%***************************************************************************************************************** % RADIATE format v 2.0 % % This file contains ray-tracing results. % % Created by: Armin Hofmeister, Technische Universit�t Wien % % Created with RADIATE program developed by Armin Hofmeister % Version: 2.0_Fortran % Subversion: global_limit % % File created on: % 2018-07-26 | 15:55:12.156 % % Data content: % Ray-tracing results for session: % 93MAY28XU##### % Total number of observations: % 30 % % Chosen ray-tracing options: % Assignment of observations to the epochs of the numerical weather model: % one_epoch_per_obs % Method of vertical interpolation (horizontal treatment): % profilewise % Method of numerical weather model usage: % Full grid information used % Ray-tracing approach: % pwl % Station coordinate catalogue-file: % vlbi.ell % % Numerical weather model used: % Epoch 1: 1993052818 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg % % Origin and use of the observational data: % Observational data (scan number, observation time, station, azimuth, elevation, source) % as well as temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values provided in this file % originate from the AzEl-file created by VieVS. % The reported temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values from the numerical % weather model at the station positions have been determined from the numerical weather % model by interpolation within the ray-tracing application. % Ray-tracing used temperature-, pressure- and water vapour-values only from the numerical % weather model. % % % Data columns: % 1 .... scannumber % 2 .... mjd % 3 .... year % 4 .... day of year % 5 .... hour % 6 .... min % 7 .... sec % 8 .... station % 9 .... azimuth in [rad] % 10 .... outgoing elevation angle (calculated, theoretical) in [rad] % 11 .... source % 12 .... temperature at station in [�C] % 13 .... pressure at station in [hPa] % 14 .... water vapour pressure at station in [hPa] % 15 .... zenith total delay in [m] % 16 .... zenith hydrostatic delay in [m] % 17 .... zenith wet delay in [m] % 18 .... slant total delay including geometric bending effect in [m] % 19 .... slant hydrostatic delay including geometric bending effect in [m] % 20 .... slant wet delay in [m] % 21 .... elevation angle at station in [rad] % 22 .... outgoing elevation angle from ray-tracing in [rad] % 23 .... geometric bending effect in [m] % 24 .... total mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [total_delay_along_the_path / total_zenith_delay] % 25 .... hydrostatic mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [hydrostatic_delay_along_the_path / hydrostatic_zenith_delay] % 26 .... wet mapping factor [wet_delay_along_the_path / wet_zenith_delay] % 27 .... temperature at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [�C] % 28 .... pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa] % 29 .... water vapour pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa] %***************************************************************************************************************** % % % 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18| 19| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29 % scan| mjd|year|doy| h| m| sec| station| azimuth [rad]| calc. elev. [rad]| source|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]| ztd [m]| zhd [m]| zwd [m]| std [m]| shd [m]| swd [m]|e at st[rad]|e rtrd [rad]|bend. [m]| total mf| hydr. mf| wet mf|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa] % 1 49135.74380 1993 148 17 51 4.00 WESTFORD 1.768408640708979 0.730613130717663 OJ287 16.01 999.87 11.27 2.4369 2.2818 0.1551 3.6461 3.4139 0.2323 0.7309613 0.7306131 0.0004 1.49622 1.49613 1.49755 16.45 1000.93 9.99 1 49135.74380 1993 148 17 51 4.00 WETTZELL 4.092143022393133 0.884509506362081 OJ287 12.58 940.58 8.72 2.2512 2.1400 0.1112 2.9079 2.7642 0.1437 0.8847536 0.8845095 0.0002 1.29170 1.29166 1.29257 14.18 939.55 9.88 2 49135.74667 1993 148 17 55 12.00 WESTFORD 5.935033468959587 0.900901114551472 0212+735 16.05 999.85 11.27 2.4369 2.2818 0.1551 3.1059 2.9082 0.1976 0.9011484 0.9009011 0.0002 1.27451 1.27454 1.27411 16.45 1000.93 9.99 2 49135.74667 1993 148 17 55 12.00 WETTZELL 6.028371637436653 0.643589451550072 0212+735 12.56 940.59 8.73 2.2512 2.1400 0.1112 3.7430 3.5579 0.1851 0.6439862 0.6435894 0.0005 1.66268 1.66254 1.66547 14.18 939.55 9.88 3 49135.74958 1993 148 17 59 24.00 WESTFORD 6.260123102382281 0.543275483348803 1803+784 16.08 999.83 11.28 2.4369 2.2818 0.1551 4.6966 4.3976 0.2989 0.5437910 0.5432754 0.0011 1.92728 1.92727 1.92738 16.45 1000.93 9.99 3 49135.74958 1993 148 17 59 24.00 WETTZELL 0.284471177621803 0.797307053859572 1803+784 12.55 940.59 8.73 2.2512 2.1400 0.1112 3.1425 2.9872 0.1553 0.7975980 0.7973070 0.0002 1.39592 1.39587 1.39692 14.18 939.55 9.88 4 49135.75245 1993 148 18 3 32.00 WESTFORD 2.431672589890455 1.507329217252057 0552+398 16.11 999.81 11.28 2.4369 2.2818 0.1551 2.4418 2.2864 0.1554 1.5073491 1.5073292 0.0000 1.00202 1.00202 1.00207 16.45 1000.93 9.99 4 49135.75245 1993 148 18 3 32.00 WETTZELL 5.123289208214734 0.594880297112743 0552+398 12.53 940.60 8.74 2.2512 2.1400 0.1112 4.0064 3.8081 0.1983 0.5953199 0.5948803 0.0007 1.77967 1.77945 1.78377 14.18 939.55 9.88 5 49135.75537 1993 148 18 7 44.00 WESTFORD 1.829248672726128 0.782885898683594 OJ287 16.15 999.79 11.29 2.4369 2.2818 0.1551 3.4507 3.2309 0.2198 0.7831995 0.7828859 0.0003 1.41604 1.41596 1.41716 16.45 1000.93 9.99 5 49135.75537 1993 148 18 7 44.00 WETTZELL 4.177834101970854 0.844539558520288 OJ287 12.52 940.61 8.74 2.2512 2.1400 0.1112 3.0084 2.8597 0.1487 0.8448042 0.8445396 0.0002 1.33633 1.33627 1.33740 14.18 939.55 9.88 6 49135.75824 1993 148 18 11 52.00 WESTFORD 5.922063612467541 0.882254516738957 0212+735 16.18 999.77 11.29 2.4369 2.2818 0.1551 3.1528 2.9522 0.2006 0.8825114 0.8822545 0.0002 1.29376 1.29379 1.29336 16.45 1000.93 9.99 6 49135.75824 1993 148 18 11 52.00 WETTZELL 6.049229884813118 0.632045407335868 0212+735 12.51 940.61 8.75 2.2512 2.1400 0.1112 3.8014 3.6134 0.1880 0.6324518 0.6320454 0.0005 1.68860 1.68845 1.69153 14.18 939.55 9.88 7 49135.76116 1993 148 18 16 4.00 WESTFORD 6.277123535658034 0.542493778088428 1803+784 16.22 999.75 11.30 2.4369 2.2818 0.1551 4.7026 4.4033 0.2993 0.5430102 0.5424937 0.0011 1.92975 1.92974 1.92985 16.45 1000.93 9.99 7 49135.76116 1993 148 18 16 4.00 WETTZELL 0.292154564379450 0.810874622212766 1803+784 12.49 940.62 8.75 2.2512 2.1400 0.1112 3.1019 2.9486 0.1533 0.8111578 0.8108746 0.0002 1.37788 1.37783 1.37881 14.18 939.55 9.88 8 49135.76403 1993 148 18 20 12.00 WESTFORD 3.433543231768481 1.519858772553131 0552+398 16.25 999.73 11.30 2.4369 2.2818 0.1551 2.4401 2.2848 0.1553 1.5198747 1.5198588 0.0000 1.00131 1.00131 1.00136 16.45 1000.93 9.99 8 49135.76403 1993 148 18 20 12.00 WETTZELL 5.165560613836121 0.551565273256130 0552+398 12.48 940.62 8.76 2.2512 2.1400 0.1112 4.2823 4.0702 0.2120 0.5520484 0.5515652 0.0009 1.90220 1.90194 1.90732 14.18 939.55 9.88 9 49135.76694 1993 148 18 24 24.00 WESTFORD 1.894773693302131 0.834289634566865 OJ287 16.29 999.71 11.31 2.4369 2.2818 0.1551 3.2862 3.0769 0.2093 0.8345726 0.8342896 0.0002 1.34852 1.34846 1.34950 16.45 1000.93 9.99 9 49135.76694 1993 148 18 24 24.00 WETTZELL 4.257448499897662 0.802558662478639 OJ287 12.46 940.63 8.77 2.2512 2.1400 0.1112 3.1271 2.9726 0.1546 0.8028466 0.8025587 0.0002 1.38910 1.38903 1.39043 14.18 939.55 9.88 10 49135.76981 1993 148 18 28 32.00 WESTFORD 5.911718554042031 0.863022977644019 0212+735 16.33 999.69 11.31 2.4369 2.2818 0.1551 3.2038 3.0000 0.2039 0.8632901 0.8630230 0.0002 1.31472 1.31474 1.31432 16.45 1000.93 9.99 10 49135.76981 1993 148 18 28 32.00 WETTZELL 6.070705035571227 0.621483781324034 0212+735 12.45 940.64 8.77 2.2512 2.1400 0.1112 3.8568 3.6660 0.1908 0.6218993 0.6214838 0.0006 1.71323 1.71307 1.71629 14.18 939.55 9.88 11 49135.77273 1993 148 18 32 44.00 WESTFORD 0.010959126211897 0.542625182566457 1803+784 16.37 999.67 11.32 2.4369 2.2818 0.1551 4.7016 4.4023 0.2993 0.5431414 0.5426251 0.0011 1.92933 1.92932 1.92942 16.45 1000.93 9.99 11 49135.77273 1993 148 18 32 44.00 WETTZELL 0.298617661490496 0.824765622837873 1803+784 12.43 940.64 8.78 2.2512 2.1400 0.1112 3.0620 2.9107 0.1513 0.8250410 0.8247656 0.0002 1.36014 1.36010 1.36101 14.18 939.55 9.88 12 49135.77560 1993 148 18 36 52.00 WESTFORD 4.128223600607814 1.486096776049640 0552+398 16.40 999.65 11.33 2.4369 2.2818 0.1551 2.4457 2.2900 0.1557 1.4861233 1.4860968 0.0000 1.00361 1.00361 1.00366 16.45 1000.93 9.99 12 49135.77560 1993 148 18 36 52.00 WETTZELL 5.207948807453104 0.509133956923471 0552+398 12.42 940.65 8.78 2.2512 2.1400 0.1112 4.6007 4.3728 0.2279 0.5096661 0.5091339 0.0011 2.04365 2.04332 2.05009 14.18 939.55 9.88 13 49135.77852 1993 148 18 41 4.00 WESTFORD 1.966070871498487 0.884521785351579 OJ287 16.44 999.63 11.33 2.4369 2.2818 0.1551 3.1475 2.9471 0.2005 0.8847775 0.8845218 0.0002 1.29162 1.29156 1.29247 16.45 1000.93 9.99 13 49135.77852 1993 148 18 41 4.00 WETTZELL 4.331790434275431 0.758962103166217 OJ287 12.40 940.66 8.79 2.2512 2.1400 0.1112 3.2672 3.1056 0.1615 0.7592762 0.7589621 0.0003 1.45129 1.45121 1.45296 14.18 939.55 9.88 14 49135.78139 1993 148 18 45 12.00 WESTFORD 5.903883851238244 0.843337283065718 0212+735 16.48 999.61 11.34 2.4369 2.2818 0.1551 3.2591 3.0517 0.2074 0.8436152 0.8433373 0.0002 1.33740 1.33743 1.33701 16.45 1000.93 9.99 14 49135.78139 1993 148 18 45 12.00 WETTZELL 6.092733128067361 0.611936634336416 0212+735 12.39 940.66 8.79 2.2512 2.1400 0.1112 3.9088 3.7154 0.1934 0.6123606 0.6119366 0.0006 1.73629 1.73612 1.73947 14.18 939.55 9.88 15 49135.78431 1993 148 18 49 24.00 WESTFORD 0.027943022849769 0.543669215033573 1803+784 16.52 999.60 11.34 2.4369 2.2818 0.1551 4.6935 4.3948 0.2987 0.5441842 0.5436692 0.0011 1.92602 1.92601 1.92610 16.45 1000.93 9.99 15 49135.78431 1993 148 18 49 24.00 WETTZELL 0.303780198589917 0.838921964642962 1803+784 12.37 940.67 8.80 2.2512 2.1400 0.1112 3.0229 2.8735 0.1494 0.8391897 0.8389220 0.0002 1.34279 1.34275 1.34360 14.18 939.55 9.88