%***************************************************************************************************************** % RADIATE format v 2.0 % % This file contains ray-tracing results. % % Created by: Armin Hofmeister, Technische Universit�t Wien % % Created with RADIATE program developed by Armin Hofmeister % Version: 2.0_Fortran % Subversion: global_limit % % File created on: % 2018-07-24 | 07:16:04.087 % % Data content: % Ray-tracing results for session: % 87MAR02XU##### % Total number of observations: % 16 % % Chosen ray-tracing options: % Assignment of observations to the epochs of the numerical weather model: % one_epoch_per_obs % Method of vertical interpolation (horizontal treatment): % profilewise % Method of numerical weather model usage: % Full grid information used % Ray-tracing approach: % pwl % Station coordinate catalogue-file: % vlbi.ell % % Numerical weather model used: % Epoch 1: 1987030218 | Grib-file resolution: res_lat= 1.000 deg, res_lon= 1.000 deg % % Origin and use of the observational data: % Observational data (scan number, observation time, station, azimuth, elevation, source) % as well as temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values provided in this file % originate from the AzEl-file created by VieVS. % The reported temperature-, pressure- and water vapour pressure-values from the numerical % weather model at the station positions have been determined from the numerical weather % model by interpolation within the ray-tracing application. % Ray-tracing used temperature-, pressure- and water vapour-values only from the numerical % weather model. % % % Data columns: % 1 .... scannumber % 2 .... mjd % 3 .... year % 4 .... day of year % 5 .... hour % 6 .... min % 7 .... sec % 8 .... station % 9 .... azimuth in [rad] % 10 .... outgoing elevation angle (calculated, theoretical) in [rad] % 11 .... source % 12 .... temperature at station in [�C] % 13 .... pressure at station in [hPa] % 14 .... water vapour pressure at station in [hPa] % 15 .... zenith total delay in [m] % 16 .... zenith hydrostatic delay in [m] % 17 .... zenith wet delay in [m] % 18 .... slant total delay including geometric bending effect in [m] % 19 .... slant hydrostatic delay including geometric bending effect in [m] % 20 .... slant wet delay in [m] % 21 .... elevation angle at station in [rad] % 22 .... outgoing elevation angle from ray-tracing in [rad] % 23 .... geometric bending effect in [m] % 24 .... total mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [total_delay_along_the_path / total_zenith_delay] % 25 .... hydrostatic mapping factor (includes treatment of geometric bending effect) [hydrostatic_delay_along_the_path / hydrostatic_zenith_delay] % 26 .... wet mapping factor [wet_delay_along_the_path / wet_zenith_delay] % 27 .... temperature at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [�C] % 28 .... pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa] % 29 .... water vapour pressure at the station position interpolated from the numerical weather model in [hPa] %***************************************************************************************************************** % % % 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18| 19| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29 % scan| mjd|year|doy| h| m| sec| station| azimuth [rad]| calc. elev. [rad]| source|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa]| ztd [m]| zhd [m]| zwd [m]| std [m]| shd [m]| swd [m]|e at st[rad]|e rtrd [rad]|bend. [m]| total mf| hydr. mf| wet mf|T [�C]|p [hPa]|w[hPa] % 1 46856.67407 1987 61 16 10 40.00 WESTFORD 2.132234861062940 0.558397569600352 0106+013 0.28 987.94 5.64 2.3316 2.2524 0.0792 4.3879 4.2390 0.1489 0.5588861 0.5583975 0.0009 1.88193 1.88200 1.87998 0.69 988.03 5.32 1 46856.67407 1987 61 16 10 40.00 WETTZELL 3.966371198397905 0.560919013098506 0106+013 -5.18 926.92 3.69 2.2014 2.1121 0.0894 4.1273 3.9594 0.1679 0.5613808 0.5609190 0.0008 1.87482 1.87464 1.87909 -3.80 926.61 4.72 2 46856.67816 1987 61 16 16 33.00 WESTFORD 0.379193383866159 0.845388384837149 0212+735 0.28 987.94 5.64 2.3316 2.2524 0.0792 3.1132 3.0071 0.1061 0.8456597 0.8453884 0.0002 1.33523 1.33509 1.33910 0.69 988.03 5.32 2 46856.67816 1987 61 16 16 33.00 WETTZELL 6.037509319871253 1.107674229821189 0212+735 -5.18 926.91 3.69 2.2014 2.1121 0.0894 2.4598 2.3600 0.0998 1.1078195 1.1076742 0.0000 1.11735 1.11737 1.11678 -3.80 926.61 4.72 3 46856.68227 1987 61 16 22 28.00 WESTFORD 1.709858218187672 0.492885112923635 0229+131 0.28 987.95 5.65 2.3316 2.2524 0.0792 4.9082 4.7412 0.1670 0.4934527 0.4928850 0.0014 2.10507 2.10498 2.10770 0.69 988.03 5.32 3 46856.68227 1987 61 16 22 28.00 WETTZELL 3.709563989142995 0.878761055783174 0229+131 -5.19 926.91 3.69 2.2014 2.1121 0.0894 2.8573 2.7412 0.1161 0.8790021 0.8787610 0.0002 1.29794 1.29788 1.29932 -3.80 926.61 4.72 4 46856.68536 1987 61 16 26 55.00 WESTFORD 6.016808837224146 0.812569969682378 1803+784 0.27 987.95 5.65 2.3316 2.2524 0.0792 3.2078 3.0984 0.1093 0.8128597 0.8125699 0.0002 1.37578 1.37563 1.38027 0.69 988.03 5.32 4 46856.68536 1987 61 16 26 55.00 WETTZELL 6.150938506794544 0.679887039380705 1803+784 -5.19 926.91 3.69 2.2014 2.1121 0.0894 3.4947 3.3530 0.1418 0.6802463 0.6798870 0.0004 1.58748 1.58753 1.58644 -3.80 926.61 4.72 5 46856.68843 1987 61 16 31 20.00 WESTFORD 2.218579731313353 0.613148461146650 0106+013 0.27 987.95 5.65 2.3316 2.2524 0.0792 4.0426 3.9054 0.1372 0.6135825 0.6131484 0.0007 1.73382 1.73390 1.73145 0.69 988.03 5.32 5 46856.68843 1987 61 16 31 20.00 WETTZELL 4.057551587373966 0.515695658439041 0106+013 -5.20 926.90 3.69 2.2014 2.1121 0.0894 4.4494 4.2683 0.1811 0.5162070 0.5156956 0.0011 2.02112 2.02091 2.02617 -3.80 926.61 4.72 6 46856.69251 1987 61 16 37 13.00 WESTFORD 0.368806874980010 0.869719778507960 0212+735 0.27 987.96 5.65 2.3316 2.2524 0.0792 3.0486 2.9448 0.1039 0.8699781 0.8697198 0.0002 1.30753 1.30740 1.31112 0.69 988.03 5.32 6 46856.69251 1987 61 16 37 13.00 WETTZELL 5.993815080914114 1.092012711527004 0212+735 -5.20 926.90 3.69 2.2014 2.1121 0.0894 2.4794 2.3788 0.1006 1.0921637 1.0920127 0.0001 1.12627 1.12629 1.12568 -3.80 926.61 4.72 7 46856.69662 1987 61 16 43 8.00 WESTFORD 1.777747220357079 0.558428114072407 0229+131 0.27 987.96 5.65 2.3316 2.2524 0.0792 4.3877 4.2385 0.1492 0.5589166 0.5584280 0.0009 1.88182 1.88179 1.88277 0.69 988.03 5.32 7 46856.69662 1987 61 16 43 8.00 WETTZELL 3.833653677748042 0.843899281694970 0229+131 -5.20 926.89 3.69 2.2014 2.1121 0.0894 2.9438 2.8242 0.1196 0.8441579 0.8438993 0.0002 1.33723 1.33717 1.33864 -3.80 926.61 4.72 8 46856.69971 1987 61 16 47 35.00 WESTFORD 6.011478256946125 0.794868424285801 1803+784 0.27 987.97 5.65 2.3316 2.2524 0.0792 3.2627 3.1515 0.1112 0.7951685 0.7948684 0.0003 1.39935 1.39919 1.40410 0.69 988.03 5.32 8 46856.69971 1987 61 16 47 35.00 WETTZELL 6.172221764517797 0.672709253862201 1803+784 -5.21 926.89 3.69 2.2014 2.1121 0.0894 3.5259 3.3829 0.1430 0.6730738 0.6727092 0.0004 1.60165 1.60170 1.60061 -3.80 926.61 4.72