% RADIATE format v 2.0
% This file contains ray-tracing results.
% Created by: Armin Hofmeister, Technische Universit�t Wien
% Created with RADIATE program developed by Armin Hofmeister
%    Version: 2.0_Fortran
%    Subversion: global_limit
% File created on:
%    2019-02-18 | 05:06:40.468
% Data content:
%    Ray-tracing results for session:
%        00MAR04XU#####
%    Total number of observations:
%        40
% Chosen ray-tracing options:
%    Assignment of observations to the epochs of the numerical weather model:
%        one_epoch_per_obs
%    Method of vertical interpolation (horizontal treatment):
%        profilewise
%    Method of numerical weather model usage:
%        Full grid information used
%    Ray-tracing approach:
%        pwl
%    Station coordinate catalogue-file:
%        vlbi.ell
% Numerical weather model used:
%    Epoch 1: 2000030418 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg
% Origin and use of the observational data:
%    Observational data (scan number, observation time, station, azimuth, elevation, source)
%    as well as temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values provided in this file
%    originate from the AzEl-file created by VieVS.
%    The reported temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values from the numerical
%    weather model at the station positions have been determined from the numerical weather
%    model by interpolation within the ray-tracing application.
%    Ray-tracing used temperature-, pressure- and water vapour-values only from the numerical
%    weather model.
% Data columns:
%    1  .... scannumber
%    2  .... mjd
%    3  .... year
%    4  .... day of year
%    5  .... hour
%    6  .... min
%    7  .... sec
%    8  .... station
%    9  .... azimuth in [rad]
%    10 .... outgoing elevation angle (calculated, theoretical) in [rad]
%    11 .... source
%    12 .... temperature at station in [�C]
%    13 .... pressure at station in [hPa]
%    14 .... water vapour pressure at station in [hPa]
%    15 .... zenith total delay in [m]
%    16 .... zenith hydrostatic delay in [m]
%    17 .... zenith wet delay in [m]
%    18 .... slant total delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    19 .... slant hydrostatic delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    20 .... slant wet delay in [m]
%    21 .... elevation angle at station in [rad]
%    22 .... outgoing elevation angle from ray-tracing in [rad]
%    23 .... geometric bending effect in [m]
%    24 .... total mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [total_delay_along_the_path / total_zenith_delay]
%    25 .... hydrostatic mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [hydrostatic_delay_along_the_path / hydrostatic_zenith_delay]
%    26 .... wet mapping factor [wet_delay_along_the_path / wet_zenith_delay]
%    27 .... temperature at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [�C]
%    28 .... pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    29 .... water vapour pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    1|          2|   3|  4| 5| 6|    7|       8|                   9|                  10|      11|    12|     13|    14|       15|       16|       17|       18|       19|       20|          21|          22|       23|        24|        25|        26|    27|     28|    29
% scan|        mjd|year|doy| h| m|  sec| station|       azimuth [rad]|   calc. elev. [rad]|  source|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]|  ztd [m]|  zhd [m]|  zwd [m]|  std [m]|  shd [m]|  swd [m]|e at st[rad]|e rtrd [rad]|bend. [m]|  total mf|  hydr. mf|    wet mf|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]
     1 51607.74185 2000  64 17 48 16.00 NRAO20      0.922491667485884    0.310495179113694 0552+398  12.50  914.49   2.25    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    6.8892    6.7434    0.1458    0.3113277    0.3104952    0.0046    3.23438    3.23507    3.20287   7.89  913.60   3.91
     1 51607.74185 2000  64 17 48 16.00 WETTZELL    2.664027778808381    1.391021762103229 0552+398  -2.60  947.34   4.65    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    2.2250    2.1881    0.0369    1.3910749    1.3910218    0.0000    1.01639    1.01639    1.01645  -1.17  945.01   4.50
     2 51607.74465 2000  64 17 52 18.00 NRAO20      0.513020324347587    0.143398908745632 0804+499  12.51  914.46   2.22    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455   14.1390   13.8435    0.2954    0.1451671    0.1433990    0.0420    6.63802    6.64125    6.49003   7.89  913.60   3.91
     2 51607.74465 2000  64 17 52 18.00 WETTZELL    1.284858327774104    1.139876215720121 0804+499  -2.59  947.36   4.63    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    2.4086    2.3686    0.0400    1.1400105    1.1398762    0.0000    1.10024    1.10024    1.10060  -1.17  945.01   4.50
     3 51607.74631 2000  64 17 54 41.00 NRAO20      0.251126176381539    0.240858309434136 0917+624  12.52  914.44   2.20    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    8.7536    8.5705    0.1830    0.2419364    0.2408583    0.0098    4.10967    4.11160    4.02095   7.89  913.60   3.91
     3 51607.74631 2000  64 17 54 41.00 WETTZELL    0.790122202308882    0.996227339807716 0917+624  -2.57  947.38   4.61    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    2.6061    2.5628    0.0433    0.9964164    0.9962273    0.0001    1.19046    1.19045    1.19102  -1.17  945.01   4.50
     4 51607.74809 2000  64 17 57 15.00 NRAO20      0.514267571974362    1.134084913570779 0059+581  12.52  914.42   2.19    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    2.3497    2.2997    0.0501    1.1342112    1.1340849    0.0000    1.10317    1.10324    1.09970   7.89  913.60   3.91
     4 51607.74809 2000  64 17 57 15.00 WETTZELL    5.417507139674417    0.871592745216141 0059+581  -2.56  947.40   4.60    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    2.8577    2.8102    0.0475    0.8718383    0.8715927    0.0002    1.30537    1.30537    1.30567  -1.17  945.01   4.50
     5 51607.75000 2000  64 18  0  0.00 NRAO20      1.387017089702850    0.149184240570503 0528+134  12.52  914.42   2.19    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455   13.6563   13.3611    0.2952    0.1508899    0.1491843    0.0379    6.41141    6.40982    6.48420   7.89  913.60   3.91
     5 51607.75000 2000  64 18  0  0.00 WETTZELL    3.227253664035179    0.947754912792787 0528+134  -2.55  947.41   4.58    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    2.6948    2.6500    0.0448    0.9479648    0.9477549    0.0001    1.23097    1.23096    1.23136  -1.17  945.01   4.50
     6 51607.75168 2000  64 18  2 25.00 NRAO20      1.999533391383453    0.866300670818877 0202+149  12.53  914.42   2.18    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    2.7932    2.7333    0.0599    0.8665304    0.8663007    0.0001    1.31134    1.31126    1.31503   7.89  913.60   3.91
     6 51607.75168 2000  64 18  2 25.00 WETTZELL    4.411050726589316    0.594454447022178 0202+149  -2.55  947.41   4.58    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    3.9004    3.8356    0.0648    0.5948855    0.5944544    0.0007    1.78168    1.78165    1.78330  -1.17  945.01   4.50
     7 51607.75395 2000  64 18  5 41.00 NRAO20      4.503578535350437    1.215486738206692 2201+315  12.53  914.41   2.18    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    2.2716    2.2231    0.0486    1.2155871    1.2154867    0.0000    1.06650    1.06648    1.06740   7.89  913.60   3.91
     7 51607.75395 2000  64 18  5 41.00 WETTZELL    5.402451724458087    0.152279281720104 2201+315  -2.54  947.42   4.58    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363   13.7992   13.5646    0.2346    0.1540901    0.1522793    0.0401    6.30346    6.30090    6.45500  -1.17  945.01   4.50
     8 51607.75676 2000  64 18  9 44.00 NRAO20      6.138052692594054    0.473480242974894 1357+769  12.53  914.41   2.17    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    4.6484    4.5503    0.0981    0.4740056    0.4734802    0.0012    2.18233    2.18294    2.15445   7.89  913.60   3.91
     8 51607.75676 2000  64 18  9 44.00 WETTZELL    0.263471623678490    0.718033315165667 1357+769  -2.54  947.42   4.58    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    3.3210    3.2658    0.0552    0.7183673    0.7180333    0.0003    1.51704    1.51702    1.51860  -1.17  945.01   4.50
     9 51607.75858 2000  64 18 12 21.00 NRAO20      0.978570448293675    1.179123587566926 0133+476  12.53  914.40   2.17    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    2.3039    2.2547    0.0491    1.1792353    1.1791236    0.0000    1.08163    1.08167    1.07964   7.89  913.60   3.91
     9 51607.75858 2000  64 18 12 21.00 WETTZELL    5.127309684983816    0.847371636070499 0133+476  -2.54  947.43   4.57    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    2.9180    2.8695    0.0485    0.8476295    0.8473716    0.0002    1.33292    1.33291    1.33320  -1.17  945.01   4.50
    10 51607.76090 2000  64 18 15 42.00 NRAO20      0.205361748686165    0.581629358884234 0718+793  12.54  914.40   2.17    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    3.8651    3.7833    0.0817    0.5820396    0.5816293    0.0006    1.81459    1.81500    1.79579   7.89  913.60   3.91
    10 51607.76090 2000  64 18 15 42.00 WETTZELL    0.136258892849022    1.028846344095219 0718+793  -2.53  947.43   4.57    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    2.5537    2.5113    0.0424    1.0290222    1.0288463    0.0001    1.16652    1.16651    1.16685  -1.17  945.01   4.50
    11 51607.76458 2000  64 18 21 -0.00 NRAO20      0.022413763192168    0.816769909511020 0014+813  12.54  914.39   2.16    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    2.9184    2.8564    0.0619    0.8170237    0.8167699    0.0002    1.37013    1.37034    1.36079   7.89  913.60   3.91
    11 51607.76458 2000  64 18 21 -0.00 WETTZELL    6.059032922824251    0.853770007471405 0014+813  -2.53  947.44   4.57    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    2.9009    2.8528    0.0482    0.8540245    0.8537700    0.0002    1.32515    1.32514    1.32574  -1.17  945.01   4.50
    12 51607.76874 2000  64 18 26 59.50 NRAO20      5.766587911907681    0.693164873022456 1849+670  12.54  914.38   2.15    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    3.3271    3.2565    0.0706    0.6934900    0.6931648    0.0003    1.56203    1.56227    1.55093   7.89  913.60   3.91
    12 51607.76874 2000  64 18 26 59.50 WETTZELL    6.208597944432660    0.462105180183148 1849+670  -2.52  947.44   4.56    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    4.8845    4.8031    0.0813    0.4626888    0.4621051    0.0015    2.23121    2.23111    2.23721  -1.17  945.01   4.50
    13 51607.77102 2000  64 18 30 16.00 NRAO20      6.028537192574419    0.653613400096196 1803+784  12.55  914.38   2.15    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    3.4950    3.4209    0.0740    0.6539658    0.6536134    0.0004    1.64084    1.64115    1.62648   7.89  913.60   3.91
    13 51607.77102 2000  64 18 30 16.00 WETTZELL    0.013573701178909    0.656632435781350 1803+784  -2.52  947.45   4.56    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    3.5775    3.5181    0.0595    0.6570108    0.6566324    0.0005    1.63422    1.63418    1.63613  -1.17  945.01   4.50
    14 51607.77269 2000  64 18 32 40.00 NRAO20      5.359454494913918    0.910684068082540 3C418     12.55  914.37   2.14    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    2.6944    2.6370    0.0574    0.9108939    0.9106841    0.0001    1.26497    1.26506    1.26113   7.89  913.60   3.91
    14 51607.77269 2000  64 18 32 40.00 WETTZELL    5.895211010258808    0.261727205878221 3C418     -2.52  947.45   4.55    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    8.3227    8.1833    0.1394    0.2627992    0.2617272    0.0086    3.80178    3.80122    3.83464  -1.17  945.01   4.50
    15 51607.77463 2000  64 18 35 28.00 NRAO20      0.585866857130666    0.301498896741452 0749+540  12.55  914.37   2.14    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    7.0823    6.9332    0.1490    0.3023572    0.3014989    0.0051    3.32500    3.32611    3.27405   7.89  913.60   3.91
    15 51607.77463 2000  64 18 35 28.00 WETTZELL    1.101167707130867    1.301991845257382 0749+540  -2.51  947.46   4.55    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    2.2703    2.2326    0.0377    1.3020723    1.3019918    0.0000    1.03708    1.03708    1.03724  -1.17  945.01   4.50
    16 51607.77828 2000  64 18 40 43.50 NRAO20      4.886781487084393    1.525219266233619 2356+385  12.55  914.36   2.13    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    2.1322    2.0866    0.0456    1.5252316    1.5252193    0.0000    1.00104    1.00104    1.00100   7.89  913.60   3.91
    16 51607.77828 2000  64 18 40 43.50 WETTZELL    5.259583317240941    0.434642623620597 2356+385  -2.50  947.47   4.54    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    5.1708    5.0847    0.0861    0.4352683    0.4346425    0.0018    2.36199    2.36189    2.36768  -1.17  945.01   4.50
    17 51607.78153 2000  64 18 45 24.00 NRAO20      1.506307551594606    0.303484766131964 0528+134  12.56  914.35   2.13    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    7.0418    6.8908    0.1509    0.3043373    0.3034848    0.0050    3.30600    3.30579    3.31567   7.89  913.60   3.91
    17 51607.78153 2000  64 18 45 24.00 WETTZELL    3.547646274463809    0.916002729312238 0528+134  -2.49  947.49   4.53    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    2.7589    2.7131    0.0458    0.9162269    0.9160027    0.0001    1.26028    1.26027    1.26062  -1.17  945.01   4.50
    18 51607.78495 2000  64 18 50 20.00 NRAO20      1.824105078985678    0.252544154130991 0458-020  12.58  914.32   2.11    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    8.3788    8.1972    0.1816    0.2535724    0.2525442    0.0086    3.93370    3.93249    3.98918   7.89  913.60   3.91
    18 51607.78495 2000  64 18 50 20.00 WETTZELL    3.639260134290640    0.613256214975429 0458-020  -2.47  947.51   4.52    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    3.7970    3.7339    0.0631    0.6136704    0.6132562    0.0006    1.73446    1.73443    1.73634  -1.17  945.01   4.50
    19 51607.78734 2000  64 18 53 46.50 NRAO20      5.854880600510626    0.595739563693203 3C371     12.58  914.29   2.08    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    3.7853    3.7051    0.0802    0.5961375    0.5957395    0.0006    1.77712    1.77747    1.76114   7.89  913.60   3.91
    19 51607.78734 2000  64 18 53 46.50 WETTZELL    0.051221975265673    0.507717841607431 3C371     -2.44  947.53   4.50    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    4.4833    4.4087    0.0746    0.5082409    0.5077178    0.0011    2.04796    2.04788    2.05256  -1.17  945.01   4.50
    20 51607.79035 2000  64 18 58  6.00 NRAO20      2.175787293316833    0.929186693002596 0229+131  12.60  914.27   2.09    2.1300    2.0845    0.0455    2.6571    2.6001    0.0570    0.9293887    0.9291867    0.0001    1.24746    1.24737    1.25164   7.89  913.60   3.91
    20 51607.79035 2000  64 18 58  6.00 WETTZELL    4.494616627136658    0.490184358704061 0229+131  -2.43  947.56   4.49    2.1892    2.1528    0.0363    4.6332    4.5562    0.0770    0.4907295    0.4901843    0.0012    2.11644    2.11638    2.11989  -1.17  945.01   4.50