bend. [m]|  total mf|  hydr. mf|    wet mf|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]
     1 53332.77140 2004 328 18 30 49.00 KOKEE       5.379032003972793    0.216380224926734 0552+398  18.19  888.04  16.24    2.1288    2.0267    0.1020    9.6855    9.2163    0.4692    0.2176963    0.2163803    0.0135    4.54982    4.54739    4.59808  16.04  887.08  13.14
     1 53332.77140 2004 328 18 30 49.00 SVETLOE     1.335052511380442    0.685853974972784 0552+398  -2.86 1014.76   4.92    2.3342    2.2984    0.0358    3.6791    3.6228    0.0563    0.6862298    0.6858539    0.0004    1.57622    1.57624    1.57499  -5.37 1009.03   3.07
     2 53332.77464 2004 328 18 35 29.00 KOKEE       1.098119871930520    0.619885669973314 1611+343  18.21  888.04  16.25    2.1288    2.0267    0.1020    3.6555    3.4797    0.1758    0.6203002    0.6198857    0.0005    1.71719    1.71691    1.72281  16.04  887.08  13.14
     2 53332.77464 2004 328 18 35 29.00 SVETLOE     5.550905305742903    0.239732923601364 1611+343  -2.86 1014.76   4.92    2.3342    2.2984    0.0358    9.6450    9.4984    0.1466    0.2409672    0.2397329    0.0124    4.13211    4.13262    4.09943  -5.37 1009.03   3.07
     3 53332.77722 2004 328 18 39 12.00 KOKEE       0.123031090292649    0.591610883240139 1357+769  18.22  888.04  16.26    2.1288    2.0267    0.1020    3.8068    3.6238    0.1829    0.5920511    0.5916109    0.0006    1.78825    1.78803    1.79263  16.04  887.08  13.14
     3 53332.77722 2004 328 18 39 12.00 SVETLOE     6.184166055462756    0.831450254795582 1357+769  -2.86 1014.76   4.92    2.3342    2.2984    0.0358    3.1555    3.1074    0.0481    0.8317310    0.8314502    0.0002    1.35189    1.35199    1.34552  -5.37 1009.03   3.07
     4 53332.77966 2004 328 18 42 43.00 KOKEE       5.601381841928233    0.918195826139035 0955+476  18.24  888.05  16.26    2.1288    2.0267    0.1020    2.6775    2.5491    0.1283    0.9184223    0.9181958    0.0001    1.25777    1.25777    1.25783  16.04  887.08  13.14
     4 53332.77966 2004 328 18 42 43.00 SVETLOE     0.537591960650085    0.412321651728737 0955+476  -2.85 1014.77   4.92    2.3342    2.2984    0.0358    5.7887    5.7007    0.0880    0.4130215    0.4123217    0.0024    2.47998    2.48029    2.45967  -5.37 1009.03   3.07
     5 53332.78249 2004 328 18 46 47.00 KOKEE       0.717395765868719    0.406629453674113 1739+522  18.25  888.05  16.27    2.1288    2.0267    0.1020    5.3476    5.0896    0.2580    0.4073135    0.4066295    0.0020    2.51205    2.51122    2.52848  16.04  887.08  13.14
     5 53332.78249 2004 328 18 46 47.00 SVETLOE     5.486832609863616    0.628361077413170 1739+522  -2.85 1014.77   4.92    2.3342    2.2984    0.0358    3.9616    3.9012    0.0604    0.6287842    0.6283610    0.0006    1.69725    1.69736    1.68983  -5.37 1009.03   3.07
     6 53332.78801 2004 328 18 54 44.00 KOKEE       0.136457271449331    0.938884884705617 1300+580  18.29  888.06  16.29    2.1288    2.0267    0.1020    2.6364    2.5099    0.1265    0.9391018    0.9388849    0.0001    1.23848    1.23843    1.23949  16.04  887.08  13.14
     6 53332.78801 2004 328 18 54 44.00 SVETLOE     0.008232241167349    0.494200106383603 1300+580  -2.84 1014.77   4.92    2.3342    2.2984    0.0358    4.9004    4.8260    0.0744    0.4947695    0.4942000    0.0014    2.09943    2.09972    2.08135  -5.37 1009.03   3.07
     7 53332.79150 2004 328 18 59 46.00 KOKEE       5.307698418787436    0.821825262325080 4C39.25   18.31  888.06  16.30    2.1288    2.0267    0.1020    2.9037    2.7645    0.1392    0.8221007    0.8218253    0.0002    1.36402    1.36403    1.36382  16.04  887.08  13.14
     7 53332.79150 2004 328 18 59 46.00 SVETLOE     0.752057227982602    0.340748490330369 4C39.25   -2.84 1014.78   4.93    2.3342    2.2984    0.0358    6.9201    6.8148    0.1053    0.3416088    0.3407485    0.0044    2.96471    2.96504    2.94349  -5.37 1009.03   3.07
     8 53332.79544 2004 328 19  5 26.00 KOKEE       6.208218741392637    0.524027683856305 1053+815  18.33  888.07  16.31    2.1288    2.0267    0.1020    4.2390    4.0353    0.2037    0.5245389    0.5240277    0.0009    1.99131    1.99104    1.99669  16.04  887.08  13.14
     8 53332.79544 2004 328 19  5 26.00 SVETLOE     0.144486588156936    0.924842799681971 1053+815  -2.84 1014.78   4.93    2.3342    2.2984    0.0358    2.9209    2.8763    0.0446    0.9250750    0.9248428    0.0001    1.25137    1.25145    1.24643  -5.37 1009.03   3.07
     9 53332.79949 2004 328 19 11 16.00 KOKEE       1.103486749554878    0.749265526137251 1611+343  18.35  888.07  16.32    2.1288    2.0267    0.1020    3.1210    2.9710    0.1499    0.7495839    0.7492655    0.0003    1.46610    1.46593    1.46941  16.04  887.08  13.14
     9 53332.79949 2004 328 19 11 16.00 SVETLOE     5.674057484590917    0.191885163087860 1611+343  -2.83 1014.79   4.93    2.3342    2.2984    0.0358   11.8848   11.7044    0.1804    0.1934201    0.1918852    0.0236    5.09169    5.09244    5.04309  -5.37 1009.03   3.07
    10 53332.80228 2004 328 19 15 17.00 KOKEE       5.535564624104720    0.831470494317244 0955+476  18.37  888.07  16.33    2.1288    2.0267    0.1020    2.8781    2.7401    0.1380    0.8317406    0.8314705    0.0002    1.35199    1.35199    1.35210  16.04  887.08  13.14
    10 53332.80228 2004 328 19 15 17.00 SVETLOE     0.634802515014875    0.451087394841934 0955+476  -2.83 1014.79   4.93    2.3342    2.2984    0.0358    5.3272    5.2461    0.0810    0.4517201    0.4510874    0.0018    2.28228    2.28253    2.26625  -5.37 1009.03   3.07
    11 53332.80475 2004 328 19 18 50.00 KOKEE       0.078940507920501    0.607860763869826 1357+769  18.38  888.08  16.34    2.1288    2.0267    0.1020    3.7180    3.5394    0.1786    0.6082859    0.6078608    0.0005    1.74657    1.74637    1.75047  16.04  887.08  13.14
    11 53332.80475 2004 328 19 18 50.00 SVETLOE     6.242468211628089    0.825490857032753 1357+769  -2.82 1014.79   4.93    2.3342    2.2984    0.0358    3.1727    3.1244    0.0484    0.8257750    0.8254908    0.0002    1.35927    1.35937    1.35276  -5.37 1009.03   3.07
    12 53332.80720 2004 328 19 22 22.00 KOKEE       0.723113872921891    0.501866683625529 1739+522  18.40  888.08  16.35    2.1288    2.0267    0.1020    4.4073    4.1951    0.2122    0.5024049    0.5018667    0.0010    2.07037    2.06990    2.07969  16.04  887.08  13.14
    12 53332.80720 2004 328 19 22 22.00 SVETLOE     5.583846470368377    0.576293688690241 1739+522  -2.82 1014.80   4.93    2.3342    2.2984    0.0358    4.2711    4.2060    0.0651    0.5767664    0.5762936    0.0008    1.82982    1.82998    1.82007  -5.37 1009.03   3.07
    13 53332.80951 2004 328 19 25 42.00 KOKEE       0.380336463031222    0.440456551207082 3C371     18.41  888.08  16.35    2.1288    2.0267    0.1020    4.9660    4.7267    0.2392    0.4410822    0.4404566    0.0016    2.33281    2.33221    2.34461  16.04  887.08  13.14
    13 53332.80951 2004 328 19 25 42.00 SVETLOE     5.779192583656439    0.851040604927335 3C371     -2.82 1014.80   4.93    2.3342    2.2984    0.0358    3.1010    3.0537    0.0473    0.8513105    0.8510406    0.0002    1.32852    1.32861    1.32329  -5.37 1009.03   3.07
    14 53332.81248 2004 328 19 29 58.00 KOKEE       6.280566811940018    0.948495106496381 1300+580  18.43  888.09  16.36    2.1288    2.0267    0.1020    2.6182    2.4926    0.1256    0.9487077    0.9484951    0.0001    1.22992    1.22988    1.23074  16.04  887.08  13.14
    14 53332.81248 2004 328 19 29 58.00 SVETLOE     0.101516735320018    0.498359241092834 1300+580  -2.81 1014.80   4.93    2.3342    2.2984    0.0358    4.8633    4.7894    0.0739    0.4989230    0.4983591    0.0013    2.08355    2.08382    2.06584  -5.37 1009.03   3.07