% RADIATE format v 2.0
% This file contains ray-tracing results.
% Created by: Armin Hofmeister, Technische Universit�t Wien
% Created with RADIATE program developed by Armin Hofmeister
%    Version: 2.0_Fortran
%    Subversion: global_limit
% File created on:
%    2018-07-25 | 15:27:25.343
% Data content:
%    Ray-tracing results for session:
%        90MAR20XJ#####
%    Total number of observations:
%        67
% Chosen ray-tracing options:
%    Assignment of observations to the epochs of the numerical weather model:
%        one_epoch_per_obs
%    Method of vertical interpolation (horizontal treatment):
%        profilewise
%    Method of numerical weather model usage:
%        Full grid information used
%    Ray-tracing approach:
%        pwl
%    Station coordinate catalogue-file:
%        vlbi.ell
% Numerical weather model used:
%    Epoch 1: 1990032018 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg
% Origin and use of the observational data:
%    Observational data (scan number, observation time, station, azimuth, elevation, source)
%    as well as temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values provided in this file
%    originate from the AzEl-file created by VieVS.
%    The reported temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values from the numerical
%    weather model at the station positions have been determined from the numerical weather
%    model by interpolation within the ray-tracing application.
%    Ray-tracing used temperature-, pressure- and water vapour-values only from the numerical
%    weather model.
% Data columns:
%    1  .... scannumber
%    2  .... mjd
%    3  .... year
%    4  .... day of year
%    5  .... hour
%    6  .... min
%    7  .... sec
%    8  .... station
%    9  .... azimuth in [rad]
%    10 .... outgoing elevation angle (calculated, theoretical) in [rad]
%    11 .... source
%    12 .... temperature at station in [�C]
%    13 .... pressure at station in [hPa]
%    14 .... water vapour pressure at station in [hPa]
%    15 .... zenith total delay in [m]
%    16 .... zenith hydrostatic delay in [m]
%    17 .... zenith wet delay in [m]
%    18 .... slant total delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    19 .... slant hydrostatic delay including geometric bending effect in [m]
%    20 .... slant wet delay in [m]
%    21 .... elevation angle at station in [rad]
%    22 .... outgoing elevation angle from ray-tracing in [rad]
%    23 .... geometric bending effect in [m]
%    24 .... total mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [total_delay_along_the_path / total_zenith_delay]
%    25 .... hydrostatic mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [hydrostatic_delay_along_the_path / hydrostatic_zenith_delay]
%    26 .... wet mapping factor [wet_delay_along_the_path / wet_zenith_delay]
%    27 .... temperature at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [�C]
%    28 .... pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    29 .... water vapour pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa]
%    1|          2|   3|  4| 5| 6|    7|       8|                   9|                  10|      11|    12|     13|    14|       15|       16|       17|       18|       19|       20|          21|          22|       23|        24|        25|        26|    27|     28|    29
% scan|        mjd|year|doy| h| m|  sec| station|       azimuth [rad]|   calc. elev. [rad]|  source|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]|  ztd [m]|  zhd [m]|  zwd [m]|  std [m]|  shd [m]|  swd [m]|e at st[rad]|e rtrd [rad]|bend. [m]|  total mf|  hydr. mf|    wet mf|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]
     1 47970.73817 1990  79 17 42 58.00 GILCREEK    2.442237512637313    0.276959018192314 2216-038  -5.70  998.69   1.10    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    8.2692    8.1680    0.1012    0.2779980    0.2769590    0.0076    3.60421    3.60459    3.57352  -9.54  995.40   1.37
     1 47970.73817 1990  79 17 42 58.00 KAUAI       1.939833368936211    0.599093885702423 2216-038  12.40  888.38  14.21    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    3.6972    3.5855    0.1118    0.5995347    0.5990939    0.0005    1.76905    1.76883    1.77614  12.24  887.45  13.21
     1 47970.73817 1990  79 17 42 58.00 RICHMOND    3.975779013444868    0.865446381586470 2216-038  24.51 1017.51  23.10    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    3.2880    3.0471    0.2409    0.8657249    0.8654464    0.0002    1.31219    1.31230    1.31087  23.16 1017.18  14.39
     2 47970.74310 1990  79 17 50  4.00 KAUAI       2.250717435151937    0.252492181850758 2255-282  12.44  888.42  14.26    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    8.2254    7.9731    0.2524    0.2536411    0.2524922    0.0082    3.93569    3.93337    4.01044  12.24  887.45  13.21
     2 47970.74310 1990  79 17 50  4.00 RICHMOND    3.522542714693987    0.571948080899028 2255-282  24.57 1017.47  23.17    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    4.6174    4.2776    0.3398    0.5724550    0.5719480    0.0009    1.84273    1.84226    1.84867  23.16 1017.18  14.39
     3 47970.74836 1990  79 17 57 38.00 GILCREEK    4.307755589040002    0.285514933379794 1548+056  -5.27  998.69   1.10    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    8.0407    7.9413    0.0994    0.2865221    0.2855149    0.0070    3.50460    3.50452    3.51090  -9.54  995.40   1.37
     3 47970.74836 1990  79 17 57 38.00 KAUAI       4.516878581952096    0.676419167894904 1548+056  12.47  888.45  14.28    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    3.3327    3.2323    0.1004    0.6767944    0.6764192    0.0004    1.59464    1.59462    1.59535  12.24  887.45  13.21
     4 47970.75861 1990  79 18 12 24.00 KAUAI       0.765581126324033    0.253126991965000 0133+476  12.53  888.51  14.33    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    8.1955    7.9468    0.2487    0.2542731    0.2531270    0.0081    3.92139    3.92043    3.95217  12.24  887.45  13.21
     4 47970.75861 1990  79 18 12 24.00 RICHMOND    0.382522388292685    1.142100572258752 0133+476  24.70 1017.34  23.34    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    2.7541    2.5522    0.2019    1.1422502    1.1421006    0.0000    1.09912    1.09915    1.09869  23.16 1017.18  14.39
     5 47970.76373 1990  79 18 19 46.00 GILCREEK    2.605153135034743    0.316387810546673 2216-038  -4.48  998.69   1.09    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    7.2927    7.2035    0.0892    0.3172934    0.3163878    0.0051    3.17858    3.17894    3.14992  -9.54  995.40   1.37
     5 47970.76373 1990  79 18 19 46.00 RICHMOND    4.138227532138422    0.750164586154011 2216-038  24.76 1017.29  23.42    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    3.6697    3.4012    0.2686    0.7505154    0.7501646    0.0004    1.46455    1.46480    1.46139  23.16 1017.18  14.39
     6 47970.76757 1990  79 18 25 18.00 KAUAI       2.042651395598027    0.311677968341345 2345-167  12.57  888.56  14.37    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    6.7407    6.5352    0.2055    0.3126038    0.3116780    0.0044    3.22528    3.22400    3.26623  12.24  887.45  13.21
     6 47970.76757 1990  79 18 25 18.00 RICHMOND    3.548478684546169    0.779334459794211 2345-167  24.82 1017.25  23.50    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    3.5616    3.2999    0.2616    0.7796654    0.7793344    0.0003    1.42138    1.42120    1.42367  23.16 1017.18  14.39
     7 47970.77183 1990  79 18 31 26.00 GILCREEK    4.447183398264758    0.226483539971394 1548+056  -4.09  998.68   1.08    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283   10.0066    9.8823    0.1243    0.2277551    0.2264835    0.0138    4.36149    4.36111    4.39120  -9.54  995.40   1.37
     7 47970.77183 1990  79 18 31 26.00 KAUAI       4.587903923585305    0.541183842754270 1548+056  12.59  888.59  14.39    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    4.0440    3.9222    0.1219    0.5416842    0.5411839    0.0008    1.93498    1.93493    1.93665  12.24  887.45  13.21
     8 47970.77637 1990  79 18 37 58.00 GILCREEK    1.927141101620792    0.190518821929669 0106+013  -3.86  998.68   1.08    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283   11.7513   11.6063    0.1449    0.1920236    0.1905188    0.0226    5.12191    5.12193    5.11995  -9.54  995.40   1.37
     8 47970.77637 1990  79 18 37 58.00 KAUAI       1.617581963419360    0.185045914630703 0106+013  12.61  888.62  14.41    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629   11.0013   10.6615    0.3397    0.1866062    0.1850459    0.0200    5.26387    5.25967    5.39920  12.24  887.45  13.21
     8 47970.77637 1990  79 18 37 58.00 RICHMOND    3.146132417770735    1.150467025719143 0106+013  24.92 1017.18  23.63    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    2.7444    2.5428    0.2016    1.1506133    1.1504670    0.0000    1.09527    1.09513    1.09704  23.16 1017.18  14.39
     9 47970.78016 1990  79 18 43 26.00 GILCREEK    1.875323191069308    0.221514306798324 0119+041  -3.64  998.68   1.07    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283   10.2068   10.0809    0.1259    0.2228140    0.2215143    0.0147    4.44875    4.44877    4.44720  -9.54  995.40   1.37
     9 47970.78016 1990  79 18 43 26.00 KAUAI       1.558727045186211    0.171688630858776 0119+041  12.62  888.64  14.42    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629   11.7888   11.4237    0.3651    0.1733647    0.1716886    0.0246    5.64067    5.63568    5.80146  12.24  887.45  13.21
     9 47970.78016 1990  79 18 43 26.00 RICHMOND    3.053220705022031    1.197903048088601 0119+041  24.96 1017.14  23.69    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    2.6906    2.4929    0.1977    1.1980311    1.1979030    0.0000    1.07377    1.07364    1.07548  23.16 1017.18  14.39
    10 47970.78400 1990  79 18 48 58.00 GILCREEK    2.737369124375773    0.340868055254214 2216-038  -3.44  998.67   1.07    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    6.7983    6.7152    0.0831    0.3417054    0.3408681    0.0041    2.96310    2.96344    2.93604  -9.54  995.40   1.37
    10 47970.78400 1990  79 18 48 58.00 KAUAI       2.157371846888627    0.837162039401339 2216-038  12.64  888.66  14.44    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    2.8114    2.7266    0.0848    0.8374338    0.8371620    0.0002    1.34521    1.34511    1.34837  12.24  887.45  13.21
    10 47970.78400 1990  79 18 48 58.00 RICHMOND    4.241998511120013    0.650275691947849 2216-038  25.00 1017.11  23.74    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    4.1293    3.8274    0.3019    0.6507051    0.6502757    0.0006    1.64794    1.64836    1.64266  23.16 1017.18  14.39
    11 47970.78780 1990  79 18 54 26.00 GILCREEK    5.354148322195385    0.771689023575975 1418+546  -3.20  998.67   1.06    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    3.2863    3.2456    0.0407    0.7719970    0.7716890    0.0003    1.43238    1.43231    1.43771  -9.54  995.40   1.37
    11 47970.78780 1990  79 18 54 26.00 KAUAI       5.619157793115842    0.340005013645236 1418+546  12.66  888.68  14.45    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    6.2044    6.0176    0.1868    0.3408499    0.3400051    0.0034    2.96866    2.96868    2.96798  12.24  887.45  13.21
    12 47970.79164 1990  79 18 59 58.00 GILCREEK    0.643452754983664    0.366085459380316 0552+398  -3.05  998.67   1.06    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    6.3572    6.2781    0.0791    0.3668613    0.3660855    0.0033    2.77086    2.77056    2.79478  -9.54  995.40   1.37
    12 47970.79164 1990  79 18 59 58.00 RICHMOND    1.008225534957035    0.591857618736124 0552+398  25.10 1017.05  23.88    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    4.4804    4.1501    0.3304    0.5923432    0.5918576    0.0008    1.78808    1.78732    1.79768  23.16 1017.18  14.39
    13 47970.79604 1990  79 19  6 18.00 GILCREEK    1.711138645695808    0.357912905528704 0202+149  -2.84  998.67   1.05    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    6.4927    6.4126    0.0801    0.3587078    0.3579129    0.0035    2.82990    2.82990    2.82977  -9.54  995.40   1.37
    13 47970.79604 1990  79 19  6 18.00 KAUAI       1.348049301888669    0.159977721453903 0202+149  12.69  888.72  14.48    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629   12.5732   12.1835    0.3897    0.1617693    0.1599777    0.0299    6.01601    6.01053    6.19245  12.24  887.45  13.21
    13 47970.79604 1990  79 19  6 18.00 RICHMOND    2.568627944663623    1.357400978410010 0202+149  25.17 1017.01  23.97    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    2.5640    2.3757    0.1883    1.3574719    1.3574010    0.0000    1.02327    1.02317    1.02457  23.16 1017.18  14.39
    14 47970.80007 1990  79 19 12  6.00 GILCREEK    2.843688709648113    0.355587442458166 2216-038  -2.68  998.66   1.05    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    6.5336    6.4537    0.0799    0.3563879    0.3555874    0.0036    2.84773    2.84805    2.82178  -9.54  995.40   1.37
    14 47970.80007 1990  79 19 12  6.00 KAUAI       2.262526152133854    0.912471771126884 2216-038  12.70  888.74  14.49    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    2.6405    2.5609    0.0797    0.9127050    0.9124718    0.0001    1.26344    1.26336    1.26600  12.24  887.45  13.21
    14 47970.80007 1990  79 19 12  6.00 RICHMOND    4.312623811568197    0.567499311018593 2216-038  25.22 1016.97  24.04    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    4.6462    4.3068    0.3394    0.5680112    0.5674993    0.0010    1.85424    1.85485    1.84651  23.16 1017.18  14.39
    15 47970.80391 1990  79 19 17 38.00 KAUAI       2.175727308405294    0.493952922522996 2345-167  12.71  888.76  14.50    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    4.3911    4.2581    0.1330    0.4945110    0.4939530    0.0010    2.10107    2.10067    2.11415  12.24  887.45  13.21
    15 47970.80391 1990  79 19 17 38.00 RICHMOND    3.806202514432892    0.673368480505528 2345-167  25.28 1016.94  24.12    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    4.0107    3.7164    0.2942    0.6737780    0.6733685    0.0005    1.60060    1.60058    1.60081  23.16 1017.18  14.39
    16 47970.80771 1990  79 19 23  6.00 GILCREEK    2.789097670104880    0.618947159490590 CTA102    -2.36  998.66   1.03    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    3.9449    3.8965    0.0484    0.6193673    0.6189471    0.0006    1.71942    1.71954    1.70990  -9.54  995.40   1.37
    16 47970.80771 1990  79 19 23  6.00 KAUAI       1.850124556029349    1.056810219869170 CTA102    12.72  888.78  14.51    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    2.3992    2.3269    0.0723    1.0569805    1.0568102    0.0001    1.14798    1.14794    1.14922  12.24  887.45  13.21
    16 47970.80771 1990  79 19 23  6.00 RICHMOND    4.597397304323438    0.707689156697250 CTA102    25.33 1016.91  24.19    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    3.8465    3.5658    0.2807    0.7080711    0.7076891    0.0004    1.53510    1.53570    1.52759  23.16 1017.18  14.39
    17 47970.81155 1990  79 19 28 38.00 GILCREEK    4.834873352914721    0.611501597350919 1611+343  -2.22  998.65   1.03    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    3.9876    3.9382    0.0493    0.6119284    0.6115016    0.0006    1.73803    1.73797    1.74282  -9.54  995.40   1.37
    17 47970.81155 1990  79 19 28 38.00 KAUAI       5.196187130372439    0.533262506462883 1611+343  12.73  888.79  14.52    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    4.0965    3.9732    0.1232    0.5337719    0.5332625    0.0008    1.96007    1.96012    1.95834  12.24  887.45  13.21
    18 47970.81581 1990  79 19 34 46.00 GILCREEK    1.828225762154284    0.409526774005925 0202+149  -2.03  998.65   1.02    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    5.7247    5.6542    0.0705    0.4102134    0.4095268    0.0023    2.49516    2.49522    2.49100  -9.54  995.40   1.37
    18 47970.81581 1990  79 19 34 46.00 KAUAI       1.389921274038731    0.273007918435151 0202+149  12.74  888.82  14.53    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    7.6353    7.4028    0.2325    0.2740694    0.2730079    0.0065    3.65334    3.65204    3.69517  12.24  887.45  13.21
    18 47970.81581 1990  79 19 34 46.00 RICHMOND    3.169852137920199    1.388806255756536 0202+149  25.45 1016.84  24.35    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    2.5479    2.3609    0.1870    1.3888665    1.3888063    0.0000    1.01682    1.01677    1.01744  23.16 1017.18  14.39
    19 47970.81988 1990  79 19 40 38.00 GILCREEK    2.976274931681657    0.367704956253438 2216-038  -1.80  998.65   1.01    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    6.3316    6.2542    0.0774    0.3684772    0.3677050    0.0032    2.75969    2.76000    2.73489  -9.54  995.40   1.37
    19 47970.81988 1990  79 19 40 38.00 KAUAI       2.423571688578470    0.995486510514846 2216-038  12.75  888.85  14.54    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    2.4900    2.4149    0.0751    0.9956821    0.9954865    0.0001    1.19141    1.19135    1.19345  12.24  887.45  13.21
    19 47970.81988 1990  79 19 40 38.00 RICHMOND    4.389195040217674    0.462193798132090 2216-038  25.51 1016.81  24.43    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    5.5894    5.1817    0.4077    0.4628474    0.4621937    0.0019    2.23066    2.23164    2.21821  23.16 1017.18  14.39
    20 47970.82597 1990  79 19 49 24.00 GILCREEK    1.616585841957789    0.978382581393320 0133+476  -1.50  998.64   1.00    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    2.7639    2.7298    0.0341    0.9785844    0.9783826    0.0001    1.20465    1.20466    1.20422  -9.54  995.40   1.37
    20 47970.82597 1990  79 19 49 24.00 KAUAI       0.811000696374934    0.533880057927780 0133+476  12.76  888.87  14.55    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    4.0915    3.9682    0.1233    0.5343888    0.5338801    0.0008    1.95771    1.95765    1.95972  12.24  887.45  13.21
    21 47970.83100 1990  79 19 56 38.00 GILCREEK    1.330433238262338    0.825430789798104 0300+470  -1.27  998.64   0.99    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    3.1187    3.0802    0.0385    0.8257075    0.8254308    0.0002    1.35932    1.35931    1.36052  -9.54  995.40   1.37
    21 47970.83100 1990  79 19 56 38.00 KAUAI       0.790426860764629    0.301410087333863 0300+470  12.77  888.90  14.56    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    6.9506    6.7402    0.2104    0.3023688    0.3014101    0.0048    3.32571    3.32516    3.34333  12.24  887.45  13.21
    21 47970.83100 1990  79 19 56 38.00 RICHMOND    0.274218517744529    1.174024853179988 0300+470  25.69 1016.71  24.68    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    2.7159    2.5168    0.1991    1.1741620    1.1740248    0.0000    1.08389    1.08394    1.08319  23.16 1017.18  14.39
    22 47970.83493 1990  79 20  2 18.00 GILCREEK    0.854662744351103    0.444492649378691 0552+398  -1.06  998.63   0.98    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    5.3069    5.2411    0.0658    0.4451191    0.4444926    0.0018    2.31308    2.31292    2.32624  -9.54  995.40   1.37
    22 47970.83493 1990  79 20  2 18.00 RICHMOND    1.017293675141469    0.800957079047507 0552+398  25.76 1016.67  24.78    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    3.4863    3.2298    0.2565    0.8012740    0.8009571    0.0003    1.39135    1.39099    1.39587  23.16 1017.18  14.39
    23 47970.84058 1990  79 20 10 26.00 GILCREEK    3.038900745208601    0.638703797570060 CTA102    -0.87  998.63   0.96    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    3.8401    3.7929    0.0471    0.6391070    0.6387038    0.0005    1.67373    1.67384    1.66459  -9.54  995.40   1.37
    23 47970.84058 1990  79 20 10 26.00 RICHMOND    4.695868632744152    0.521406594031145 CTA102    25.85 1016.62  24.90    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    5.0089    4.6442    0.3647    0.5219742    0.5214065    0.0013    1.99898    2.00014    1.98435  23.16 1017.18  14.39
    24 47970.84442 1990  79 20 15 58.00 KAUAI       2.374002737201865    0.674676110702932 2345-167  12.76  888.94  14.55    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    3.3403    3.2394    0.1010    0.6750526    0.6746761    0.0004    1.59827    1.59808    1.60441  12.24  887.45  13.21
    24 47970.84442 1990  79 20 15 58.00 RICHMOND    4.028147039053469    0.511709154780476 2345-167  25.91 1016.59  24.99    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    5.0971    4.7239    0.3732    0.5122896    0.5117091    0.0014    2.03419    2.03446    2.03076  23.16 1017.18  14.39
    25 47970.84822 1990  79 20 21 26.00 GILCREEK    1.871399063333487    0.454487418793009 0235+164  -0.61  998.62   0.95    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    5.1992    5.1352    0.0640    0.4550983    0.4544874    0.0017    2.26612    2.26618    2.26132  -9.54  995.40   1.37
    25 47970.84822 1990  79 20 21 26.00 KAUAI       1.384292248319401    0.332415881883217 0235+164  12.76  888.95  14.55    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    6.3403    6.1479    0.1924    0.3332813    0.3324160    0.0036    3.03372    3.03298    3.05771  12.24  887.45  13.21
    26 47970.85262 1990  79 20 27 46.00 GILCREEK    5.053854668954147    0.505238316284838 1611+343  -0.47  998.61   0.94    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    4.7231    4.6645    0.0586    0.5057785    0.5052382    0.0012    2.05860    2.05846    2.06962  -9.54  995.40   1.37
    26 47970.85262 1990  79 20 27 46.00 KAUAI       5.240812520485823    0.323411523940167 1611+343  12.75  888.97  14.55    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    6.5053    6.3093    0.1961    0.3243023    0.3234116    0.0039    3.11266    3.11256    3.11597  12.24  887.45  13.21
    27 47970.85875 1990  79 20 36 36.00 GILCREEK    1.825152091825254    1.064627108115058 0133+476  -0.29  998.61   0.93    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    2.6221    2.5898    0.0323    1.0647934    1.0646271    0.0001    1.14287    1.14288    1.14189  -9.54  995.40   1.37
    27 47970.85875 1990  79 20 36 36.00 RICHMOND    5.707066588133458    1.072947833224158 0133+476  26.12 1016.50  25.28    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    2.8501    2.6416    0.2084    1.0731257    1.0729478    0.0001    1.13742    1.13768    1.13409  23.16 1017.18  14.39
    28 47970.86373 1990  79 20 43 46.00 GILCREEK    2.467740388448079    0.377448466540506 0106+013  -0.17  998.60   0.92    2.2943    2.2660    0.0283    6.1776    6.1019    0.0757    0.3781992    0.3774485    0.0030    2.69256    2.69280    2.67284  -9.54  995.40   1.37
    28 47970.86373 1990  79 20 43 46.00 KAUAI       1.871369126618080    0.686750818287192 0106+013  12.73  888.99  14.53    2.0900    2.0270    0.0629    3.2907    3.1913    0.0994    0.6871182    0.6867508    0.0003    1.57453    1.57438    1.57923  12.24  887.45  13.21
    28 47970.86373 1990  79 20 43 46.00 RICHMOND    4.132086740358066    0.892994138570360 0106+013  26.19 1016.47  25.38    2.5057    2.3219    0.1838    3.2139    2.9786    0.2353    0.8932575    0.8929941    0.0002    1.28263    1.28281    1.28043  23.16 1017.18  14.39