# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author: zadavi """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd def gpt3_5_fast_readGrid(filename ='gpt3_5.grd'): # ============================================================================= # gpt3_5_fast_readGrid.py # This routine reads the grid 'gpt3_5.grd' and overgives the respective # parameters in a cell. It must be placed ahead of the for loop, which runs # through all observations in order to save a huge time amount. The related # function "gpt3_5_fast.py" must then replace the default # "gpt3_5.m" at the respective location in the text. # File created by Daniel Landskron, 2017-04-12 # File Converted to python script by Zohreh Adavi zohreh.adavi@tuwien.ac.at, February 2023 # ============================================================================= # read gridfile file=open(filename) C = pd.read_csv(file ,skiprows=[i for i in range(0,1)],sep='\s+',skipfooter =0, skip_blank_lines=True,header = None, index_col= False ) file.close() p_grid = C.loc[:,np.arange(2,7)] T_grid = C.loc[:,np.arange(7,12)] Q_grid = C.loc[:,np.arange(12,17)] / 1000 dT_grid= C.loc[:,np.arange(17,22)] / 1000 u_grid = C.loc[:,22] Hs_grid = C.loc[:,23] ah_grid = C.loc[:,np.arange(24,29)] / 1000 aw_grid = C.loc[:,np.arange(29,34)] / 1000 la_grid = C.loc[:,np.arange(34,39)] Tm_grid = C.loc[:,np.arange(39,44)] Gn_h_grid = C.loc[:,np.arange(44,49)] / 100000 Ge_h_grid = C.loc[:,np.arange(49,54)] / 100000 Gn_w_grid = C.loc[:,np.arange(54,59)] / 100000 Ge_w_grid = C.loc[:,np.arange(59,64)] / 100000 # combine all data to on cell grid gpt3_grid={} gpt3_grid[0]=p_grid gpt3_grid[1]=T_grid gpt3_grid[2]=Q_grid gpt3_grid[3]=dT_grid gpt3_grid[4]=u_grid gpt3_grid[5]=Hs_grid gpt3_grid[6]=ah_grid gpt3_grid[7]=aw_grid gpt3_grid[8]=la_grid gpt3_grid[9]=Tm_grid gpt3_grid[10]=Gn_h_grid gpt3_grid[11]=Ge_h_grid gpt3_grid[12]=Gn_w_grid gpt3_grid[13]=Ge_w_grid return gpt3_grid # ============================================================================= def gpt3_5_fast(mjd = None,lat = None,lon = None,h_ell = None,it = None): grid=gpt3_5_fast_readGrid(filename ='gpt3_5.grd') # (c) Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Vienna University of Technology, 2017 # ============================================================================= # This subroutine determines pressure, temperature, temperature lapse rate, # mean temperature of the water vapor, water vapour pressure, hydrostatic # and wet mapping function coefficients ah and aw, water vapour decrease # factor, geoid undulation and empirical tropospheric gradients for # specific sites near the earth's surface. All output values are valid for # the specified ellipsoidal height h_ell. # GPT3_5 is based on a 5°x5° external grid file ('gpt3_5.grd') with mean # values as well as sine and cosine amplitudes for the annual and # semiannual variation of the coefficients. # This file goes together with 'gpt3_5_fast_readGrid.m', which reads the # grid and saves it in cell structures, what, especially for large numbers # of stations, significantly reduces runtime compared to gpt3_5.m. # gpt3_5_fast_readGrid' must be placed ahead of the for loop, in which # gpt3_5_fast is positioned. # Reference: # D. Landskron, J. Böhm (2018), VMF3/GPT3: Refined Discrete and Empirical Troposphere Mapping Functions, # J Geod (2018) 92: 349., doi: 10.1007/s00190-017-1066-2. # Download at: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007#2Fs00190-017-1066-2.pdf # Input parameters: # ------------------- # mjd: modified Julian date (scalar, only one epoch per call is possible) # lat: ellipsoidal latitude in radians [-pi/2:+pi/2] (vector) # lon: longitude in radians [-pi:pi] or [0:2pi] (vector) # h_ell: ellipsoidal height in m (vector) # it: case 1: no time variation but static quantities # case 0: with time variation (annual and semiannual terms) # Output parameters: # ------------------- # p: pressure in hPa (vector) # T: temperature in degrees Celsius (vector) # dT: temperature lapse rate in degrees per km (vector) # Tm: mean temperature weighted with the water vapor in degrees Kelvin (vector) # e: water vapour pressure in hPa (vector) # ah: hydrostatic mapping function coefficient (VMF3) (vector) # aw: wet mapping function coefficient (VMF3) (vector) # la: water vapour decrease factor (vector) # undu: geoid undulation in m (vector) # Gn_h: hydrostatic north gradient in m (vector) # Ge_h: hydrostatic east gradient in m (vector) # Gn_w: wet north gradient in m (vector) # Ge_w: wet east gradient in m (vector) # File created by Daniel Landskron, 2017-04-12 # File Converted to python script by Zohreh Adavi zohreh.adavi@tuwien.ac.at, 2023-02-20 # ============================================================================= lat=np.array(lat) lon=np.array(lon) h_ell=np.array(h_ell) # convert mjd to doy hour = int(np.floor((mjd - int(np.floor(mjd))) * 24)) minu = int(np.floor((((mjd - int(np.floor(mjd))) * 24) - hour) * 60)) sec = (((((mjd - int(np.floor(mjd))) * 24) - hour) * 60) - minu) * 60 # change secs, min hour whose sec==60 if sec==60: minu=minu+1 sec=0 if minu==60: hour=hour+1 minu=0 # calc jd (yet wrong for hour==24) jd = mjd + 2400000.5 # if hr==24, correct jd and set hour==0 if hour==24: jd=jd+1 hour=0 # integer julian date jd_int = int(np.floor(jd + 0.5)) aa = jd_int + 32044 bb = int(np.floor((4 * aa + 3) / 146097)) cc = aa - int(np.floor((bb * 146097) / 4)) dd = int(np.floor((4 * cc + 3) / 1461)) ee = cc - int(np.floor((1461 * dd) / 4)) mm = int(np.floor((5 * ee + 2) / 153)) day = ee - int(np.floor((153 * mm + 2) / 5)) + 1 month = mm + 3 - 12 * int(np.floor(mm / 10)) year = bb * 100 + dd - 4800 + int(np.floor(mm / 10)) # first check if the specified year is leap year or not (logical output) leapYear = (np.logical_or((np.mod(year,4) == np.logical_and(0,np.mod(year,100)) != 0),np.mod(year,400)) == 0) days = np.array([31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]) doy = sum(days[range(0,month-1)]) + day if leapYear == 1 and month > 2: doy = doy + 1 doy = doy + mjd - int(np.floor(mjd)) # determine the GPT3 coefficients # mean gravity in m/s**2 gm = 9.80665 # molar mass of dry air in kg/mol dMtr = 28.965 * 10 ** - 3 # universal gas constant in J/K/mol Rg = 8.3143 # factors for amplitudes if (it == 1): cosfy = 0 coshy = 0 sinfy = 0 sinhy = 0 else: cosfy = np.cos(doy / 365.25 * 2 * np.pi) coshy = np.cos(doy / 365.25 * 4 * np.pi) sinfy = np.sin(doy / 365.25 * 2 * np.pi) sinhy = np.sin(doy / 365.25 * 4 * np.pi) # read the respective data from the grid p_grid = grid[0] T_grid = grid[1] Q_grid = grid[2] dT_grid = grid[3] u_grid = grid[4] Hs_grid = grid[5] ah_grid = grid[6] aw_grid = grid[7] la_grid = grid[8] Tm_grid = grid[9] Gn_h_grid = grid[10] Ge_h_grid = grid[11] Gn_w_grid = grid[12] Ge_w_grid = grid[13] # determine the number of stations nstat = lat.size # initialization p = np.zeros(np.array([nstat,1])) T = np.zeros(np.array([nstat,1])) dT = np.zeros(np.array([nstat,1])) Tm = np.zeros(np.array([nstat,1])) e = np.zeros(np.array([nstat,1])) ah = np.zeros(np.array([nstat,1])) aw = np.zeros(np.array([nstat,1])) la = np.zeros(np.array([nstat,1])) undu = np.zeros(np.array([nstat,1])) Gn_h = np.zeros(np.array([nstat,1])) Ge_h = np.zeros(np.array([nstat,1])) Gn_w = np.zeros(np.array([nstat,1])) Ge_w = np.zeros(np.array([nstat,1])) # loop over stations for k in range(0,nstat): # only positive longitude in degrees if lon < 0: plon = (lon + 2 * np.pi) * 180 / np.pi else: plon = lon * 180 / np.pi # transform to polar distance in degrees ppod = (- lat + np.pi / 2) * 180 / np.pi # find the index (line in the grid file) of the nearest point ipod = int(np.floor((ppod + 5) / 5)) ilon = int(np.floor((plon + 5) / 5)) # normalized (to one) differences, can be positive or negative diffpod = (ppod - (ipod * 5 - 2.5)) / 5 difflon = (plon - (ilon * 5 - 2.5)) / 5 if ipod == 36: ipod = 35 if ilon == 72: ilon = 0 if ilon == -1: ilon = 71 indx=[] # get the number of the corresponding line indx.append((ipod - 1) * 72 + ilon-1) # near the poles: nearest neighbour interpolation, otherwise: bilinear bilinear = 0 if ppod > 2.5 and ppod < 177.5: bilinear = 1 # case of nearest neighbourhood if bilinear == 0: ix = indx[0] # transforming ellipsoidal height to orthometric height undu[k] = u_grid[ix] hgt = h_ell - undu[k] # pressure, temperature at the height of the grid T0 = T_grid.iloc[ix,0] + T_grid.iloc[ix,1] * cosfy + T_grid.iloc[ix,2] * sinfy + T_grid.iloc[ix,3] * coshy + T_grid.iloc[ix,4] * sinhy p0 = p_grid.iloc[ix,0] + p_grid.iloc[ix,1] * cosfy + p_grid.iloc[ix,2] * sinfy + p_grid.iloc[ix,3] * coshy + p_grid.iloc[ix,4] * sinhy # specific humidity Q = Q_grid.iloc[ix,0] + Q_grid.iloc[ix,1] * cosfy + Q_grid.iloc[ix,2] * sinfy + Q_grid.iloc[ix,3] * coshy + Q_grid.iloc[ix,4] * sinhy # lapse rate of the temperature dT[k] = dT_grid.iloc[ix,0] + dT_grid.iloc[ix,1] * cosfy + dT_grid.iloc[ix,2] * sinfy + dT_grid.iloc[ix,3] * coshy + dT_grid.iloc[ix,4] * sinhy # station height - grid height redh = hgt - Hs_grid[ix] # temperature at station height in Celsius T[k] = T0 + dT[k] * redh - 273.15 # temperature lapse rate in degrees / km dT[k] = dT[k] * 1000 # virtual temperature in Kelvin Tv = T0 * (1 + 0.6077 * Q) c = gm * dMtr / (Rg * Tv) # pressure in hPa p[k] = (p0 * np.exp(- c * redh)) / 100 # hydrostatic and wet coefficients ah and aw ah[k] = ah_grid.iloc[ix,0] + ah_grid.iloc[ix,1] * cosfy + ah_grid.iloc[ix,2] * sinfy + ah_grid.iloc[ix,3] * coshy + ah_grid.iloc[ix,4] * sinhy aw[k] = aw_grid.iloc[ix,0] + aw_grid.iloc[ix,1] * cosfy + aw_grid.iloc[ix,2] * sinfy + aw_grid.iloc[ix,3] * coshy + aw_grid.iloc[ix,4] * sinhy # water vapour decrease factor la la[k] = la_grid.iloc[ix,0] + la_grid.iloc[ix,1] * cosfy + la_grid.iloc[ix,2] * sinfy + la_grid.iloc[ix,3] * coshy + la_grid.iloc[ix,4] * sinhy # mean temperature Tm Tm[k] = Tm_grid.iloc[ix,0] + Tm_grid.iloc[ix,1] * cosfy + Tm_grid.iloc[ix,2] * sinfy + Tm_grid.iloc[ix,3] * coshy + Tm_grid.iloc[ix,4] * sinhy # north and east gradients (total, hydrostatic and wet) Gn_h[k] = Gn_h_grid.iloc[ix,0] + Gn_h_grid.iloc[ix,1] * cosfy + Gn_h_grid.iloc[ix,2] * sinfy + Gn_h_grid.iloc[ix,3] * coshy + Gn_h_grid.iloc[ix,4] * sinhy Ge_h[k] = Ge_h_grid.iloc[ix,0] + Ge_h_grid.iloc[ix,1] * cosfy + Ge_h_grid.iloc[ix,2] * sinfy + Ge_h_grid.iloc[ix,3] * coshy + Ge_h_grid.iloc[ix,4] * sinhy Gn_w[k] = Gn_w_grid.iloc[ix,0] + Gn_w_grid.iloc[ix,1] * cosfy + Gn_w_grid.iloc[ix,2] * sinfy + Gn_w_grid.iloc[ix,3] * coshy + Gn_w_grid.iloc[ix,4] * sinhy Ge_w[k] = Ge_w_grid.iloc[ix,0] + Ge_w_grid.iloc[ix,1] * cosfy + Ge_w_grid.iloc[ix,2] * sinfy + Ge_w_grid.iloc[ix,3] * coshy + Ge_w_grid.iloc[ix,4] * sinhy # water vapor pressure in hPa e0 = Q * p0 / (0.622 + 0.378 * Q) / 100 e[k] = e0 * (100 * p[k] / p0) ** (la[k] + 1) else: ipod1 = int(ipod + np.sign(diffpod)) ilon1 = int(ilon + np.sign(difflon)) if ilon1 == 72: ilon1 = 0 if ilon1 == -1: ilon1 = 71 # get the number of the line indx.append((ipod1 - 1) * 72 + ilon-1) indx.append((ipod - 1) * 72 + ilon1-1) indx.append((ipod1 - 1) * 72 + ilon1-1) # transforming ellipsoidal height to orthometric height: Hortho = -N + Hell undul = u_grid[indx] hgt = h_ell - undul # pressure, temperature at the height of the grid T0 = T_grid.iloc[indx,0] + T_grid.iloc[indx,1] * cosfy + T_grid.iloc[indx,2] * sinfy + T_grid.iloc[indx,3] * coshy + T_grid.iloc[indx,4] * sinhy p0 = p_grid.iloc[indx,0] + p_grid.iloc[indx,1] * cosfy + p_grid.iloc[indx,2] * sinfy + p_grid.iloc[indx,3] * coshy + p_grid.iloc[indx,4] * sinhy # humidity Ql = Q_grid.iloc[indx,0] + Q_grid.iloc[indx,1] * cosfy + Q_grid.iloc[indx,2] * sinfy + Q_grid.iloc[indx,3] * coshy + Q_grid.iloc[indx,4] * sinhy # reduction = stationheight - gridheight Hs1 = Hs_grid[indx] redh = hgt - Hs1 # lapse rate of the temperature in degree / m dTl = dT_grid.iloc[indx,0] + dT_grid.iloc[indx,1] * cosfy + dT_grid.iloc[indx,2] * sinfy + dT_grid.iloc[indx,3] * coshy + dT_grid.iloc[indx,4] * sinhy # temperature reduction to station height Tl = T0 + np.multiply(dTl,redh) - 273.15 # virtual temperature Tv = np.multiply(T0,(1 + 0.6077 * Ql)) c = gm * dMtr / (Rg * Tv) # pressure in hPa pl = (np.multiply(p0,np.exp(np.multiply(- c,redh)))) / 100 # hydrostatic and wet coefficients ah and aw ahl = ah_grid.iloc[indx,0] + ah_grid.iloc[indx,1] * cosfy + ah_grid.iloc[indx,2] * sinfy + ah_grid.iloc[indx,3] * coshy + ah_grid.iloc[indx,4] * sinhy awl = aw_grid.iloc[indx,0] + aw_grid.iloc[indx,1] * cosfy + aw_grid.iloc[indx,2] * sinfy + aw_grid.iloc[indx,3] * coshy + aw_grid.iloc[indx,4] * sinhy # water vapour decrease factor la lal = la_grid.iloc[indx,0] + la_grid.iloc[indx,1] * cosfy + la_grid.iloc[indx,2] * sinfy + la_grid.iloc[indx,3] * coshy + la_grid.iloc[indx,4] * sinhy # mean temperature of the water vapor Tm Tml = Tm_grid.iloc[indx,0] + Tm_grid.iloc[indx,1] * cosfy + Tm_grid.iloc[indx,2] * sinfy + Tm_grid.iloc[indx,3] * coshy + Tm_grid.iloc[indx,4] * sinhy # north and east gradients (total, hydrostatic and wet) Gn_hl = Gn_h_grid.iloc[indx,0] + Gn_h_grid.iloc[indx,1] * cosfy + Gn_h_grid.iloc[indx,2] * sinfy + Gn_h_grid.iloc[indx,3] * coshy + Gn_h_grid.iloc[indx,4] * sinhy Ge_hl = Ge_h_grid.iloc[indx,0] + Ge_h_grid.iloc[indx,1] * cosfy + Ge_h_grid.iloc[indx,2] * sinfy + Ge_h_grid.iloc[indx,3] * coshy + Ge_h_grid.iloc[indx,4] * sinhy Gn_wl = Gn_w_grid.iloc[indx,0] + Gn_w_grid.iloc[indx,1] * cosfy + Gn_w_grid.iloc[indx,2] * sinfy + Gn_w_grid.iloc[indx,3] * coshy + Gn_w_grid.iloc[indx,4] * sinhy Ge_wl = Ge_w_grid.iloc[indx,0] + Ge_w_grid.iloc[indx,1] * cosfy + Ge_w_grid.iloc[indx,2] * sinfy + Ge_w_grid.iloc[indx,3] * coshy + Ge_w_grid.iloc[indx,4] * sinhy # water vapor pressure in hPa e0 = np.multiply(Ql,p0) / (0.622 + 0.378 * Ql) / 100 el = np.multiply(e0,(100.0 * pl / p0) ** (lal + 1)) dnpod1 = np.abs(diffpod) dnpod2 = 1 - dnpod1 dnlon1 = np.abs(difflon) dnlon2 = 1 - dnlon1 # pressure R1 = dnpod2 * pl.iloc[0] + dnpod1 * pl.iloc[1] R2 = dnpod2 * pl.iloc[2] + dnpod1 * pl.iloc[3] p[k] = dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2 # temperature R1 = dnpod2 * Tl.iloc[0] + dnpod1 * Tl.iloc[1] R2 = dnpod2 * Tl.iloc[2] + dnpod1 * Tl.iloc[3] T[k] = dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2 # temperature in degree per km R1 = dnpod2 * dTl.iloc[0] + dnpod1 * dTl.iloc[1] R2 = dnpod2 * dTl.iloc[2] + dnpod1 * dTl.iloc[3] dT[k] = (dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2) * 1000 # water vapor pressure in hPa R1 = dnpod2 * el.iloc[0] + dnpod1 * el.iloc[1] R2 = dnpod2 * el.iloc[2] + dnpod1 * el.iloc[3] e[k] = dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2 # ah and aw R1 = dnpod2 * ahl.iloc[0] + dnpod1 * ahl.iloc[1] R2 = dnpod2 * ahl.iloc[2] + dnpod1 * ahl.iloc[3] ah[k] = dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2 R1 = dnpod2 * awl.iloc[0] + dnpod1 * awl.iloc[1] R2 = dnpod2 * awl.iloc[2] + dnpod1 * awl.iloc[3] aw[k] = dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2 # undulation R1 = dnpod2 * undul.iloc[0] + dnpod1 * undul.iloc[1] R2 = dnpod2 * undul.iloc[2] + dnpod1 * undul.iloc[3] undu[k] = dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2 # water vapor decrease factor la R1 = dnpod2 * lal.iloc[0] + dnpod1 * lal.iloc[1] R2 = dnpod2 * lal.iloc[2] + dnpod1 * lal.iloc[3] la[k] = dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2 # gradients R1 = dnpod2 * Gn_hl.iloc[0] + dnpod1 * Gn_hl.iloc[1] R2 = dnpod2 * Gn_hl.iloc[2] + dnpod1 * Gn_hl.iloc[3] Gn_h[k] = (dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2) R1 = dnpod2 * Ge_hl.iloc[0] + dnpod1 * Ge_hl.iloc[1] R2 = dnpod2 * Ge_hl.iloc[2] + dnpod1 * Ge_hl.iloc[3] Ge_h[k] = (dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2) R1 = dnpod2 * Gn_wl.iloc[0] + dnpod1 * Gn_wl.iloc[1] R2 = dnpod2 * Gn_wl.iloc[2] + dnpod1 * Gn_wl.iloc[3] Gn_w[k] = (dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2) R1 = dnpod2 * Ge_wl.iloc[0] + dnpod1 * Ge_wl.iloc[1] R2 = dnpod2 * Ge_wl.iloc[2] + dnpod1 * Ge_wl.iloc[3] Ge_w[k] = (dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2) # mean temperature of the water vapor Tm R1 = dnpod2 * Tml.iloc[0] + dnpod1 * Tml.iloc[1] R2 = dnpod2 * Tml.iloc[2] + dnpod1 * Tml.iloc[3] Tm[k] = dnlon2 * R1 + dnlon1 * R2 return p,T,dT,Tm,e,ah,aw,la,undu,Gn_h,Ge_h,Gn_w,Ge_w