subroutine vmf1_grid( indir_VMF1_grid,indir_orography,VMF1_grid_file,mjd,lat,lon_old,h_ell,zd , mfh,mfw,zhd,zwd ) ! vmf1_grid.f90 ! ! This routine determines mapping functions plus zenith delays from the ! gridded VMF1 files, as available from: ! ! ! On the temporal scale, the values from the two surrounding NWM epochs are ! linearly interpolated to the respective mjd. ! In the horizontal, a bilinear interpolation is done for the mapping ! function coefficients as well as for the zenith delays. In the vertical, ! on the one hand the height correction by Niell (1996) is applied in order ! to "lift" the hydrostatic mapping function from zero height to h_ell; on ! the other hand, specific formulae as suggested by Kouba (2008) are ! applied in order to "lift" the zenith delays from the respective heights ! of the grid points (orography_ell) to that of the desired location. ! The respective (yearly subdivided) gridded VMF1 files and the ! 'orography_ell' are assumed to be stored in a certain directory 'indir'. ! ! Reference for conversion of mapping functions: ! Niell, A.E. (1996), Global mapping functions for the atmosphere delay at ! 310 radio wavelengths. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 3227-3246 ! ! Reference for conversion of zenith delays: ! Kouba, J. (2008), Implementation and testing of the gridded Vienna ! Mapping Function 1 (VMF1). J. Geodesy, Vol. 82:193-205, ! DOI: 10.1007/s00190-007-0170-0 ! ! ! INPUT: ! o indir_VMF1_grid ... input directory where the yearly subdivided VMF1 gridded files are stored ! o indir_orography ... input directory where the orography_ell file is stored ! o VMF1_grid_file: ... type containing filenames, VMF1 data and the orography, which is always passed with the function ! o mjd ............... modified Julian date ! o lat ............... ellipsoidal latitude (radians) ! o lon ............... ellipsoidal longitude (radians) ! o h_ell ............. ellipsoidal height (m) ! o zd ................ zenith distance (radians) ! ! OUTPUT: ! o mfh ............... hydrostatic mapping function, valid at h_ell ! o mfw ............... wet mapping function, valid at h_ell ! o zhd ............... zenith hydrostatic delay (m), valid at h_ell ! o zwd ............... zenith wet delay (m), valid at h_ell ! o VMF1_grid_file: ... cell containing filenames, VMF1 data and the orography, which is always passed with the function ! ! ! Make sure to set the following variables as actual arguments in the script from which you call vmf1_grid.f90: ! ! character(len=:), allocatable :: indir_VMF1_grid ! character(len=:), allocatable :: indir_orography ! double precision :: mjd, lat, lon, h_ell, zd ! type :: VMF1_grid_file_type ! character(len=17), dimension(:), allocatable :: filename ! double precision, dimension(2,13104,6) :: VMF1_data_all ! integer, dimension(13104) :: orography_ell ! double precision :: lat, lon ! end type VMF1_grid_file_type ! type(VMF1_grid_file_type) :: VMF1_grid_file ! double precision :: mfh, mfw, zhd, zwd ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! written by Daniel Landskron (2018/01/30) ! ! ========================================================================= ! Input arguments character(len=:), allocatable, intent(in) :: indir_VMF1_grid character(len=:), allocatable, intent(in) :: indir_orography type(VMF1_grid_file_type), intent(inout) :: VMF1_grid_file double precision, intent(in) :: mjd double precision, intent(in) :: lat double precision, intent(in) :: lon_old double precision, intent(in) :: h_ell double precision, intent(in) :: zd ! Output arguments double precision, intent(out) :: mfh double precision, intent(out) :: mfw double precision, intent(out) :: zhd double precision, intent(out) :: zwd ! Internal variables ! pi double precision, parameter :: pi = 4 * atan(1.0d0) ! further variables for lat/lon double precision :: lon, lat_deg, lon_deg double precision, dimension(2) :: lat_int_deg, lon_int_deg, ind_lat_int_deg, ind_lon_int_deg integer :: num_lon double precision, dimension(4) :: lat_red ! the variables for the 1 or 3 mjd's double precision, dimension(2) :: mjd_int double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: mjd_all, jd_all integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: jd_all_int ! further time variables double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: hour, minu, sec, day, month, year, epoch character(len=4) :: year_str character(len=2) :: month_str, day_str, epoch_str integer :: year_temp, month_temp, day_temp, epoch_temp ! indexing variables integer :: i_mjd ! variables for the conversion of date to mjd double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, mm ! filename character(len=17), dimension(:), allocatable :: filename ! variable for storing the temporary orography data integer, dimension(1365,10) :: orography_ell_temp ! variable for orography_ell and VMF1_data integer :: load_new integer :: file_unit_orography_ell = 1 integer :: file_unit_VMF1_data = 2 integer :: open_status, read_status integer :: i, ind_data, i_line, i_col, i_file integer, dimension(4) :: index_p character :: first_char double precision, dimension(2,4,6) :: VMF1_data integer :: num_comment_lines ! VMF1 data after temporal interpolation double precision, dimension(4,7) :: VMF1_data_int_h0 double precision, dimension(4,9) :: VMF1_data_int_h1 ! mapping function variables double precision :: phh, c11h, c10h double precision, dimension(4) :: ah, aw, bh, bw, ch, cw, c0h double precision :: a_ht, b_ht, c_ht double precision :: ht_corr, ht_corr_coef double precision :: zhd_lon1, zhd_lon2, zwd_lon1, zwd_lon2, mfh_lon1, mfh_lon2, mfw_lon1, mfw_lon2 ! day of year double precision :: doy ! elevation double precision :: el !====================================================================== ! save lat and lon also in degrees lat_deg = lat*180/pi lon_deg = lon_old*180/pi ! one must be named "_old" because as a dummy argument it cannot be changed within the subroutine ! only positive longitude in degrees if (lon_deg < 0) then lon = lon_old + 2*pi lon_deg = lon_deg + 360 end if !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! (1) convert the mjd to year, month, day in order to find the correct files !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! find the two surrounding epochs if (modulo(mjd,0.25d0)==0) then allocate(mjd_all(1)) allocate(jd_all(1)) allocate(jd_all_int(1)) mjd_all = mjd else allocate(mjd_all(3)) allocate(jd_all(3)) allocate(jd_all_int(3)) mjd_int = (/ floor(mjd*4.0d0)/4.0d0, ceiling(mjd*4.0d0)/4.0d0 /) mjd_all = (/ mjd, mjd_int /) end if hour = floor((mjd_all-floor(mjd_all))*24) ! get hours minu = floor((((mjd_all-floor(mjd_all))*24)-hour)*60) ! get minutes sec = (((((mjd_all-floor(mjd_all))*24)-hour)*60)-minu)*60 ! get seconds ! change secs, min hour whose sec==60 and days, whose hour==24 do i_mjd = 1,size(hour) if (sec(i_mjd)==60) then minu(i_mjd) = minu(i_mjd) +1 end if if (minu(i_mjd)==60) then hour(i_mjd) = hour(i_mjd) +1 end if if (hour(i_mjd)==24) then mjd_all(i_mjd) = mjd_all(i_mjd) +1 end if end do ! calc jd (yet wrong for hour==24) jd_all = mjd_all+2400000.5d0 ! integer Julian date jd_all_int = floor(jd_all+0.5d0) aa = jd_all_int+32044 bb = floor((4*aa+3)/146097) cc = aa-floor((bb*146097)/4) dd = floor((4*cc+3)/1461) ee = cc-floor((1461*dd)/4) mm = floor((5*ee+2)/153) day = ee-floor((153*mm+2)/5)+1 month = mm+3-12*floor(mm/10) year = bb*100+dd-4800+floor(mm/10) epoch = (mjd_all-floor(mjd_all))*24 ! derive related VMFG filename(s) if (size(mjd_all)==1) then ! if the observation epoch coincides with an NWM epoch year_temp = year(1) month_temp = month(1) day_temp = day(1) epoch_temp = epoch(1) write(year_str,'(i4.4)') year_temp write(month_str, '(i2.2)') month_temp write(day_str, '(i2.2)') day_temp write(epoch_str, '(i2.2)') epoch_temp allocate(filename(1)) filename(1) = 'VMFG_' // year_str // month_str // day_str // '.H' // epoch_str else allocate(filename(2)) do i_mjd = 2,size(mjd_all) year_temp = year(i_mjd) month_temp = month(i_mjd) day_temp = day(i_mjd) epoch_temp = epoch(i_mjd) write(year_str,'(i4.4)') year_temp write(month_str, '(i2.2)') month_temp write(day_str, '(i2.2)') day_temp write(epoch_str, '(i2.2)') epoch_temp filename(i_mjd-1) = 'VMFG_' // year_str // month_str // day_str // '.H' // epoch_str end do end if !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! (2) check if new files have to be loaded or if the overtaken ones are sufficient !---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. allocated(VMF1_grid_file % filename)) then ! in the first run, 'VMF1_file' is always empty and the orography_ell file has to loaded load_new = 1 VMF1_grid_file % filename = filename ! replace the empty cell by the current filenames ! load the orography_ell file ! Open the file open(unit= file_unit_orography_ell,file= indir_orography // '/orography_ell' , action= 'read', status= 'old', iostat= open_status) ! Check if textfile can be opened (iostat == 0 --> no error) if (open_status /= 0) then ! report error message print '(a /)', 'Error: Problem with opening the orography_ell file! Program stopped!' ! stop the program stop end if ! first line is comment read(unit= file_unit_orography_ell, fmt= '(a)', iostat= read_status) first_char ! loop over all lines in the file do i= 1, 1365 if (modulo(i,15)==0) then read(unit= file_unit_orography_ell, fmt=*) orography_ell_temp(i,1), & orography_ell_temp(i,2), & orography_ell_temp(i,3), & orography_ell_temp(i,4), & orography_ell_temp(i,5) orography_ell_temp(i,5) = 99999 ! overwrite this number as it is a repitition orography_ell_temp(i,6) = 99999 ! fill the remaining indicex with dummy numbers so that one later knows, which indices were empty orography_ell_temp(i,7) = 99999 orography_ell_temp(i,8) = 99999 orography_ell_temp(i,9) = 99999 orography_ell_temp(i,10) = 99999 else read(unit= file_unit_orography_ell, fmt=*) orography_ell_temp(i,1), & orography_ell_temp(i,2), & orography_ell_temp(i,3), & orography_ell_temp(i,4), & orography_ell_temp(i,5), & orography_ell_temp(i,6), & orography_ell_temp(i,7), & orography_ell_temp(i,8), & orography_ell_temp(i,9), & orography_ell_temp(i,10) end if end do ! convert to the real column format ind_data = 1 do i_line = 1,1365 do i_col = 1,10 if (orography_ell_temp(i_line,i_col) /= 99999) then VMF1_grid_file % orography_ell(ind_data) = orography_ell_temp(i_line,i_col) ind_data = ind_data+1 end if end do end do ! close the file close(unit= file_unit_orography_ell) VMF1_grid_file % lat = lat VMF1_grid_file % lon = lon elseif ( VMF1_grid_file % filename(1) == filename(1) .AND. VMF1_grid_file % filename(2) == filename(2) .AND. ( lat > VMF1_grid_file % lat .OR. (lat == VMF1_grid_file % lat .AND. lon <= VMF1_grid_file % lon) ) ) then ! if the current filenames are the same as in the forwarded files load_new = 0 else ! if new VMF1 files are required, then they must be loaded anew load_new = 1 VMF1_grid_file % filename = filename VMF1_grid_file % lat = lat VMF1_grid_file % lon = lon end if !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! (3) find the indices of the 4 surrounding grid points !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! find the coordinates (lat,lon) of the surrounding grid points lat_int_deg = (/ floor(lat_deg/2)*2, ceiling(lat_deg/2)*2 /) lon_int_deg = (/ floor(lon_deg/2.5d0)*2.5d0, ceiling(lon_deg/2.5d0)*2.5d0 /) ! find the indices of these surrounding grid points num_lon = 144 ind_lat_int_deg = -(lat_int_deg-90)/2 ! auxiliary variable ind_lon_int_deg = lon_int_deg/2.5d0+1 ! auxiliary variable index_p(1) = ind_lat_int_deg(1)*num_lon+ind_lon_int_deg(1) index_p(2) = ind_lat_int_deg(1)*num_lon+ind_lon_int_deg(2) index_p(3) = ind_lat_int_deg(2)*num_lon+ind_lon_int_deg(1) index_p(4) = ind_lat_int_deg(2)*num_lon+ind_lon_int_deg(2) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! (4) read the correct data and perform a linear time interpolation from the surrounding two epochs !---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (load_new == 1) then do i_file = 1,size(filename) ! read the files and collect the data if (size(mjd_all)==1) then ! if the observation epoch coincides with an NWM epoch year_temp = year(1) write(year_str,'(i4.4)') year_temp else year_temp = year(i_file+1) write(year_str,'(i4.4)') year_temp end if open(unit= file_unit_VMF1_data, file= indir_VMF1_grid // '/' // year_str // '/' // filename(i_file) , action= 'read', status= 'old', iostat= open_status) ! Check if textfile can be opened (iostat == 0 --> no error) if (open_status /= 0) then ! report error message print '(a /)', 'Error: Problem with opening the gridded VMF1 data! Program stopped!' ! stop the program stop end if ind_data = 0 num_comment_lines = 0 ! there are comment lines in the VMF1 file ! determine the number of comment lines do ! read next line read(unit= file_unit_VMF1_data, fmt= '(a)', iostat= read_status) first_char ! test if end of file is reached and exit loop in this case if (is_iostat_end(read_status)) exit ! test if the first character of the line is a comment sign ("%" or "!") if (first_char == '%' .or. first_char == '!') then num_comment_lines = num_comment_lines + 1 else exit end if end do ! rewind the file rewind(unit = file_unit_VMF1_data) ! loop over all lines in the file up to the maximum index do i= 1, maxval(index_p)+num_comment_lines ! skip all comment lines if (i<=num_comment_lines) then ! read next line read(unit= file_unit_VMF1_data, fmt= '(a)', iostat= read_status) first_char cycle end if ! raise the counter of the index and read the data ind_data= ind_data + 1 read(unit= file_unit_VMF1_data, fmt=*) VMF1_grid_file % VMF1_data_all(i_file,ind_data,:) end do ! close the file close(unit= file_unit_VMF1_data) ! reduce data to the respective indices VMF1_data(i_file,:,:) = VMF1_grid_file % VMF1_data_all(i_file,index_p,:) end do else ! reduce data to the respective indices do i_file = 1,size(filename) VMF1_data(i_file,:,:) = VMF1_grid_file % VMF1_data_all(i_file,index_p,:) end do end if ! perform the linear temporal interpolation if (size(mjd_all)==1) then ! if the observation epoch coincides with an NWM epoch VMF1_data_int_h0(:,1:6) = VMF1_data(1,:,1:6) else ! else perform the linear interpolation VMF1_data_int_h0(:,1:6) = VMF1_data(1,:,:) + (VMF1_data(2,:,:)-VMF1_data(1,:,:))*(mjd-mjd_int(1))/(mjd_int(2)-mjd_int(1)) ! the appendix 'h0' means that the values are valid at zero height end if ! the first four columns are equal VMF1_data_int_h1(:,1:4) = VMF1_data_int_h0(:,1:4) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! (5) bring mfh, mfw, zhd and zwd of the surrounding grid points to the respective height of the location !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! (a) zhd ! to be exact, the latitudes of the respective grid points would have to be used instead of the latitude of the station (lat). However, the loss of accuracy is only in the sub-micrometer range. VMF1_data_int_h0(:,7) = (VMF1_data_int_h0(:,5)/0.0022768d0) * (1-0.00266d0*cos(2*lat)-0.00000028d0*VMF1_grid_file % orography_ell(index_p)) ! (1) convert the hydrostatic zenith delay at grid height to the respective pressure value VMF1_data_int_h1(:,7) = VMF1_data_int_h0(:,7)*(1-0.0000226d0*(h_ell-VMF1_grid_file % orography_ell(index_p)))**5.225d0 ! (2) lift the pressure each from grid height to site height VMF1_data_int_h1(:,5) = 0.0022768d0*VMF1_data_int_h1(:,7) / (1-0.00266d0*cos(2*lat)-0.00000028d0*h_ell) ! (3) convert the lifted pressure to zhd again (as proposed by Kouba, 2008) ! (b) zwd ! simple exponential decay approximation function VMF1_data_int_h1(1:4,6) = VMF1_data_int_h0(1:4,6) * exp(-(h_ell-VMF1_grid_file % orography_ell(index_p))/2000) ! convert zenith distance to elevation el = pi/2 - zd ! (c) ah => mfh, aw => mfw ! reference day is 28 January (this is taken from Niell (1996) to be consistent) doy = mjd - 44239.d0 + 1 - 28 bh = 0.0029d0 c0h = 0.062d0 if (lat .lt. 0.d0) then ! southern hemisphere phh = pi c11h = 0.007d0 c10h = 0.002d0 else ! northern hemisphere phh = 0.d0 c11h = 0.005d0 c10h = 0.001d0 end if ! read the latitudes of the neighboring grid points lat_red = VMF1_data_int_h0(1:4,1)*pi/180 ah = VMF1_data_int_h0(:,3) aw = VMF1_data_int_h0(:,4) bh = spread(0.0029d0,1,size(ah)) c0h = spread(0.062d0,1,size(ah)) ch = c0h + ((cos(doy/365.25d0*2*pi + phh)+1)*c11h/2 + c10h)*(1-cos(lat_red)) bw = spread(0.00146d0,1,size(ah)) cw = spread(0.04391d0,1,size(ah)) ! calculating the hydrostatic and wet mapping function VMF1_data_int_h1(:,8) = (1+(ah/(1+bh/(1+ch)))) / (sin(el)+(ah/(sin(el)+bh/(sin(el)+ch)))) VMF1_data_int_h1(:,9) = (1+(aw/(1+bw/(1+cw)))) / (sin(el)+(aw/(sin(el)+bw/(sin(el)+cw)))) ! height correction for the hydrostatic part [Niell, 1996] a_ht = 2.53d-5 b_ht = 5.49d-3 c_ht = 1.14d-3 ht_corr_coef = 1/sin(el) - (1+(a_ht/(1+b_ht/(1+c_ht)))) / (sin(el)+(a_ht/(sin(el)+b_ht/(sin(el)+c_ht)))) ht_corr = ht_corr_coef * h_ell/1000 VMF1_data_int_h1(:,8) = VMF1_data_int_h1(:,8) + ht_corr !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! (6) perform the bilinear interpolation !---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( index_p(1)==index_p(2) .AND. index_p(2)==index_p(3) .AND. index_p(3)==index_p(4) ) then ! if the point is directly on a grid point zhd = VMF1_data_int_h1(1,5) zwd = VMF1_data_int_h1(1,6) mfh = VMF1_data_int_h1(1,8) mfw = VMF1_data_int_h1(1,9) else ! bilinear interpolation (interpreted as two 1D linear interpolations for lat and lon, but programmed without subfunctions) ! (a) linear interpolation for longitude if (VMF1_data_int_h1(1,2) /= VMF1_data_int_h1(2,2)) then ! if longitude must be interpolated (that is, the point does not have a longitude on the interval [0:2.5:357.5]) zhd_lon1 = VMF1_data_int_h1(1,5) + (VMF1_data_int_h1(2,5)-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,5))*(lon_deg-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,2))/(VMF1_data_int_h1(2,2)-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,2)) zhd_lon2 = VMF1_data_int_h1(3,5) + (VMF1_data_int_h1(4,5)-VMF1_data_int_h1(3,5))*(lon_deg-VMF1_data_int_h1(3,2))/(VMF1_data_int_h1(4,2)-VMF1_data_int_h1(3,2)) zwd_lon1 = VMF1_data_int_h1(1,6) + (VMF1_data_int_h1(2,6)-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,6))*(lon_deg-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,2))/(VMF1_data_int_h1(2,2)-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,2)) zwd_lon2 = VMF1_data_int_h1(3,6) + (VMF1_data_int_h1(4,6)-VMF1_data_int_h1(3,6))*(lon_deg-VMF1_data_int_h1(3,2))/(VMF1_data_int_h1(4,2)-VMF1_data_int_h1(3,2)) mfh_lon1 = VMF1_data_int_h1(1,8) + (VMF1_data_int_h1(2,8)-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,8))*(lon_deg-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,2))/(VMF1_data_int_h1(2,2)-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,2)) mfh_lon2 = VMF1_data_int_h1(3,8) + (VMF1_data_int_h1(4,8)-VMF1_data_int_h1(3,8))*(lon_deg-VMF1_data_int_h1(3,2))/(VMF1_data_int_h1(4,2)-VMF1_data_int_h1(3,2)) mfw_lon1 = VMF1_data_int_h1(1,9) + (VMF1_data_int_h1(2,9)-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,9))*(lon_deg-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,2))/(VMF1_data_int_h1(2,2)-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,2)) mfw_lon2 = VMF1_data_int_h1(3,9) + (VMF1_data_int_h1(4,9)-VMF1_data_int_h1(3,9))*(lon_deg-VMF1_data_int_h1(3,2))/(VMF1_data_int_h1(4,2)-VMF1_data_int_h1(3,2)) else ! if the station coincides with the longitude of the grid zhd_lon1 = VMF1_data_int_h1(1,5) zhd_lon2 = VMF1_data_int_h1(3,5) zwd_lon1 = VMF1_data_int_h1(1,6) zwd_lon2 = VMF1_data_int_h1(3,6) mfh_lon1 = VMF1_data_int_h1(1,8) mfh_lon2 = VMF1_data_int_h1(3,8) mfw_lon1 = VMF1_data_int_h1(1,9) mfw_lon2 = VMF1_data_int_h1(3,9) end if ! linear interpolation for latitude if (VMF1_data_int_h1(1,1) /= VMF1_data_int_h1(3,1)) then zhd = zhd_lon1 + (zhd_lon2-zhd_lon1)*(lat_deg-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,1))/(VMF1_data_int_h1(3,1)-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,1)) zwd = zwd_lon1 + (zwd_lon2-zwd_lon1)*(lat_deg-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,1))/(VMF1_data_int_h1(3,1)-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,1)) mfh = mfh_lon1 + (mfh_lon2-mfh_lon1)*(lat_deg-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,1))/(VMF1_data_int_h1(3,1)-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,1)) mfw = mfw_lon1 + (mfw_lon2-mfw_lon1)*(lat_deg-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,1))/(VMF1_data_int_h1(3,1)-VMF1_data_int_h1(1,1)) else ! if the station coincides with the latitude of the grid zhd = zhd_lon1 zwd = zwd_lon1 mfh = mfh_lon1 mfw = mfw_lon1 end if end if end subroutine