% RADIATE format v 2.0
% This file contains ray-tracing results.
% Created by: Armin Hofmeister, Technische Universit�t Wien
% Created with RADIATE program developed by Armin Hofmeister
%    Version: 2.0_Fortran
%    Subversion: global_limit
% File created on:
%    2019-03-07 | 03:25:12.689
% Data content:
%    Ray-tracing results for session:
%        96OCT21XU#####
%    Total number of observations:
%        40
% Chosen ray-tracing options:
%    Assignment of observations to the epochs of the numerical weather model:
%        one_epoch_per_obs
%    Method of vertical interpolation (horizontal treatment):
%        profilewise
%    Method of numerical weather model usage:
%        Full grid information used
%    Ray-tracing approach:
%        pwl
%    Station coordinate catalogue-file:
%        vlbi.ell
% Numerical weather model used:
%    Epoch 1: 1996102112 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg
%    Epoch 2: 1996102118 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg
% Origin and use of the observational data:
%    Observational data (scan number, observation time, station, azimuth, elevation, source)
%    as well as temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values provided in this file
%    originate from the AzEl-file created by VieVS.
%    The reported temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values from the numerical
%    weather model at the station positions have been determined from the numerical weather
%    model by interpolation within the ray-tracing application.
%    Ray-tracing used temperature-, pressure- and water vapour-values only from the numerical
%    weather model.
% Data columns:
%    1  .... scannumber
%    2  .... mjd
%    3  .... year
%    4  .... day of year
%    5  .... hour
%    6  .... min
%    7  .... sec
%    8  .... station
%    9  .... azimuth in [rad]
%    10 .... outgoing elevation angle (calculated, theoretical) in [rad]
%    11 .... source
%    12 .... temperature at station in [�C]
%    13 .... pressure at station in [hPa]
%    14 .... water vapour pressure at station in [hPa]
%    15 .... zenith total delay in [m]
%    16 .... zenith hydrostatic delay in [m]
%    17 .... zenith wet delay in [m]
%    18 .... slant total delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    19 .... slant hydrostatic delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    20 .... slant wet delay in [m]
%    21 .... elevation angle at station in [rad]
%    22 .... outgoing elevation angle from ray-tracing in [rad]
%    23 .... geometric bending effect in [m]
%    24 .... total mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [total_delay_along_the_path / total_zenith_delay]
%    25 .... hydrostatic mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [hydrostatic_delay_along_the_path / hydrostatic_zenith_delay]
%    26 .... wet mapping factor [wet_delay_along_the_path / wet_zenith_delay]
%    27 .... temperature at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [�C]
%    28 .... pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    29 .... water vapour pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    1|          2|   3|  4| 5| 6|    7|       8|                   9|                  10|      11|    12|     13|    14|       15|       16|       17|       18|       19|       20|          21|          22|       23|        24|        25|        26|    27|     28|    29
% scan|        mjd|year|doy| h| m|  sec| station|       azimuth [rad]|   calc. elev. [rad]|  source|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]|  ztd [m]|  zhd [m]|  zwd [m]|  std [m]|  shd [m]|  swd [m]|e at st[rad]|e rtrd [rad]|bend. [m]|  total mf|  hydr. mf|    wet mf|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]
     1 50377.60030 1996 295 14 24 26.00 NRAO20      1.581011436623867    0.310312861150433 1606+106   7.30  918.82   9.50    2.1830    2.0918    0.0912    7.0615    6.7690    0.2925    0.3112293    0.3103129    0.0049    3.23476    3.23593    3.20792   5.81  916.76   8.88
     1 50377.60030 1996 295 14 24 26.00 WETTZELL    3.597265941638580    0.851741042837078 1606+106   9.03  940.73  11.32    2.2827    2.1449    0.1378    3.0314    2.8485    0.1829    0.8520124    0.8517410    0.0002    1.32797    1.32800    1.32745   8.11  941.09  10.76
     2 50377.60303 1996 295 14 28 22.00 NRAO20      0.229191820744843    0.831406643768994 1357+769   7.30  918.84   9.50    2.1830    2.0918    0.0912    2.9505    2.8275    0.1230    0.8316777    0.8314066    0.0002    1.35155    1.35167    1.34875   5.81  916.76   8.88
     2 50377.60303 1996 295 14 28 22.00 WETTZELL    5.957788304110212    0.980833651602747 1357+769   9.03  940.74  11.32    2.2827    2.1449    0.1378    2.7454    2.5798    0.1657    0.9810413    0.9808337    0.0001    1.20272    1.20272    1.20267   8.11  941.09  10.76
     3 50377.60530 1996 295 14 31 38.00 NRAO20      5.316510937420899    0.968710178334248 0804+499   7.31  918.85   9.49    2.1830    2.0918    0.0912    2.6475    2.5367    0.1108    0.9689145    0.9687102    0.0001    1.21277    1.21266    1.21541   5.81  916.76   8.88
     3 50377.60530 1996 295 14 31 38.00 WETTZELL    5.829671310246215    0.262818928702703 0804+499   9.03  940.75  11.33    2.2827    2.1449    0.1378    8.6474    8.1226    0.5248    0.2639525    0.2628189    0.0091    3.78824    3.78685    3.80994   8.11  941.09  10.76
     4 50377.60803 1996 295 14 35 34.00 NRAO20      1.679391036767881    1.157751184496308 1308+326   7.31  918.87   9.50    2.1830    2.0918    0.0912    2.3826    2.2832    0.0993    1.1578815    1.1577512    0.0000    1.09142    1.09150    1.08947   5.81  916.76   8.88
     4 50377.60803 1996 295 14 35 34.00 WETTZELL    4.810745935312285    0.697955253174903 1308+326   9.03  940.76  11.33    2.2827    2.1449    0.1378    3.5462    3.3325    0.2137    0.6983245    0.6979553    0.0004    1.55350    1.55364    1.55136   8.11  941.09  10.76
     5 50377.61072 1996 295 14 39 26.00 NRAO20      4.897684361385545    1.182351732160250 4C39.25    7.31  918.88   9.50    2.1830    2.0918    0.0912    2.3586    2.2599    0.0987    1.1824735    1.1823517    0.0000    1.08041    1.08033    1.08236   5.81  916.76   8.88
     5 50377.61072 1996 295 14 39 26.00 WETTZELL    5.537184951517910    0.213863809997181 4C39.25    9.03  940.77  11.33    2.2827    2.1449    0.1378   10.5023    9.8640    0.6383    0.2152558    0.2138638    0.0166    4.60080    4.59869    4.63371   8.11  941.09  10.76
     6 50377.61345 1996 295 14 43 22.00 NRAO20      5.350558214568962    1.252490726679327 0955+476   7.31  918.88   9.50    2.1830    2.0918    0.0912    2.2982    2.2021    0.0961    1.2525887    1.2524907    0.0000    1.05278    1.05274    1.05375   5.81  916.76   8.88
     6 50377.61345 1996 295 14 43 22.00 WETTZELL    5.557714885797193    0.382685515337995 0955+476   9.03  940.77  11.33    2.2827    2.1449    0.1378    6.0688    5.7022    0.3666    0.3834503    0.3826855    0.0029    2.65861    2.65845    2.66115   8.11  941.09  10.76
     7 50377.61604 1996 295 14 47  6.00 NRAO20      1.643871048822520    0.387914562501266 1606+106   7.31  918.88   9.50    2.1830    2.0918    0.0912    5.7265    5.4890    0.2375    0.3886371    0.3879145    0.0025    2.62320    2.62402    2.60445   5.81  916.76   8.88
     7 50377.61604 1996 295 14 47  6.00 WETTZELL    3.734410782975770    0.819251284335540 1606+106   9.03  940.78  11.33    2.2827    2.1449    0.1378    3.1214    2.9331    0.1883    0.8195409    0.8192513    0.0002    1.36741    1.36746    1.36661   8.11  941.09  10.76
     8 50377.61877 1996 295 14 51  2.00 NRAO20      5.317386372588524    0.913989902384914 0804+499   7.31  918.89   9.50    2.1830    2.0918    0.0912    2.7548    2.6394    0.1154    0.9142191    0.9139899    0.0001    1.26192    1.26179    1.26505   5.81  916.76   8.88
     8 50377.61877 1996 295 14 51  2.00 WETTZELL    5.880917997653470    0.239777663397594 0804+499   9.03  940.78  11.33    2.2827    2.1449    0.1378    9.4297    8.8564    0.5733    0.2410208    0.2397777    0.0119    4.13095    4.12896    4.16193   8.11  941.09  10.76
     9 50377.62137 1996 295 14 54 46.00 NRAO20      1.755691861247682    1.222842435067727 1308+326   7.31  918.89   9.49    2.1830    2.0918    0.0912    2.3216    2.2247    0.0968    1.2229503    1.2228424    0.0000    1.06347    1.06354    1.06195   5.81  916.76   8.88
     9 50377.62137 1996 295 14 54 46.00 WETTZELL    4.868762301743219    0.643457395835793 1308+326   9.03  940.78  11.33    2.2827    2.1449    0.1378    3.7969    3.5681    0.2288    0.6438702    0.6434574    0.0005    1.66333    1.66348    1.66102   8.11  941.09  10.76
    10 50377.62410 1996 295 14 58 42.00 NRAO20      1.676962867621272    0.427507965232776 1606+106   7.31  918.89   9.49    2.1830    2.0918    0.0912    5.2321    5.0150    0.2171    0.4281569    0.4275079    0.0018    2.39673    2.39742    2.38098   5.81  916.76   8.88
    10 50377.62410 1996 295 14 58 42.00 WETTZELL    3.801036448914922    0.799793672178731 1606+106   9.03  940.78  11.33    2.2827    2.1449    0.1378    3.1795    2.9878    0.1917    0.8000948    0.7997937    0.0002    1.39289    1.39295    1.39194   8.11  941.09  10.76
    11 50377.62669 1996 295 15  2 26.00 NRAO20      5.297951056965627    1.198928400406489 0955+476   7.32  918.90   9.49    2.2136    2.0936    0.1199    2.3756    2.2468    0.1288    1.1990436    1.1989284    0.0000    1.07321    1.07315    1.07408   9.43  917.67   9.30
    11 50377.62669 1996 295 15  2 26.00 WETTZELL    5.604899818021662    0.347451835086820 0955+476   9.03  940.79  11.33    2.2751    2.1482    0.1268    6.6198    6.2533    0.3665    0.3483078    0.3474518    0.0039    2.90974    2.91090    2.89023   9.40  942.57  11.59
    12 50377.62942 1996 295 15  6 22.00 NRAO20      1.113525625286188    0.611333817839289 NRAO512    7.32  918.90   9.49    2.2136    2.0936    0.1199    3.8466    3.6374    0.2092    0.6117541    0.6113338    0.0006    1.73775    1.73736    1.74448   9.43  917.67   9.30
    12 50377.62942 1996 295 15  6 22.00 WETTZELL    4.252326515335729    1.277291882557636 NRAO512    9.03  940.79  11.33    2.2751    2.1482    0.1268    2.3764    2.2441    0.1323    1.2773865    1.2772919    0.0000    1.04456    1.04463    1.04324   9.40  942.57  11.59
    13 50377.63169 1996 295 15  9 38.00 NRAO20      1.118928328549893    0.621392179599470 NRAO512    7.32  918.90   9.49    2.2136    2.0936    0.1199    3.7928    3.5865    0.2062    0.6218037    0.6213922    0.0006    1.71343    1.71306    1.71984   9.43  917.67   9.30
    13 50377.63169 1996 295 15  9 38.00 WETTZELL    4.276337315015592    1.268865181746393 NRAO512    9.03  940.79  11.33    2.2751    2.1482    0.1268    2.3826    2.2499    0.1326    1.2689626    1.2688652    0.0000    1.04725    1.04733    1.04587   9.40  942.57  11.59
    14 50377.63442 1996 295 15 13 34.00 NRAO20      5.325005963707248    0.850617038235742 0804+499   7.32  918.91   9.49    2.2136    2.0936    0.1199    2.9423    2.7826    0.1598    0.8508759    0.8506170    0.0002    1.32923    1.32906    1.33217   9.43  917.67   9.30
    14 50377.63442 1996 295 15 13 34.00 WETTZELL    5.941567218002082    0.216337473212990 0804+499   9.03  940.79  11.33    2.2751    2.1482    0.1268   10.3488    9.7719    0.5769    0.2177259    0.2163375    0.0159    4.54880    4.54878    4.54921   9.40  942.57  11.59
    15 50377.63701 1996 295 15 17 18.00 NRAO20      1.731767235210408    0.490678318662338 1606+106   7.32  918.91   9.49    2.2136    2.0936    0.1199    4.6773    4.4235    0.2538    0.4912287    0.4906783    0.0012    2.11301    2.11282    2.11644   9.43  917.67   9.30
    15 50377.63701 1996 295 15 17 18.00 WETTZELL    3.902732385813573    0.765075604490214 1606+106   9.03  940.79  11.33    2.2751    2.1482    0.1268    3.2809    3.0984    0.1825    0.7654011    0.7650756    0.0003    1.44210    1.44230    1.43869   9.40  942.57  11.59
    16 50377.63975 1996 295 15 21 14.00 NRAO20      0.953933018897627    0.557827930380804 1726+455   7.32  918.92   9.49    2.2136    2.0936    0.1199    4.1681    3.9411    0.2270    0.5582997    0.5578279    0.0008    1.88299    1.88242    1.89290   9.43  917.67   9.30
    16 50377.63975 1996 295 15 21 14.00 WETTZELL    4.360122469231592    1.418872050867958 1726+455   9.04  940.80  11.33    2.2751    2.1482    0.1268    2.3015    2.1733    0.1282    1.4189200    1.4188721    0.0000    1.01162    1.01166    1.01091   9.40  942.57  11.59
    17 50377.64197 1996 295 15 24 26.00 NRAO20      1.924280429405486    1.320925856965977 1308+326   7.34  918.95   9.49    2.2136    2.0936    0.1199    2.2843    2.1606    0.1237    1.3210012    1.3209259    0.0000    1.03194    1.03196    1.03172   9.43  917.67   9.30
    17 50377.64197 1996 295 15 24 26.00 WETTZELL    4.955425509042591    0.560266998864639 1308+326   9.04  940.81  11.33    2.2751    2.1482    0.1268    4.2676    4.0314    0.2362    0.5607643    0.5602670    0.0009    1.87583    1.87661    1.86255   9.40  942.57  11.59
    18 50377.64470 1996 295 15 28 22.00 NRAO20      5.258618785843048    1.123794837786802 0955+476   7.35  918.98   9.49    2.2136    2.0936    0.1199    2.4542    2.3211    0.1331    1.1239364    1.1237948    0.0000    1.10870    1.10864    1.10978   9.43  917.67   9.30
    18 50377.64470 1996 295 15 28 22.00 WETTZELL    5.670769256384196    0.302806746772315 0955+476   9.05  940.82  11.34    2.2751    2.1482    0.1268    7.5362    7.1186    0.4175    0.3037957    0.3028067    0.0059    3.31251    3.31371    3.29216   9.40  942.57  11.59
    19 50377.64697 1996 295 15 31 38.00 NRAO20      0.157268988782381    0.873462422651325 1357+769   7.35  918.98   9.49    2.2136    2.0936    0.1199    2.8851    2.7282    0.1569    0.8737096    0.8734624    0.0002    1.30336    1.30310    1.30803   9.43  917.67   9.30
    19 50377.64697 1996 295 15 31 38.00 WETTZELL    5.928057540915945    0.919931099378235 1357+769   9.05  940.82  11.34    2.2751    2.1482    0.1268    2.8574    2.6984    0.1590    0.9201693    0.9199311    0.0001    1.25595    1.25608    1.25368   9.40  942.57  11.59
    20 50377.64970 1996 295 15 35 34.00 NRAO20      5.337970983196047    0.789196322116079 0804+499   7.35  918.99   9.49    2.2136    2.0936    0.1199    3.1153    2.9460    0.1692    0.7894891    0.7891963    0.0002    1.40735    1.40714    1.41104   9.43  917.67   9.30
    20 50377.64970 1996 295 15 35 34.00 WETTZELL    6.001827311860172    0.197038240632848 0804+499   9.05  940.83  11.34    2.2751    2.1482    0.1268   11.2944   10.6630    0.6314    0.1985591    0.1970382    0.0208    4.96442    4.96361    4.97827   9.40  942.57  11.59