% RADIATE format v 2.0
% This file contains ray-tracing results.
% Created by: Armin Hofmeister, Technische Universit�t Wien
% Created with RADIATE program developed by Armin Hofmeister
%    Version: 2.0_Fortran
%    Subversion: global_limit
% File created on:
%    2018-07-27 | 00:57:00.217
% Data content:
%    Ray-tracing results for session:
%        95JUN02XU#####
%    Total number of observations:
%        32
% Chosen ray-tracing options:
%    Assignment of observations to the epochs of the numerical weather model:
%        one_epoch_per_obs
%    Method of vertical interpolation (horizontal treatment):
%        profilewise
%    Method of numerical weather model usage:
%        Full grid information used
%    Ray-tracing approach:
%        pwl
%    Station coordinate catalogue-file:
%        vlbi.ell
% Numerical weather model used:
%    Epoch 1: 1995060218 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg
% Origin and use of the observational data:
%    Observational data (scan number, observation time, station, azimuth, elevation, source)
%    as well as temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values provided in this file
%    originate from the AzEl-file created by VieVS.
%    The reported temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values from the numerical
%    weather model at the station positions have been determined from the numerical weather
%    model by interpolation within the ray-tracing application.
%    Ray-tracing used temperature-, pressure- and water vapour-values only from the numerical
%    weather model.
% Data columns:
%    1  .... scannumber
%    2  .... mjd
%    3  .... year
%    4  .... day of year
%    5  .... hour
%    6  .... min
%    7  .... sec
%    8  .... station
%    9  .... azimuth in [rad]
%    10 .... outgoing elevation angle (calculated, theoretical) in [rad]
%    11 .... source
%    12 .... temperature at station in [�C]
%    13 .... pressure at station in [hPa]
%    14 .... water vapour pressure at station in [hPa]
%    15 .... zenith total delay in [m]
%    16 .... zenith hydrostatic delay in [m]
%    17 .... zenith wet delay in [m]
%    18 .... slant total delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    19 .... slant hydrostatic delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    20 .... slant wet delay in [m]
%    21 .... elevation angle at station in [rad]
%    22 .... outgoing elevation angle from ray-tracing in [rad]
%    23 .... geometric bending effect in [m]
%    24 .... total mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [total_delay_along_the_path / total_zenith_delay]
%    25 .... hydrostatic mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [hydrostatic_delay_along_the_path / hydrostatic_zenith_delay]
%    26 .... wet mapping factor [wet_delay_along_the_path / wet_zenith_delay]
%    27 .... temperature at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [�C]
%    28 .... pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    29 .... water vapour pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    1|          2|   3|  4| 5| 6|    7|       8|                   9|                  10|      11|    12|     13|    14|       15|       16|       17|       18|       19|       20|          21|          22|       23|        24|        25|        26|    27|     28|    29
% scan|        mjd|year|doy| h| m|  sec| station|       azimuth [rad]|   calc. elev. [rad]|  source|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]|  ztd [m]|  zhd [m]|  zwd [m]|  std [m]|  shd [m]|  swd [m]|e at st[rad]|e rtrd [rad]|bend. [m]|  total mf|  hydr. mf|    wet mf|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]
     1 49870.71384 1995 153 17  7 56.00 NRAO85_3    1.370796579398666    1.286685523368763 0552+398  22.57  929.71  18.33    2.3155    2.1111    0.2044    2.4121    2.1990    0.2130    1.2867826    1.2866855    0.0000    1.04172    1.04168    1.04209  18.18  925.33  19.61
     1 49870.71384 1995 153 17  7 56.00 WETTZELL    5.026512502540329    0.696450192960435 0552+398   8.79  945.62   9.69    2.2541    2.1510    0.1031    3.5073    3.3472    0.1600    0.6968144    0.6964502    0.0004    1.55599    1.55613    1.55300   7.71  944.03   9.38
     2 49870.71681 1995 153 17 12 12.00 NRAO85_3    6.028673783534823    0.889366420644507 0212+735  22.59  929.70  18.31    2.3155    2.1111    0.2044    2.9786    2.7156    0.2630    0.8896359    0.8893664    0.0002    1.28640    1.28637    1.28669  18.18  925.33  19.61
     2 49870.71681 1995 153 17 12 12.00 WETTZELL    5.997976763504004    0.663126343208222 0212+735   8.78  945.63   9.72    2.2541    2.1510    0.1031    3.6544    3.4871    0.1673    0.6635161    0.6631263    0.0005    1.62124    1.62116    1.62291   7.71  944.03   9.38
     3 49870.72079 1995 153 17 17 56.00 NRAO85_3    1.562189472263243    0.575741841511351 OJ287     22.63  929.69  18.27    2.3155    2.1111    0.2044    4.2425    3.8668    0.3757    0.5762528    0.5757419    0.0008    1.83223    1.83170    1.83776  18.18  925.33  19.61
     3 49870.72079 1995 153 17 17 56.00 WETTZELL    4.006245404770315    0.919315446461004 OJ287      8.78  945.63   9.74    2.2541    2.1510    0.1031    2.8325    2.7032    0.1293    0.9195479    0.9193154    0.0001    1.25661    1.25671    1.25458   7.71  944.03   9.38
     4 49870.72352 1995 153 17 21 52.00 NRAO85_3    0.932732347410206    0.602136637160161 0955+476  22.65  929.68  18.25    2.3155    2.1111    0.2044    4.0786    3.7176    0.3610    0.6026193    0.6021367    0.0007    1.76147    1.76104    1.76596  18.18  925.33  19.61
     4 49870.72352 1995 153 17 21 52.00 WETTZELL    4.634147027175013    1.399577712767122 0955+476   8.77  945.64   9.76    2.2541    2.1510    0.1031    2.2874    2.1828    0.1045    1.3996305    1.3995777    0.0000    1.01478    1.01480    1.01431   7.71  944.03   9.38
     5 49870.72662 1995 153 17 26 20.00 NRAO85_3    1.372632528450891    1.348517413587321 0552+398  22.67  929.67  18.22    2.3155    2.1111    0.2044    2.3738    2.1642    0.2096    1.3485926    1.3485174    0.0000    1.02521    1.02518    1.02548  18.18  925.33  19.61
     5 49870.72662 1995 153 17 26 20.00 WETTZELL    5.073550077162049    0.646766784862678 0552+398   8.77  945.64   9.77    2.2541    2.1510    0.1031    3.7322    3.5619    0.1703    0.6471700    0.6467668    0.0005    1.65575    1.65590    1.65257   7.71  944.03   9.38
     6 49870.72954 1995 153 17 30 32.00 NRAO85_3    6.005019779703474    0.872813069570932 0212+735  22.70  929.66  18.19    2.3155    2.1111    0.2044    3.0194    2.7528    0.2666    0.8730918    0.8728131    0.0002    1.30400    1.30397    1.30430  18.18  925.33  19.61
     6 49870.72954 1995 153 17 30 32.00 WETTZELL    6.019776628628660    0.648909450689803 0212+735   8.77  945.64   9.78    2.2541    2.1510    0.1031    3.7221    3.5517    0.1704    0.6493108    0.6489094    0.0005    1.65127    1.65118    1.65321   7.71  944.03   9.38
     7 49870.73352 1995 153 17 36 16.00 NRAO85_3    1.612791544351668    0.638563290779959 OJ287     22.73  929.64  18.16    2.3155    2.1111    0.2044    3.8777    3.5345    0.3432    0.6390104    0.6385633    0.0006    1.67468    1.67428    1.67884  18.18  925.33  19.61
     7 49870.73352 1995 153 17 36 16.00 WETTZELL    4.107128875949556    0.877719997424573 OJ287      8.77  945.65   9.78    2.2541    2.1510    0.1031    2.9274    2.7938    0.1336    0.8779732    0.8777200    0.0002    1.29874    1.29885    1.29638   7.71  944.03   9.38
     8 49870.73625 1995 153 17 40 12.00 NRAO85_3    0.955872637798379    0.653044875928453 0955+476  22.75  929.64  18.14    2.3155    2.1111    0.2044    3.8038    3.4673    0.3365    0.6534787    0.6530449    0.0005    1.64278    1.64243    1.64639  18.18  925.33  19.61
     8 49870.73625 1995 153 17 40 12.00 WETTZELL    4.705936790136124    1.347160711052545 0955+476   8.77  945.65   9.79    2.2541    2.1510    0.1031    2.3114    2.2058    0.1056    1.3472301    1.3471607    0.0000    1.02544    1.02547    1.02484   7.71  944.03   9.38
     9 49870.73935 1995 153 17 44 40.00 NRAO85_3    1.356042192877426    1.410048092548933 0552+398  22.77  929.62  18.11    2.3155    2.1111    0.2044    2.3457    2.1386    0.2071    1.4101020    1.4100481    0.0000    1.01306    1.01304    1.01325  18.18  925.33  19.61
     9 49870.73935 1995 153 17 44 40.00 WETTZELL    5.120111667029905    0.598130241468365 0552+398   8.77  945.65   9.79    2.2541    2.1510    0.1031    3.9921    3.8099    0.1822    0.5985768    0.5981302    0.0007    1.77107    1.77123    1.76775   7.71  944.03   9.38
    10 49870.74231 1995 153 17 48 56.00 NRAO85_3    5.984271405036941    0.854852712512401 0212+735  22.79  929.61  18.08    2.3155    2.1111    0.2044    3.0658    2.7951    0.2707    0.8551418    0.8548527    0.0002    1.32407    1.32404    1.32438  18.18  925.33  19.61
    10 49870.74231 1995 153 17 48 56.00 WETTZELL    6.042520419906515    0.635773666784646 0212+735   8.77  945.65   9.80    2.2541    2.1510    0.1031    3.7876    3.6142    0.1734    0.6361861    0.6357737    0.0005    1.68033    1.68023    1.68256   7.71  944.03   9.38
    11 49870.74630 1995 153 17 54 40.00 NRAO85_3    1.666278875826209    0.701473191036231 OJ287     22.81  929.60  18.05    2.3155    2.1111    0.2044    3.5830    3.2661    0.3170    0.7018662    0.7014732    0.0004    1.54744    1.54713    1.55062  18.18  925.33  19.61
    11 49870.74630 1995 153 17 54 40.00 WETTZELL    4.200164862029114    0.833064789801152 OJ287      8.77  945.65   9.80    2.2541    2.1510    0.1031    3.0428    2.9039    0.1388    0.8333418    0.8330648    0.0002    1.34991    1.35004    1.34720   7.71  944.03   9.38
    12 49870.74903 1995 153 17 58 36.00 NRAO85_3    0.977000171584155    0.704944590066799 0955+476  22.83  929.59  18.03    2.3155    2.1111    0.2044    3.5681    3.2525    0.3156    0.7053349    0.7049446    0.0004    1.54097    1.54069    1.54389  18.18  925.33  19.61
    12 49870.74903 1995 153 17 58 36.00 WETTZELL    4.762353838634210    1.294519117811305 0955+476   8.77  945.65   9.81    2.2541    2.1510    0.1031    2.3426    2.2356    0.1070    1.2946056    1.2945191    0.0000    1.03928    1.03931    1.03854   7.71  944.03   9.38
    13 49870.75213 1995 153 18  3  4.00 NRAO85_3    1.287159870058110    1.471268303808313 0552+398  22.85  929.58  18.00    2.3155    2.1111    0.2044    2.3270    2.1215    0.2055    1.4713015    1.4712683    0.0000    1.00498    1.00497    1.00509  18.18  925.33  19.61
    13 49870.75213 1995 153 18  3  4.00 WETTZELL    5.166781004745460    0.550289773858764 0552+398   8.77  945.65   9.82    2.2541    2.1510    0.1031    4.2961    4.1001    0.1961    0.5507854    0.5502898    0.0009    1.90595    1.90611    1.90255   7.71  944.03   9.38
    14 49870.75505 1995 153 18  7 16.00 NRAO85_3    5.966587218073282    0.835803440408499 0212+735  22.86  929.57  17.98    2.3155    2.1111    0.2044    3.1178    2.8425    0.2753    0.8361038    0.8358035    0.0002    1.34653    1.34649    1.34685  18.18  925.33  19.61
    14 49870.75505 1995 153 18  7 16.00 WETTZELL    6.065955058668694    0.623862468992600 0212+735   8.77  945.65   9.85    2.2541    2.1510    0.1031    3.8496    3.6733    0.1763    0.6242853    0.6238625    0.0006    1.70784    1.70772    1.71037   7.71  944.03   9.38
    15 49870.75903 1995 153 18 13  0.00 NRAO85_3    1.723141082844958    0.763822345652266 OJ287     22.88  929.56  17.95    2.3155    2.1111    0.2044    3.3441    3.0484    0.2957    0.7641692    0.7638224    0.0003    1.44425    1.44401    1.44672  18.18  925.33  19.61
    15 49870.75903 1995 153 18 13  0.00 WETTZELL    4.285769458511894    0.786270616123256 OJ287      8.78  945.65   9.89    2.2541    2.1510    0.1031    3.1808    3.0357    0.1451    0.7865748    0.7862706    0.0002    1.41116    1.41131    1.40807   7.71  944.03   9.38
    16 49870.76176 1995 153 18 16 56.00 NRAO85_3    0.995768490405440    0.757358803786133 0955+476  22.90  929.55  17.93    2.3155    2.1111    0.2044    3.3664    3.0688    0.2977    0.7577101    0.7573588    0.0003    1.45389    1.45366    1.45628  18.18  925.33  19.61
    16 49870.76176 1995 153 18 16 56.00 WETTZELL    4.810589772540416    1.242198744241801 0955+476   8.78  945.65   9.91    2.2541    2.1510    0.1031    2.3810    2.2723    0.1088    1.2423028    1.2421987    0.0000    1.05633    1.05638    1.05546   7.71  944.03   9.38